This is the cheapest i have seen a 24 pack for a long time. Works out to be 20cents a bottle.
Coles Branded Spring Water 24x 600ml $4.79 (03/02/2011 to 09/02/2011)

Last edited 01/02/2011 - 20:42
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he meant 03/02 to 09/02 for those who understood
say thanks to the water god this year!
i'll use some on my plants lol
i'm just happy their catalogue is available before that date it starts now
Dude if this is nationwide i think SA just got cheap bottled water. Works out to be $2.39 for SA.
Just in time for Big Day Out this Friday. 600ml bottled water there is $4.00. No thanks! Partly freeze the bottles the night before and they stay icy cold for the entire next day.
Haha, you could go around with a few backpacks 'dealing' water! Imagine the profit you could make!
Except you can't take water into Big Day Out. I took a sealed bottle to the Gold Coast BDO and I was told to tip it out before I was allowed to enter.
I have taken sealed bottled water into the Adelaide BDO twice before. Maybe the total ban is a new policy, or the Gold Coast security guards are more hard core :-)
I will try again this year.
2 litres is usually the limit
I dare you to smuggle an internal concealment of this controlled good.
I smuggle around 55kg of water into every venue I attend :-)
Big Day Out tickets are something in the order of $150. No thanks!
$155 plus booking fee. Then you can buy 600ml of water for $4, beer for $8/can and premixed drinks for $10/can. Therefore I take any money saving measures I can, in the true OzBargain spirit :-)
Paid $6 last time they had it on sale.
This would've been nice about 3 days ago. Coles Cairns is pretty much sold out of EVERYTHING.. water, toilet roll, cans, everything!
After the recent floods in Brisbane and the panic buying of groceries one would think locals would have had enough time to stock up on essentials. A twelve pack of toilet paper, a couple of cartons of water and a stack of canned foods don't make for exciting shopping but are essential at times like these.
Best of luck to everyone in an around Cairns.
had better update your location to 'SEQ' tomorrow… at least I hope that where you're heading… stay safe.
i've purchased these one before and they are really good but the quality of the bottle isnt really good. A couple of strong twists and the cap is gone.
Good if you don't like tap water ;)
I bought a BPA free bottle and use that… over and over again ;)
I live in Adelaide :-) I have to Brita filter the tap water to make it palatable. Some local restaurants try to get away with serving straight tap water. Quite honestly, it tastes foul without boiling and/or filtering.
Quite honestly, it tastes foul without boiling and/or filtering.
+1 to that
i hate spring water(+ this deal for the water bottle though ;))
i only like boiled water, their is a MAJOR difference between Boiled water, spring water and tap water, you can literally taste it
Unfair neg.
seriously Matt88, neg it because you can drink tap water? You can also get your clothes from the salvos
and food from the rubbish bin. So everyone better stop putting up any deals on food and clothing. oh, and no game deals either, I am sure your atari is doing you well.Best price I've seen and great for those long drives in the car when your tap stays at home!
What is this? ThailandBargain? I live in Oz, where the sky is clean and the tap water is drinkable.
So $332/kl, compared to $1 from the pipe?
Bottled water is so third-world.Fair enough comment, but until we all go down the Bundanoon avenue this is still a good price for H2Oh
So you need the government to ban bottled water before you realize that it's harmful to the planet?
so much bottled water waste
Even though I only drink Noble's Pureau due to it's taste and that it's so pure, this is still a amazing deal.
Good offer,
Unless you live in Adelaide (which I've suffered through), there's not much excuse for buying bottled water.
Please think about recycling the water bottles after you use them, we use heaps of plastic already, I don't want it to end up here ->
Good deal.
Only need to buy 1 case and then refill the bottles over and over again.Much more sensible just to buy a good water bottle and use that.
Please think of the environment .. on the brighter side, there are good initiative in reducing bottled water waste such as:
The all-in-one Filtered Water Drinking Fountain & Bottle Refill Station
An Environmental Educational Tool
Reducing WASTE & conserving our precious RESOURCES
I can't believe people are being negged for encouraging people to drink tap water. Bottled water is one the greatest crimes that we can commit in a first world country, when the people who feel the effects of our luxury and hence climate change are those who are in developing countries. It says a lot about a person if you neg someone for saying something that is ethical and morally just.
They're getting negged because they negged the deal, rather than just expressing their opinions. The community is revoking their unwarranted negs by negging their comments. That is all.
Personally I think this is a great deal and the timing couldn't be better for people who have flooding/cyclone issues to deal with. Deciding whether to boil tap water should be the last thing on their minds right now.
But the irony hasn't escaped me, ie. the whole climate change thing. Maybe it was all a big conspiracy by the bottled water companies to force us to have to use their products lol.
OK, but if consumption and bargain hunting means that you turn off your desire to do the right thing and live ethically, don't you think there could be potential problems with that? In other words, do you only give positives and negatives to stuff which is a good bargain, at the expense of any other considerations? Think of an object which you think is harmful to others, such as a weapon (I realize this is not on the same scope as bottled water.) If it was selling really cheaply, would it still be worth giving it a plus?
This is OzBargain, I think you may be getting confused with OzMoralHighGround.
You are also forgetting that some people are still dealing with floods and cyclones, in which case a bottled water bargain is a god-send. I'd give this 2 pos votes if I could just for that.
Gonna be way too confusing for most here, I suspect.
$5.99 in SA.
Still, with $2.40 of refund available, works out to $3.59 if you take the bottles to the recycler.
14.96c per bottle, wow!
Great deal.
Broden will probably buy heaps then travel to SA to get the refund.
Seinfeld episode anyone?
Folks, it's tapwater poured into a cheap plastic bottle. If that's a bargain to you, enjoy. For anyone with any sense it's the epitome of stupidity.
Drink some tap water, then try the water in these bottles. If you can't taste the difference, you need a tongue transplant.
Bottled water is legalised environmental vandalism.
I could not see this deal in Coles WA this morning =\
whups its the 2nd not 3rd.I would do that…
Except the only filter I'd use costs $2000
I'd hope that's doing some super filtration at that price. :)
My nan grew up in the east end of London and didn't even have water in the house until she was in her 20s. 60 years later a small proportion of the world's population pay more per litre for water than petrol and argue that it tastes better or is somehow healthier for you while the majority of people around the world remain without access to clean drinking water.
I'm no tree-hugger and I have no love for any kind of extreme or radical politics. But if you cannot see that this is a problem? (sigh)
Cool story bro, but petrol isn't 33cents a litre.
I guess that's yer answer <rolls eyes>.
My 2c on this. I find a lot of the reusable bottles are expensive and can't be cleaned easily (No point being BPA free and they build up bacteria. I know people have different hygiene standards). The problem is not the bottle it's the lazy -people- who don't reuse/recycle them so let's fix that directly (penalties/policing disposal are a joke here) rather than penalising someone who buys a bottle.
I prefer the taste of tap water and fully reuse then recycle all my plastics (bottles, bags, clean packaging, etc). If I buy these bottles I will tip the "spring" water on my plants and fill them with tap water and reuse each containers till they show signs of bacteria build up (smell, as all waters containers do eventually) then I'll recycle it. I buy these for the re-usable plastic bottles not the water. So let me have my choice please because I can't get 24 very reusable, 100% recyclable, hygienic bottles for $4.79 elsewhere ;-)
03/01 to 09/01 ?? whats the date today