This was posted 6 years 7 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Hack] 'Hawaiian' Pizza for $7 @ Domino's


If you think this needs to be moved to the forums feel free. But I just realised you can get a $7 Hawaiian pizza with a really simple hack: select a $5 ham and cheese pizza and then just add pineapple for $2. Easy!

Edit: You may need to use a $5 value pizza coupon from here

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closed Comments

  • -7

    Dude that's a hack at best, not a deal.
    But good try šŸ‘

    • +6

      Using the system as intended isn't really a hack …

  • +3

    pineapple is $2

  • +16

    For me in Perth:

    Ham & Cheese pizza: $5.95
    add pineapple: $2
    add extra mozzarella (like Hawaiian has) $2

    total: $9.95

    vs Hawaiian with voucher code 989145 (there is always one working for traditional pickup)
    $8.93 .

    Sorry, hack loses.

    • +11

      $10 for a dominos Hawaiian is too much.

      • yep, they are worth $5 (maybe 6).

        • -2

          Maybe you should try running a pizza franchise and show us how that is possible.
          Hiring people on student visas for less than minimum wage?

        • @manic: I did. They are worth $4 (maybe 5).

      • They do a New york Hawaiian. I used the 40% coupon code yesterday. Ended up being $10 for a very large pizza

        • +1

          How big is very large if their large is tiny?

        • +7

          @KLoNe: if
          large = tiny
          very large = very tiny

        • @KLoNe:

          Their New York range is actually quite big. 16" diameter as compared to the normal large pizza which is 12" But someone was doing the maths and pointed out you end up paying double per square inch of pizza.

    • maths wins out on the day.

    • I get the supreme (7.95 with deal), remove everything except pineapple and bacon and then add extra pineapple and ham - comes out at 7.95 with lots of pineapple, bacon and ham

    • +21

      All those degenerates voting you down, I'm sorry.

    • +6

      Fighting the good fight, sir.

    • +2

      Kill the pineapple and add anchovies like a boss

      • +2

        Strawberries ftw

      • One of my friends ordered quadruple anchovies and pineapple.

    • +2

      Could this be the most contested comment in OzBargain history?

      • +1

        I think the records or epic deals page needs a category for this!
        (positive votes + negative votes) / abs(net votes)

        • @scotty?

          Edit: well I thought that would work :'(

  • +8

    If you buy 2 pizzas, you can also go to Coles and grab a can of pineapple pieces for $2 and your pizzas end up costing $6 each.

    Let the hack wars begin!

    • +56

      If you grow your own pineapples, then theyā€™re almost free.

      • +24

        If you just eat carrots and cat food then you donā€™t need pizza. The ultimate hack.

      • Pineapples take 2 years, but sure you can wait.

        • +11

          I think the pizza would probably be cold by then

      • +11

        I grow my own pineapple and ham pizzas on the pizza tree. I do have to pay around 70c for cheese though

    • +14

      if you didnt eat 2 pizza, you will save 12$!

    • I bought one 5 months ago, mated with it, and now we have a litter of little pizzas running around. Apparently the gestation period for a pizza is much shorter. Not my proudest moment, but the fruits of my labour were worth the savings.

  • -1

    If you add pineapple šŸ then remove it, can you get a Warney for $5?

  • Pizza on pineapple (Y)

  • +4

    A dominos hawaian is supposed to have a certain amount of pineapple - im pretty certain they have photos for the workers of what its supposed to look like for quality control

    a ham and cheese + extra pineapple could be hit and miss .

    • +5

      Iā€™m pretty sure minimum wage doesnā€™t buy you hundreds of picture perfect pizzas per day.

      • less than minimum wage…. allegedly

        • More than minimum penalty rates…allegedly.

    • +16

      Used to be 90g ham 90g pineapple. Extra topping is 45g so would need 2x extra for the same amount (unless itā€™s changed)

    • Yeah but its only really kids who eat ham and pineapple anyway and they will never notice.

    • No. Thereā€™s no photos for staff

  • Arent the $5 pizzas smaller and shittier than the traditional full priced ones?

    • +2

      Not sure about smaller but they definitely seem shittier…

      • I dispute that - I highly doubt that anything is shittier than a normal Dominos pizza.

  • +4

    How ā€˜bout Hawaiian pizza šŸ•, extra cheese šŸ§€ extra pineapple šŸ or alternatively, B1G1F Hawaiian pizza šŸ• (code 989241) and scrape one off onto the other to get a free pizza šŸ• base.

    • +1

      Buy some yeast, flour, water, cheese, pineapple, ham, and tomato paste then you can make like 20 Hawaiians for a fraction of the cost.

