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BCAAs - Beyond BCAA - $49 - GAT Muscle Martini - Natural BCAA - $30 / Amino GT - BCCA + Green Tea - $30 + Delivery @ Meccamino


Looking for a new BCAA?

We've got 3 ripping sales on BCAAs - Stocks are super limited so be quick. Free Australian Wide Shipping on all orders over $99.

EHP Labs Beyond BCAA - 50 Servings - $49 + Shipping

Beyond BCAA supports muscular endurance, increased blood flow and enhanced nutrient delivery, allowing you to workout at a heightened intensity for a longer period. Beyond BCAA is scientifically formulated with the optimal proven 2:1:1 ratio of the branched chain amino acids: leucine, iso-leucine and valine.

Natural BCAA - Gat Muscle Martini - $30 + Shipping

Muscle Martini® Natural supports lean muscle mass for post-workout recovery. Delivered in a cleaner more natural form; free of artificial colours, sweeteners and flavours. Research has proven amino acids support general health nutrition and recovery for strength training and athletes in every sport.

8g BCAA + Green Tea - GAT Amino GT - $30 + Shipping

Amino GT contains 8 grams of amino acids to support muscle growth and repair. Athletes who exercise strenuously require additional amino acids for energy, muscle building and recovery. Amino GT also includes 5 grams of BCAAs, the dosage that has been clinically shown to reduce muscle soreness and assist with recovery. The 2:1:1 ratio of Leucine to Isoleucine and Valine is the most scientifically studied for athletic performance.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Would like to hear people's thoughts on BCAAs and how they use them/what they use them for.

    • +1

      From the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, "…a dietary supplement of BCAAs alone cannot support an increased rate of muscle protein synthesis. The availability of the other EAAs will rapidly become rate limiting for accelerated protein synthesis. Consistent with this perspective, the few studies in human subjects have reported decreases, rather than increases, in muscle protein synthesis after intake of BCAAs. We conclude that dietary BCAA supplements alone do not promote muscle anabolism."

      (link is dead, but it should be floating around somewhere)

      • -1

        We'd love to read this journal in full.
        I think the keyword here is "alone" - anyone in the industry would tell you that BCAAs alone will not promote muscle growth (anabolism), you need to have the proper diet (higher calories with quality Protein) and consistent resistance training.

        • This is true.
          Most obtain their daily protein requirements from whole protein sources and most will no doubt take a whey supplement as well.

          In fact Layne Norton has clarified how BCAAs can assist however if disposable income is an issue, spend your money elsewhere

        • +1

          Link fixed - https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-017-…

          Each of those products in their description has a reference to increasing muscle protein synthesis, when the newest research clearly shows you need ALL EAAs for this to occur.

          If you have a high protein diet with adequate calories and high quality protein sources, why do you need additional BCAA's then?

    • +1

      A marketing ploy used by big supplement companies who have irresponsibly quoted aspects of scientific studies in regards to how BCAAs work and their benefits, misrendering in their advertisements.

    • +2

      There is little evidence to show they do anything.

    • you are better off just taking EAAS and whey protein

  • +3

    I think the ABC might want to have a bit of a word regarding your store's logo…

    • They have - luckily they ran out of funding before the lawyers came in. just kidding ;)

  • +2

    No bargain

    • If you don't want your vote being removed for having an invalid reason you'll need to put a little bit more effort in. Why isn't it a bargain?

      • +1

        There are cheaper BCAAs on the market (VPA, Bulknutrients etc.)

      • For example - EHP Labs Beyond BCAA - is the same price at AAA Supplements or AminoZ, heck there's even resellers on eBay who have it between $48 and $50 with free shipping. $49 is pretty much standard price i.e. not a bargain.

        • +4

          And that's what we needed to hear.

          As for the person who thought it would be smart to downvote me. What is the first example of an invalid neg vote in the rules?

          No explanation of the vote
          “Not a bargain.”

          Boom have a good night!

  • These BCAA drinks and bunk, they're lolly water for people who want to substitute spending for exercise or genetics.

    You want BCAA, a handful of roasted peanuts has more than chicken breast iirc.

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