This was posted 6 years 8 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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SBS to Broadcast All Remaining FIFA World Cup Matches LIVE


The title says its own! Not sure if this should be merged with this

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I thought the relinquished the rights like a week ago? Also, Optus sports is also free, if you want to stream (however can also stream on sbs on demand I think. THe options are endless!)

    • +14

      I thought the relinquished the rights like a week ago?

      Only up to the end of group stage

      • +1

        ah I see

    • +36

      HD SBS vs potato Optus streaming

      • +1

        Similar quality for me on Fetch.

        • +17

          Fetch still doesn’t get 50 FPS video.
          SBS HD is 50 FPS.

        • +3


          True but for me the colours are more vibrant on the Optus stream compared to SBS (both through the Fetch) but that's just personal preference. However, it's likely that I didn't give SBS a fair go - the SBS commentators were the main reason I was avoiding SBS.

        • +4


          Optus probably just pre-turn the contrast up prior to broadcast.

          Try playing with your contrast, HUE and saturation settings.

        • -1

          @dazweeja: change your TV to Vivid mode or increase the contrast yourself in picture settings.

      • +2

        Does this mean I won't be able to watch those foreign adult movies on sbs now?


    • +1


  • +11

    put all me money on German, scr*w WC

    • +3

      Uruguay will get it back for you! lol

      • yeah nah mate, i'm broke.

        • +3

          I put a sneaky $10 on South Korea last night and that paid out $100… although this is the first time I have won a sports bet in a very long time.

        • @sprucemoose92: i feel like slapping and congratulating you at the same time

        • +3

          @sprucemoose92: South Korea were paying ~$19 how did you only get paid out $100?

    • You’re gonna have to put your money on somebody else…

    • +75

      Germany win in Russia?

      That just doesn't happen.

      • +16

        Too soon

      • +14

        Not the first time they've been there under prepared

        • Not the first time this joke's been said either

    • Water Closet.

    • +1

      They were defeated in 1945 in Russia and now the same story.

    • +60

      What a bizarre comment, since Australia is only just catching up to the rest of the world in being crazy about the world's most loved sport.

    • +22

      The best and most watched sport in the world. It's a miracle that Australia hasn't done away with the other sports we play.

      • +7

        Except for all the diving and corruption which pretty much ruins the sport. Used to be my favourite sport growing up but sadly i cant even stand to watch it anymore.

        • I feel the same but I still enjoy watching the match. Just wouldn't invest as much time and emotion as before.

        • I didnt know they had a live feed on the corruption. Agree with you, must be a pretty boring feed watching sponsors slip Sepp Blatter a brown paper bag under the table!!

        • +1

          IMHO neggers of this are living in lala land.

          The above (for soccer) and the mercenary nature of pretty much all mainstream sport have made me lose interest also. I still watch some but mot anywhere near as much as I used to.

        • You clearly don't watch much sport if you think diving only exists in football.

        • +16

          @rhz: I've noticed it's become pretty common in swimming as well.

        • @dm01: And diving too.

        • True, but cheating and corruption has ruined a lot more sports than football (soccer). There's also a valid reason for diving sometimes. It's how strikers make the ref notice a legitimate foul.

        • Same here up until after the 2006 World Cup. I even used to play it. Now I can't stand to watch it.

        • +2

          @idonotknowwhy: You used to play in the world cup?

      • It's cool to like what you like, but learn to respect that others like other things, too.

      • -2

        The best and most watched sport in the world.

        I fell asleep watch Peru vs Aus.

        Most of the time, soccer is extremely boring…

        • "Most of the time it's boring", yet you pick one boring match out of all the matches played all over the world. Australia vs Brazil or Germany vs Korea were great, dramatic games,why didn't you mention them? them?

          You know what's boring? Any cricket game ever or state of origin.

          The entire world must be wrong and you're right then, or it's you that's boring.

        • -2


          I love this “the whole world watches” argument. A large percentage of the world also lives in poverty and with terrible human rights issues (funny enough, many soccer countries) Should we all also aspire to that too? Popular isn’t proof of quality.

        • @imurgod:

          yet you pick one boring match out of all the matches played all over the world

          I don’t watch all the matches around the world, but of the ones I do, most a boring.

          Also hardly a game goes by without a player staging and sooking for a free kick every 10 mins.

        • +1

          @jv: maybe watch champions league. It'll change your mind. Also, free kicks can be crucial so trying to get one awarded is part of the game. In football, ref's often don't see the foul so players dive. Is there too much of it? Yes. Should there be none? No. Also, what you see as a dive might actually be legitimate. These guys are athletes with lightning footwork, not thugs running straight, so a small tap can easily send you flying. It just doesn't look like that from behind a packet of doritoes in an armchair.