      • +2

        I don't have a
        Dough mixer
        Rolling pin
        Pizza tray
        Oven (I think this is important?)
        Pizza cutter

        I don't think I can make pizza without any of those…

        How much extra money will I need above the $20?

        • +5

          A dominos oven only costs like 60. K.

        • +1

          Dough mixer
          Rolling pin
          Pizza cutter


          Pizza tray

          Do you have a pan and stove top?

        • Oven I'll give you in particular (though you could do the pan if you wanted to) but none of the rest are needed… a mixing bowl, baking tray, hands, measuring cups/spoons, and a chef's knife (preferably) are all you need. If you don't have those then you're probably pretty limited in your options to save money on food anyways so just buy the pizza, but this is OzBargain, no?

          Aside the economics, you also have the bonus of having a good pizza instead of Domino's cardboard.

  • -2

    I you must buy this rubbish masquerading as pizza online, make sure you use a false phone number and email address. They sell this info and you will be the target of sms and email spammers.

    • +1

      But how will I know when the pizza is ready?

      • +14

        Thatā€™s a crappy thing to do as a friend. Iā€™d stop hanging out with you for that.

  • They all taste the same to me :-)

  • +8

    Old mate read an article on the Daily Mail. Oldest comment 11 hours ago.

    • Good find

    • Daily Mail.

    • Is the OP Benny Bogan??

  • Add tomato for soggyness

  • +7

    This isn't a Hawaiian Pizza because its going to have half the pineapple of a regular hawaiian pizza.

    It will cost $9 for a real Hawaiian Pizza, which isn't worth it.

  • +2

    Gonna have half the cheese and pineapple of a regular one.

  • +13

    $3 Coles Hawaiian is the mother of hacks.

    • +1

      Well, if you want to be technical, I'm not convinced it would only be $3. You would still have to heat up the oven/use the microwave in order to heat it up.
      However, if you were a ruthlessly hardcore oZbargainer, I guess you would just eat the pizza cold.

  • Deleting this "deal" is the mother of all hacks

  • Woah.. Woah now!!

    Step 1: Buy thisā€¦ for approx $1.
    Step 2: Install said pineapple pieces on said $5 Dominos pizza
    Step 3: Enjoy your dollar saved which could be used on say strippers and/or at the church offering every Sunday.

    • What's the cheapest oven you can buy?

    • And then recook it with your pizza oven?

      Its not going to taste very good if you just put some pineapple covered in juice on your pizza.

    • stf u

  • +3

    Tried this previously. They put less ingredients on the $5 pizza. Definitely not worth paying $7 for it.

  • -1
  • +3

    Youā€™ll end up with half the pineapple and half the mozzarella cheese with this so-called ā€˜hackā€™, so itā€™s not really a half-price Hawaiian.

    And… another crappy ā€˜dealā€™ ends up on the front page in less than 24 hours! Whatā€™s next?!

  • +1

    You are paying $7 for a value range pizza with a few pieces of pineapple and a touch of ham.

    Where's the deal?

    I'm not kidding when I say $5 ALDI frozen pizzas have more toppings and taste. And yes their Hawaiian has actually got pineapple.

  • Didn't Hawaiian used to be one of their value range pizzas?

    • Certainly was, somehow it is now 'worth' as much as pizzas with 8 meats or actual vegetables.

  • +1

    $2 for some pineapple isn't really worth it lol.

    They don't make the pizzas the same even with the same toppings.


    Buy a 400g can of pineapple slices for $1.20 = profit.

  • This doesn't even qualify as a hack.

  • This is a half hack, not even a deal.

  • Yes I've used this before when forced to buy dominos for kids parties. Got 10 pizzas for $60 last time a few weeks ago.

    Didn't notice any discussion among the kids about levels of pineapple and cheese being less than usual. If you are an adult eating ham and pineapple pizzas (possibly while wearing a onesie?), have a look at yourself.

  • This thread has been shut down by Russian hackers

    • Trump loves the Pineapples, they're good fruits

  • +1

    Or save $2 and add your own pineapple

  • lol no issue with the hack but its hardly original since benny bogan posted this some time ago, "i just realised"? lol… and dominos official position is that there is more cheese and pineapple in the Hawaiian. up to your judgement whether it's a bargain.

  • -1

    Super common knowledge that there are 'hacks' like this.
    Doesn't end up being cheaper.

    all that aside it's pineapple on Pizza. Only Sauce and herbs belong on pizza.

  • The new meta is the 8 meats pizza, adjust as needed.

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