• expired

Amazon 8% Cashback (was 6%) @ Shopback


Just received this deal via email. Time to start shopping.

Amazon Prime deals will be starting at 12 today. Great opportunity to pick up a bargain and to take advantage of the increased cashback.

Cashback is tracked within 4 DAYS from day of purchase.
Claim in 75 days.
Excludes taxes or GST, shipping fees or additional extras

By comparison, CR are offering 7.5%.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3583)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2018

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU
Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +3

    CR needs to pull its socks up!

  • how does shopback compare to cash rewards?

    • +4

      The earnings remain in pending status for ages compared to cashrewards

      • cash rewards is also showing pending in my account

        should find out how many days do they need to wait to compare

    • +5

      Shopback is a Singaporean company and CR is Australian. CR also pay out much much quicker.

      Really boils down to who has the best rate at the time usually.

      • what is the days difference between CR and shopback for payout from pending?

        in my CR it is showing pending..

        In terms of rate on amazon, shopback is definitely the highest right now and good for amazon prime day..

        Not sure if CR will match them for prime day today etc..
        if not they will be missing out on lots of purchases today.

        • Cashback approval is set by the stores and their affiliate networks. CR and SB use the same affiliate networks for tracking so there is no difference.

          The reason for the cashback pending for X amount of days is so that people don't buy X for $100, get $10 cashback, return for full refund and repeat.

        • @Clear:
          yes I know..

          I was just asking what the the pending days is and if there is difference in the days for CR and shopback
          since someone above said Shopback pending status is longer than CR

          So I wanted to know if that is true

          Do you know how much these cashback companies make if they are willing to give us e.g. 5 to 7% cashback on amazon etc..?

        • +1

          @pinkybrain: What usually happens is that one store will have 1-3 affiliate networks available to use. Some of these affiliate networks have different processing times. So CR could be using Affiliate #1 with 90 day pending and SB could be using Affiliate #2 with 180 day pending.

          For a lot of them the margins are very thin and a common tactic is to increase cashback at a loss to pull more people in. Shopback's eBay increases are the best example of this. They lose profit on the 2% but make up for it elsewhere.

          AliExpress for example offers cashback from 4-8%. With SB currently being 6% and 5% at CR. That means they're only potentially making 2-3% profit from each sale. This also means that their recent 10% promotions were at a loss.

        • @Clear: lol,I can see what u did there. I your assumptions, h out 180 days for SB. I think pending days for both of them are almost similar. 2 to 3 months.
          You will be fine with both of them and use CR if same rate for being Aussie.

        • @Gaggy: It was just a number I made up but I'm still right. The pending time between different affiliate networks can sometimes be different. Perhaps not that drastic though.

        • @Clear: if you are assuming, don't out numbers or companies then in your example.
          Also cb and sb both use same affiliate networks

        • @Gaggy: There were no assumptions. Affiliate networks having different pending times is fact.

        • @Clear: why not put more days for CR then?
          Not sure if you are getting the point.

        • -3

          @Gaggy: I get your point. You're wondering why I said 90 days for CR and 180 days for SB. Because it was a pretty damn clear example and I pulled those numbers out of my ass on the spot and you love to shit on CR. Simple.

        • @Clear: I like both and use both as well.

          But, looks like you are taking a sh it out of it and can't stand on what you wrote without any reason.

          You made 2 statements here. One for quick cash back from CR and other for delays from SB. I wanted to know if it is correct and you have been running away from it.

        • +2

          @Gaggy: There may have been a misunderstanding.

          The statement I was trying to make is that different affiliate networks have different approval times for you to be able to cashout the commission. I made up an example of Affiliate Network #1 cashing out after 90 days and Affiliate Network #2 cashing out after 180 days.

          I'll give a real world example this time using GeekBuying because I'm associated and they use 4 different affiliate networks.

          • Using admitad gives commission an average hold time of ~63 days.
          • Using Shareasale gives commission an average hold time of ~40 days.

          Shopback approve the transaction after 75 days.
          Cashrewards approve the transaction up to 65 days.

          So Shopback could approve it at the 75 day mark or even at the 100 day mark. And Cashrewards could approve it at the 50 day mark or even at the 65 day mark.

          I could be completely wrong here, but the affiliate networks they use might contribute to their approval times.

          Does this make sense?

        • @Clear: Yes, I think you got it complete wrong. After you gave your judgement,"you love to shit on CR". Pretty crap move I would say, if you could not stand on what you said previously and just started judging me. Where did I say bad about CR? I use both companies and select based on my purchases and rate. Like for Ebay and purchase of over $1200, I preferred SB as their rate was 2.5%. But, I dont hate CR. Thats what you do right? You choose best price from a store.

          I agree each company can vary on cashbacks and prefer Aussie companies if difference is marginal.

          In your initial comments, I could see you were clearly trying to portray statements for a store without any facts (being Associated with a store yourself, I am sure you didn't like that in the past). Hence, When you quoted CR to give cashback quicker and initial example showed double the time for SB. Unfortunately, I had to contest that as it does not seem to happen like that ( though you added 'could' in your example. Still Looked to me intentional. Your last comment was much better not predicting a store).

          In context to current deal, I can take example of Amazon Australia. I could see both CR and SB claiming less than 75 days. TBH, 5-10 days of delay does not cause major issue.

          I am happy that competition between the two is giving more money to buyers.

        • @Gaggy: I realise later that I had you mistaken for someone else. I am sorry for that… CR get a lot of unfounded hate.

          My intention was never to show favoritism to any store directly. I ended up making a really bad example of trying to explain how different stores can have different cashout times depending on the affiliate network they use.

