This was posted 5 years 11 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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FREE 50g Pet Food Sample Delivered @ Ivory Coat Companion Goods


choose Puppy or Dog or Kitten or Cat … then Complete the Form! Request a Sample!

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the highest quality Australian-sourced ingredients, this high-protein and hypoallergenic grain free dry food promotes healthy digestion, and is packed full of wholesome ingredients including a high concentration of quality animal protein, for lean muscle maintenance.

You are Welcome x

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Thanks for that. My cat loves food, so she'll appreciate the food and I'll appreciate it's free! :D

  • +7

    Cheers. What is everyone else having for dinner?

  • +3

    Really good looking dog food. Grain free, high protein and high fat as it should be. Thanks for sharing.

    • +1

      If only humans were smart enough to eat like that.

      • +3

        Challenge accepted

  • Chris from Fernglade farm has a proper dog food recipe that even humans can eat !…

    Anyway, I modified my own muesli and biscuit recipes for the purposes of producing the dogs breakfast muesli and night-time biscuits. Here are the recipes.

    Take any old vegetables (with the exception of onions which I’m led to believe are toxic to dogs) and fruit then cut them up into small chunks and roast them until they are soft. I include whatever is in season but in the photo below are: apples; bananas; potatoes; carrots; pumpkin; and radish. I’ve also put in ginger, garlic, sweet potato, zucchini you name it – whatever is to hand.

    Once the stuff in the dish is properly roasted so that it is all soft then blitz the lot until it is a paste. Blitz is just a fancy word for turning the whole lot into a mash. And just because I like saying the word here it is again: Blitz!

    Then take three scoops of that mash. Add two cups of flour and then mix the lot until most of the moisture disappears and the whole lot becomes sort of crumbly. Add in two cups of oats. Add one cup of sunflower kernels. Add one cup of unsalted roasted peanuts. Add four eggs to the mix. It is a total shame that I cannot use the word blitz here, as you have to mix the lot together instead.

    Then using a small spoon, plate out the individual biscuits onto a tray so that you can chuck them in the oven. Before you place the tray in the oven it is not a bad idea to drizzle a small amount of olive oil onto the biscuits.

    In the oven they require a slow cook over about an hour to an hour and a half so they get really crunchy and brown – remember that black is burnt (edit – a famous Gordon Ramsayism “if its brown its cooked and if its blacked its fooked – whatever that means) – although the dogs will still eat them even if black. For a gas oven I set the temperature to 180’C (356’F). For the electric oven they are cooked at 150’C (302’F) and the wood oven they are cooked at 110’C (230’F).

    These things are really tasty to eat too.

    The author enjoying the sight of dog biscuits baking in the solar powered electric oven
    Muesli is the same mix but instead of making individual biscuits you add more oats, flour and sunflower kernels to the mix so that it is drier again. You can even chuck in some dessicated coconut to the mix too. The difference is that you drizzle honey instead of olive oil over the mix. The other difference with baking the muesli is that you have to turn the mix over every half hour or so. 100% too easy, and much cheaper than buying commercial dog food.

    As an interesting side note, the local native birds now consume all of the dog manure here, which saves me the hassle of having to pick it up and put it into the worm farm. The other interesting thing is that the dogs themselves smell very neutral and their coats are also quite dry and clean feeling.

    • +3


      • +3

        Giant wall of text. My eyes…

    • +1

      I hope you only give this as a treat and not as the main meal?

    • But,..what will they do with all the horses that end up surplus to the horse racing industry's requirements!?

    • +1

      Overall this sounds nice for your dog, if these are just treats. Except oats and flour are not good for dogs - grains are not biologically appropriate for dogs. Also, go light on the garlic. Garlic and onions cause digestive discomfort to many dogs.

      Domestic dogs, whether a german shepherd or a miniature chihuahua, have the same digestive system as a wolf in the wild. They are designed to eat a primary diet of raw meat and raw bones. If you want your dog to be as healthy as it can be, this should always be the major part of their diet.

      If birds are eating your dog's faeces, it's because the dogs are eating too much grain that they cannot digest. Dogs are not designed to be vegetarians. A healthy dog will have hard crumbly pellets of poo, which are high in calcium because they eat plenty of raw bone.

  • +5

    Thanks dinner sorted

  • +3

    Is this suitable for vegan pets? I got my dog from Melbourne.

    • I thought vegans wanted animals to be healthy?

    • Vegan carnivores don't usually last very long. xD

  • +1

    Thanks OP.

  • +2

    Thanks OP. I believe this is one of the best dry dog foods. We tried it with our older dog who suffered from skin allergies but it didn’t clear it up. We switched to a raw diet (butcher pet mince mixed with packet veggies plus a brisket bone) and her skin has cleared up. Discussion here…

  • Dry food is bad for dogs and cats, and promotes dehydration, which leads to organ stress and degenerative diseases like kidney disease, allergies and even cancer.

    Dogs are genetically designed to eat raw meat and raw bones. 70% raw meat and bone, 15% offal and 15% vegetables will make your dog happy and healthy. I can make two weeks food for my mid sized dog for less than $20 using chicken frames, chicken wing tips, offal (heart, kidney etc), beef mince, beef bones etc. Grate a few veggies ands mix it into the mince.

