• expired

½ Price Swiss Maasdam Cheese Wedges $9.49/kg @ Woolworths


Plagiarised from my previous post.

In my humble opinion, great cheese from the deli at a very nice price. Enjoy :)

Maasdam cheese (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈmaːsdɑm]) is a Swiss-style Dutch cheese. Made from cow's milk, it is aged for at least 4 weeks. It ripens faster than other Dutch cheeses. Maasdam has internal holes from the ripening process, and a smooth, yellow rind. Sometimes it is waxed like Gouda. The cheese was created to compete with the popular Swiss Emmental by being less expensive and quicker to produce.

In the process of making a cheese with the same general components as Swiss cheeses, the Dutch ended up with a cheese that is nutty and sweet, but softer than Emmental due to a higher moisture content. The style was introduced in 1984 by the Baars company as the trademarked Leerdammer cheese, though it is now made by other Dutch companies under the name Maasdammer. It is called after the village of Maasdam in the province of Zuid-Holland. (source: wiki)

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Jeez TA, why be so cheesy? You're full of holes these days!

    Jokes aside, great deal. Here's a mathematical analysis for those of you so inclined.

    Maths Time

    Assume you get exactly 1kg of this Cheese and order it online.

    That's a net percentage discount of 7.48%. The calculations above assume that you're ordering other things as well, as you cannot order just $9.49 worth of items on Woolworths online, there's minimum spends for Delivery and Click and Collect.

    • If you say get a 50g wedge, the net cost would be 43.9c!
    • +1

      Well done, MathNerd
      Nice to know my OzB savings are real. :)

      Would be great to calculate how much OzB contributes to the overall Australian household expenditure!

    • You forgot about the bag surcharge / crate to bench fee for online orders.

  • +5

    As a kid growing up I used to spread a nice layer of peanut butter on bread, topped it with cheese and grilled. Absolutely delicious! Nutella is a good substitute for peanut butter as well.

    • +5


    • !RemindMe 14 hours

      That's lunch tomorrow.

    • This cheese is great with PB, I don’t know about this brand in particular though.

      • +1

        Good price. Will it last a fortnight in the fridge? We go through 1/2 kg every two weeks.

    • Sweet and savoury together?! you must be one of those monsters that likes pineapple on pizza.

      • +1

        They actually served up pineapple on pizza in Italy. Love it.

  • -2

    Savas already posted it here…

    • +11

      It's not in the title though, so can be posted as a deal.

      • It's not in the title though

        It's in the description…

        That's what the description is for, to list details about the bargains…

    • Savas already posted it here…

      kewl story, bra.

      What's your point?

  • +4

    Was gonna purchase but had a hole in it.

    • +10

      Woolworths is going down hill…

      I went to buy bananas today, but they were all bent !!!

      • +1

        It's a QLD work experience thing.

  • +2

    Time to stock up again.

  • Great cheese. This IMO is just as good as Jarlsberg and half the price.

    • +1

      Jarlsberg is better, but this is better value…

      • I believe there's a difference, yet both Maasdam and Jarlsberg are copycat cheeses of Emmental. They were made so The Netherlands and Norway can produce Emmental-like cheese outside Switzerland.

  • Thank you for posting

  • Ahh, the cheese that actually looks like the cheese from the cartoons lol

    • +3

      Actually it's prob the cheese that looks like the cheese that looks like the cheese from the cartoons.

    • +1

      I was just about to say that. Reminds me of Tom and Jerry lol

    • Actually, Elon Musk has just established his first mine on the Moon.

  • I prefer government cheese thanks

  • +1

    I prefer the sliced but will take the wedge. Thanks TA!

  • +1

    I like to eat slices of cheese coated with wasabi paste (30% wasabi, not the 0% to 5% paste from supermarkets). Soothing and sinus burning all at the same time. Having one right now. Ahhh.

    • Good idea man, we have a lot of people who suffered from sinusitis, wasabi is great for soothing the nose. Actually I even feel wasabi works better for than medications lul.

  • Is this the Frico brand?

    • +1


      • Thanks! Last time half of this cheese was marked down, so I got mine for free. Next day, all were full price (2nd day into offer), but website didn't mention the branding lol

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