• expired

Nutri-Grain 805g $3.7, Kettle Chips $2.19, Bulla 2L $4, Cadbury $0.85, Infuzions $1.74, FourNTwenty $4, Tim Tam $1.8@ Woolworths

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Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Kettle Chips 175g 50.11% $2.19 (Save $2.20) $1.25 per 100g 5 weeks
The Natural Confectionery Co. 200-260g, Pascall Medium Bags 185-350g or Sour Patch Bags 200-220g 50.00% $2.00 (Save $2.00) $0.57-$1.00 per 100g 3 weeks
Samboy, French Fries or Thins 45g 50.00% $0.75 (Save $0.75) $1.67 per 100g 1 weeks
Bhuja Deli Style Nuts 140g 50.00% $2.50 (Save $2.50) $1.79 per 100g 9 weeks
Infuzions 110g 50.14% $1.74 (Save $1.75) $1.58 per 100g 4 weeks
Loacker Chocolate Biscuits 100-125g 50.00% $2.00 (Save $2.00) $1.60-$2.00 per 100g 6 weeks
Arnott’s Tim Tam 160-200g 50.68% $1.80 (Save $1.85) $0.90-$1.13 per 100g 3 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Cadbury Medium Bars 30-60g 57.50% $0.85 (Save $1.15) $1.42-$2.83 per 100g 1 weeks
Cadbury Favourites 540g 50.00% $9.50 (Save $9.50) $1.76 per 100g 1 weeks
Cadbury Old Gold or Dark Milk Blocks 160-200g 50.00% $2.50 (Save $2.50) $1.25-$1.56 per 100g 3 weeks
Lindt Cornet 337g 50.00% $10.00 (Save $10.00) $2.97 per 100g 2 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Fanta, Sprite or Lift Soft Drink Cans 24 x 375ml 65.41% $11.00 (Save $11.00) $1.22 per Litre 2 weeks
Golden Circle Fruit Drink 1 Litre – Excludes Cranberry Fruit Drink 1 Litre 48.89% $1.15 (Save $1.15) $1.15 per Litre 1 weeks
Twinings Tea Bags Pk 10 50.00% $1.35 (Save $1.35) 14¢ per ea 3 weeks
Lipton Chai Latte Pk 8 50.00% $3.50 (Save $3.50) 44¢ per ea Never
Harris Single Origin Coffee 200g 50.00% $5.00 (Save $5.00) $2.50 per 100g Never


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Leggo’s Pasta Sauce 490-500g 50.00% $1.50 (Save $1.50) 75¢ per 100g 2 weeks
Harvest Meals 425g 50.00% $2.00 (Save $2.00) $4.71 per kg 8 weeks
Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain 805g or Just Right Original 790g 50.00% $3.70 (Save $3.70) 45¢-46¢ per 100g 24 weeks
Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain To Go Protein Squeezer 140g 50.00% $1.50 (Save $1.50) $1.07 per 100g Never
Real Foods Corn Thins 125-150g 50.00% $1.00 (Save $1.00) 67¢-90¢ per 100g 14 weeks
Uncle Tobys Muesli Bars 185g 50.00% $2.00 (Save $2.00) $1.08 per 100g 2 weeks
Messy Monkeys 160g Pk 8 – Available in the Health Food Aisle 50.00% $3.50 (Save $3.50) $2.19 per 100g Never


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Golden Crumpet Breaks Pk 6 50.00% $2.10 (Save $2.10) 35¢ per ea 1 weeks
Tip Top English Muffin Varieties Pk 6 50.00% $2.50 (Save $2.50) 42¢ per ea 3 weeks
Iced Finger Buns Pk 4 50.00% $2.00 (Save $2.00) 50¢ per ea 2 weeks
Mission Wraps Varieties 425-567g Pk 6-8 50.10% $2.49 (Save $2.50) 44¢-59¢ per 100g 51 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Bulla Creamy Classics Ice Cream 2 Litre or Ice Cream Sandwich 560ml Pk 4 50.00% $4.00 (Save $4.00) 20¢-71¢ per 100ml 8 weeks
Bulla Everyday Multipacks 540-768ml Pk 6-14 50.00% $3.40 (Save $3.40) 42¢-63¢ per 100ml 8 weeks
Just Caught Mussels Tomato & Garlic 450g 50.00% $3.00 (Save $3.00) $6.67 per kg Never
Patties Party Pack 1.25 kg 50.00% $6.75 (Save $6.75) 54¢ per 100g 2 weeks
Ocean Chef Salmon Parcels 280g 50.05% $4.99 (Save $5.00) $17.82 per kg 5 weeks
Ho Mai Entertainer Pack or Cocktail Spring Rolls 1 kg 50.00% $7.00 (Save $7.00) 70¢ per 100g 1 weeks
Four N Twenty Traditional Pies 700g Pk 4 50.00% $4.00 (Save $4.00) 57¢ per 100g 2 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Frico Maasdam Cheese Wedge – From the Deli 50.03% $9.49 (Save $9.50) $9.49 per kg 1 weeks
Chobani Flip Greek Yogurt 140g 50.00% $1.50 (Save $1.50) $1.07 per 100g 2 weeks