    Chewing bones also help clean dog's teeth, which is important for overall health.

    Don't use dry food, even if it's free.

    • ayoole do you freeze this mix?
      how do you store it for two weeks

      also how many kilograms do you mince
      could you please give us an idea as to quantities
      Just trying to figure out how much quantity and time I will need, once a fortnight

      Also how do you decide how much to feed
      eg the dry good bag talks about how much dry food to give


      chewing bones help clean dog's teeth, brushing does a better job imho

      • +1

        Sure thing. My dog is a mid sized labradoodle, and he eats two meals a day. As a rough guide, dogs should eat 100 grams of food per day per 4kg of body weight. So my 6kg dog gets 2 x 75g meals per day. However, bone-based meals should weigh a little more, because much of the bone is expelled. I typically give my dog a 100g bone meal, or 75g meat meal. In my case, that works out to about the size of your hand excluding the fingers.

        For two weeks food, I will probably have 2-3 kilos of raw chicken or turkey offcuts, which you can buy at Coles and Woolies nowadays, although it's much cheaper at the butcher or chicken shop. This includes chicken frames (the bone carcass after meat for human consumption has been removed), wing tips, whole wings, necks, giblets, hearts etc. A bag of beef or lamb bones from the butcher will usually cost a couple of dollars. Keep the bones and carcasses as whole as possible, so long as your dog can manage it. Chewing bones increases dental health in a way brushing cannot, as it both cleans the tooth enamel and also strengthens the bone around the teeth, which makes the teeth stronger and longer lasting. (It's the same reason that humans who do regular resistance exercise have much lower rates of osteoporosis. Applying pressure to bones makes them grow stronger.) And it's a great form of exercise for dogs, who need strong jaw muscles.

        Then I'll buy a kilo of regular beef mince ($7 at Coles, but shop around) and half a kilo of offal like beef or lamb heart, kidney, tripe etc. My dog doesn't like liver, but yours might be fine with it. Liver is very rich, so only use in smaller amounts.

        Finely grate or blend a few vegetables, 200-400grams is enough. I add carrot, zucchini, apple (no seeds), spinach, lettuce, ripe tomatoes, and whatever else I have at hand. (Don't use onion, garlic, mushrooms, dried fruit, grapes, avocado, nuts or other seeded fruits.) Chop up the offal, mix with the mince and veg. Some people like to add a bit of vitamin powder or calcium powder, but I don't do that. Sometimes I throw in some grated cheese because my dog loves it. I roll it into portion-sized meatballs. You can serve these raw or cook them if you like. Remember that dog stomach acid is 5 times stronger than humans, so they can eat raw meat, including chicken, without getting sick.

        That's it. I freeze everything in single meal portions, and thaw as I need it. Thaw in the fridge for 24 hours, or on the kitchen bench in just a few hours. I generally give the calcium-rich food (bones, carcasses, chicken wings etc) in the morning, and softer foods like the meatballs or chicken giblets/offal at night. The dog will sometimes want to rub and clean its face on something (the ground is preferable to your carpet) after eating bones, so be conscious of where they are for 20 minutes after eating. Also be conscious that some dogs can be aggressive with bones around other dogs, so seperate dogs while eating if you need to. My dog will try to bury bones if he's not too hungry, so I take them off him if he tries. Try not to let your dog eat meaty bones that have been buried, it can give them stomach bugs. Fasting helps gut health, so it's okay if your dog skips a meal occasionally.

        It takes me 20-30 minutes to prep and freeze two weeks food. It's really easy, and so worthwhile for your dog's health.

        Dry food (and to a lesser extent canned food) is just processed muck. Imagine if you only ate cookies and tinned soup all the time. Your health would terrible. Dogs should eat a diet that replicates what they would eat in the wild. It's that simple.

        • thanks OP
          will read through and try it

          I tried chicken wings once for my lab
          He must have wolfed it down
          but he did throw them back up a couple of hours later
          perhaps I have to mince them first

          Dry food (and to a lesser extent canned food) is just processed muck

          not all companies do that; some use human grade produce

          Try not to let your dog eat meaty bones that have been buried

          don't think he has every left any meat on a bone, the greedy chap :)

        • @docians: not all companies do that; some use human grade produce

          So they say, but pet food in Australia is unregulated. They can say whatever they want on the label or in their marketing, but there is no way to verify or question their claims, and no law preventing them from throwing whatever they want into the mix. It took the poisoning death of several hundred dogs in the US to force regulatory changes to the pet food industry - changes that Australia has still not embraced.

          @docians: don't think he has every left any meat on a bone, the greedy chap :)

          Nope, there are never leftovers when there's a lab in the house! If your pup is a scoffer, give him larger bones that take time to chew.

        • @ayoole:

          They can say whatever they want on the label or in their marketing, but there is no way to verify or question their claims

          I guess that is true; Perhaps better to stick to American Brands? But then there is the question of irradiation at customs

          give him larger bones that take time to chew.

          once gave him a deer's antler that petstock said would last weeks
          23 minutes later….

  • +1

    thanks OP, Ive been trying to get a sample of this brand for my kitties, but each time it comes up on here they have never sent me one, i think i keep missing out and getting in too slow lol
    fingers crossed it comes this time, my kitties love new treats and I've heard so many people raving on about how good this brand is. thanks again!

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