          As for Amazon. They only use one affiliate network and it's their own in-house one called Amazon Associates. That's why both CR and SB are advertising the same cashout time of 75 days or less.

      • Indeed, I just check who's paying what before making a purchase.

        Ive received over $600 from CR and have about $60 sitting with SB.

        • $600?

          how much did you purchase total and from which stores mainly?

          That is a lot of cashback..

          Do you mean just check who has the highest rate?

        • @pinkybrain:

          Just lots of little transactions over 2 years, aliexpress, ebay, and Agoda. I was surprised it amounted to so much.

          Yeah, I just check who's got the best rate.

    • I find CR must faster at registering.

  • -8

    Wow 1% what a tremendous bargain

  • Does Amazon sell gift card in Woolworths or Coles?

  • Dummy deals on Amazon https://i.imgur.com/k4pvJKk.png

  • Was hoping they would start selling Fire Tablets by Prime Day :(

  • +1

    Hey just activated Cash Rewards and it stated 7.5% cashback on the loading screen. I guess they hit back!

  • +1

    Hi all, SB have now increased to 7.5%.

    Fun times ahead.

  • +1

    Shopback up to 8% now.

    • +1

      you might want to change

      By comparison, CR are offering 5%


      By comparison, CR are offering 7.5%

      • Updated

  • +1

    has anyone bought and then realised that you forgot to login to SB or CR?
    I did yesterday and purchased $175 worth of products… so missed out around $14 - arghh!!
    Thinking to cancel but I lost the deal price, meh I didn't win either way :(

    • Sorry for you, I have done this in the past when got too excited by the deal.

  • using Shopback during this Amazon Prime purchase, logon to Shopback and follow the process, similar to Cashreward, none of my purchase are being pick up by Shopback, I know it take up to 2 days, anyone having the same issue?

    • Hey kml22,

      Amazon purchases take up to 4 days to track. Please send us a private message if you have any issues - we're here to help :)

  • Didn't track within 48 hours so lodged enquiry. They are starting it could take up to 90 days to confirm.

    • Hey Sshanaz,

      Just a note that Amazon purchases take up to 4 days to track.

  • No tracking for me so far either with any of the multiple Prime Day purchases.

  • Just a heads up, I only got $0.71 on $12.99 spend. Which isnt 8%

    • Hey Ryxxi,

      We've just sent you a PM.

      • will message u later..still waiting for other orders to get tracked.

  • Spent over 100 dollars and got $1.80 pending WTH? Should've gone Cashrewards.

    • Hey ozchobie,

      We're sorry to see this - something's definitely not right with that. Could you please send us a private message with the email address linked to your ShopBack account. We'd love to get this resolved ASAP.

    • yeah …I refered my frind as well. I am guna look like a noob now. he didnt wana use I. He got the ps4 pro deal.

  • Did anyone use this for the Nintendo Switch $315 deal? I only got $17.18. Which is a weird amount of ~5.45% cash back.

    • OK may have figured it out. Looks like it tracked at 6% instead of 8.

      From the T&C:
      Cashback not applicable to:
      -Taxes and delivery charges

      315 - 315/11 = 286.36 (cashback amount minus gst)

      17.18/286.36 * 100 = 5.99%

      • Hey tobinm

        Could you please send us a private message with the email address linked to your ShopBack account? We'll take a look and try to get this issue fixed.

        • No worries, done.

        • Hi SB rep. My cashback tracked at 6% too

        • +1 for 6% instead of 8 on the switch, thanks for being so helpful rep :)

        • Rep my PS4 Pro, controller, games and switch are all tracking at about %6 as well.

          Some purchases have not tracked yet. Should I wait for all purchases to track before sending PM?

        • Also curious - should I wait for all amounts to be visible in tracking before raising issues with the amount? Certainly don't want to miss out on a missing 2% !

        • +2

          Hey guys, cashback amounts should reflect the 8% rate now.

        • Thanks! Confirming it all looks good on my account now.

        • +1

          @sssx: Hey sssx, it shouldn't be an issue with transactions you're still expecting to come up on your account - but feel free to send us a private message if something doesn't seem quite right.

        • @gotyourback: Thanks for the note, I'll get in contact if there are any issues.

          Question though - what if one item in an overall order is returned (for any reason) - do we lose the cashback for that item only, or for all items in the order?

        • hi rep,
          my purchase on 16/7 still hasn't tracked at all. email sent, no reply.
          PM sent.

    • i used it, but haven't received anything yet (does show my click history at the time though)…hopefully it will update soon.

  • Looks like I only got 6% cashback as well… (after diving by 1.1 to get rid of GST)

  • +1 for incorrect cashback…. PM sent

  • Another one for incorrect cash back, PM sent

  • Actually looks like its been fixed back up to %8 for the purchases that have tracked and I didn't pm store rep yet :-)

  • I spent more than $400 but none tracked. Now I'm realising they shouldn't have been in cart before clicking through shopback but they were :(

    • I used cash rewards, i got .5% less but it tracked for my $200 purchase

      • Were they already in your cart? That's a lesson for me!

        • You may want to confirm with rep but I think I have read that you shouldn't have items already in your cart. You need to add them to your cart after clicking out from shopback/cashrewards website.

        • @prxy: yes, I didn't know that.

  • Actually all transactions look like they've tracked and at the appropriate %8 rate.

    Thanks rep and Shopback :-)

  • my Echo plus order hasnt been tracked yet..its been 4 days since I recieved it. My friend's Ps4 pro isnt tracked either.

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