        • @imurgod:

          maybe watch champions league. It'll change your mind

          maybe, but I'm not interested is watching any sport unless I'm barracking for someone.

        • @imurgod:

          Also, free kicks can be crucial so trying to get one awarded is part of the game.

          In other words, it's OK to cheat?

        • @jv: excellent point. Can't really help you there.

        • @jv: no, it isn't, which is why you can be carded for it.

        • @imurgod:

          no, it isn't

          So faking someone making contact with you isn't cheating?

        • @jv: yes it is and is a cardable offence

        • @imurgod:

          yes it is and is a cardable offence

          which doesn't seem to be enforced most of the time.

        • @jv: that's true

    • +3

      haha I am not hardcore into sports or anything, but I can at least acknowledge soccer would easily be the biggest sport on the planet. All over sports (basketball, rugby league, rugby union, baseball, gridiron) are usually confined to specific countries and not really embraced world wide. So I don't believe soccer to be a 'fad'.

    • +2

      World's most popular team sport mate. No fad here. Just the world's beautiful game.

    • +1

      Stick to your netball if you like 10s of goals in one game.

    • LOL, you are joking right =)

    • +4

      Considering its the most widely played sport in the world and Australia has a rich multicultural society … good luck with that.

      • +16

        Yeah, because your post was shit.

        • +2

          @PainToad: As Craig Foster said… "…when we win this damn thing in 20 years, we'll look back to this year and think this is the year that things started to change." :)

      • +1

        maybe you should watch shit of origin instead and shut up.

    • +3

      Spot the bogan.

    • +2

      You prefer everyone to get watching handegg game?

    • +2

      Yeah, Australia should stick to things we're good at, like tampering with cricket balls.

      • +3

        I'd argue we're actually not good a tampering with cricket balls.

    • +3

      Can this stupid NRL fan shut up? What kind of stupid game you're playing anyway, carrying the ball around the field with your hands, like children, use the foot dumb*ss.

      • +1

        Can't even get every state to play nrl, let alone the worild.

      • Who said I like NRL (anymore)?

    • why so many down votes, it was a funny comment.

  • +4

    Best news of the day for me. Thanks for sharing. I was looking for alternate viewing options from tomorrow but no need now :)

    • optus sport is free for 12 months regardless

      • Optus Sport is not free for 12 months. Only until August 31st. Optus Fetch mini was free for a brief moment for 12 months. One is a service, the other is hardware.

        • Oh I see - thanks for the clarification

  • +2

    RIP Germany

    • +7

      More like RIP flOptus!

    • +12

      Germany got Das Boot

      • +2

        You've just quoted the name of perhaps the best, or one of, the best war movies of all time…..

  • +7

    Can't believe the defending champs got knocked out…

    • +3

      it's the curse of WC champions

      • +6

        Or Germany in Russia

        • +4

          Or because Loew hasn't done this in this World Cup?

    • Their player lineup has changed. Podolski, Sweinschteiger, Klose, Lahm…

    • +1

      Maybe they didn’t pay FIFA this time

      • +1

        Pfft, like they have ever had to pay to win. Germany underperforned this World Cup, even leading up to the World Cup they weren’t promising. It’s not a big surprise. They will come back strong, as they always do. They have the best track record.

        It’s ironic because if there’s any team that has had to pay to win in a World Cup, I’d put my money on Korea. Remember 2002? The ref in the Italy game has since been arrested for drug smuggling.

    • I know. Following my third team now, Brazil

    • +6

      Curse of the champions! France (Winners 1998: First round Exit 2002) Italy (Winners 2006: First Round Exit 2010) Spain (Winners 2010: First Round Exit 2014) and now Germany (Winners 2014: First Round Exit 2018, 4th in their group)

    • +1

      Take it easy. World Cup, UEFA CL, EPL… etc all liked WWF. Only different is more betting money on this sport. That's it.

  • +13

    Yay! SBS coverage has been on point anyway IMO.

      • +1

        Well… I don't hear what she says…in fact don't hear anything else when she is on screen :)

      • +7

        @Flyerone You obviously don't like names being pronounced the way they were meant to be? You disliked Les Murray's way of pronouncing names too I assume?

        • @Flyerone:

          She works hard at it and does the research. She's not perfect but get's it right most of the time which is a solid effort.

          Much better than any Australian by a bogan you'd get on channel 7 that struggle to say anything other than "smith" or "jones".

  • +5

    Thanks now I can watch England all the way to the finals!

    • +17

      Thanks now I can watch England all the way to the first elimination match.

      Corrected it for you.

      • -1

        The choke of 2018. You heard it here first from Loki556

        • +6

          I think we've already had the choke of 2018

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