Personal Care

Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Nature’s Way Magnesium Tablets Pk 150 50.00% $8.00 (Save $8.00) $5.33 per 100 ea 9 weeks
Nature’s Way Restore Daily Probiotic Capsules Pk 28 50.00% $10.00 (Save $10.00) $35.71 per 100 ea 4 weeks
Nature’s Way Vita Gummies For Adults Multi Vitamin Pk 120 50.00% $10.00 (Save $10.00) $8.33 per 100 ea 1 weeks
Revlon Mega Multiplier Blackest Black Mascara 8.5ml or Revlon Colorstay Eyeliner Black 0.28g 50.00% $12.00 (Save $12.00) N/A 10 weeks
Sunsilk Shampoo or Conditioner 350ml 50.00% $2.75 (Save $2.75) 79¢ per 100ml 5 weeks
Brut Deodorant 245ml 52.38% $3.00 (Save $3.00) $1.22 per 100ml 1 weeks
Norsca Deodorant 245ml 50.00% $3.00 (Save $3.00) $1.22 per 100ml 1 weeks
Toni & Guy Shampoo or Conditioner 250ml 50.00% $8.00 (Save $8.00) $3.20 per 100ml 1 weeks
Toni & Guy Hair Mask Damage Reconstruction 200ml 50.00% $8.00 (Save $8.00) $4 per 100ml 1 weeks
Schick Hydro 5 Sense Comfort Kit Pk 1 50.00% $8.00 (Save $8.00) N/A 3 weeks
Schick Hydro 5 Sense Energise Blades Pk 4 50.00% $12.00 (Save $12.00) $3 per ea 3 weeks
Schick Hydro Silk Trim Style Kit Pk 1 50.00% $11.00 (Save $11.00) N/A 3 weeks
Sunsilk Shampoo or Conditioner 700ml 50.00% $5.00 (Save $5.00) 71¢ per 100ml 5 weeks
Nature’s Way Magnesium Tablets Pk 150 50.00% $8.00 (Save $8.00) $5.33 per 100 ea 9 weeks
Nature’s Way Restore Daily Probiotic Capsules Pk 28 50.00% $10.00 (Save $10.00) $35.71 per 100 ea 4 weeks
Nature’s Way Vita Gummies For Adults Multi Vitamin Pk 120 50.00% $10.00 (Save $10.00) $8.33 per 100 ea 1 weeks

Home & Outdoor

Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Energizer Max AA Pk 16 or AAA Pk 14 50.00% $9.75 (Save $9.75) 61¢-70¢ per 100g 5 weeks
Sistema Klip It Rectangle 3 Litre 50.06% $3.99 (Save $4.00) N/A 1 weeks
Sistema Klip It Juice Jug 2 Litre 50.00% $5.25 (Save $5.25) N/A 1 weeks
Hondee Paper Towel Pk 2 50.00% $1.75 (Save $1.75) $1.46 per 100 sheets 2 weeks
Sorbent Toilet Tissue Pk 10 50.00% $3.50 (Save $3.50) 19c per 100 sheets 4 weeks
Pine O Cleen Cleaning Wipes Pk 120 50.00% $5.00 (Save $5.00) 4¢ per ea 1 weeks
Omo Ultimate Laundry Powder 2 kg 50.02% $10.99 (Save $11.00) $5.50 per kg 1 weeks
Dynamo Laundry Liquid 1.8-2 Litre 50.00% $8.75 (Save $8.75) $4.38-$4.86 per 100g 1 weeks
Omo Eco Laundry Liquid 1.8 Litre 50.02% $10.99 (Save $11.00) $6.11 per Litre 1 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Vodafone $50 Starter Pack 50.00% $25.00 (Save $25.00) N/A 1 weeks

Historical price information thanks to Price Hipster

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Wow.. Lucky you that you are not in coles race
    Great work buddy 👍😊

  • Please add
    ”plus bag fee”

    To title…

    • +18

      I don't mind that they have taken away bags. I do, however, hate the fact that they are claiming they are doing it for the environment. The real reason for this change was to save millions of dollars by no longer providing these free to customers, increasing the sales of bin liners and profiting from the reusable ones you are now forced to buy. The environmental hippies are claiming the people against the change are 'uneducated' or 'greedy' when really we just understand how the real motivator has been their bottom line. Getting the hippies on board was just a bonus.

      • +3

        They also offer to recycle the new ones in store (no money given back), so this means even more profit for them

        • +1

          Not correct, if you wreck the old (new?) bags you can swap them over for free.

      • +4

        and profiting from the reusable ones you are now forced to buy.

        I just delay the queue by putting my stuff back in the trolley… Just like at Aldi…

        • +1

          Makes it faster actually

        • +1


          Makes it faster actually

          Nah, I take my time….

      • -6

        Alright Sherlock. You've said what you had to say, now back in your Mystery-box Mr.Mystery Meat.
        I don't really care that they're saving millions as long as it's for the good, which I think it is. I'm no hippie, and I don't go around preaching that people shouldn't use plastics etc but steps like these by bigger corps actually works.

        When I go grocery shopping, I normally use at least 4 plastic bag each time. Imagine the number of people that do the same, times that by number of days per week they go shopping on average and imagine all that ending up in a land fill somewhere. Even if this halves that amount of plastic waste, I reckon it's a pretty big win. It's not that hard to take your own bags, let's be honest. Inconvenient? Yes. But I think it's only a matter of getting used to it. Just like when you take your car out you need to remember to take your keys with you, when you go grocery shopping, you take shopping bags. If you find yourself without one, buy! It's $0.15! I had to buy the last time, but I used ONE bag and shoved everything into that one because I had to pay. It works! I'm just glad something does.

        • +2

          The fact that you bought a high resource intensive bag for $0.15 is the whole point why the bag ban is stupid.

        • +2

          and imagine all that ending up in a land fill somewhere.

          I now have to buy bin liners which also go into landfill.

          There is no difference to the effect on the 'environment'

  • +1

    Is the nutri-grain yummy

  • +5

    Savas is savas spelt backwards!

    • +2

      Savas always Saves Us.

      • +1

        dammit I'm mad!

  • +2

    What sort of fruit is a Cabury?

    • +2

      It's only 85c whatever a Cabury is!

  • +2

    Pies, nutri grain and Bulla ice cream.
    It's a healthy lifestyle.

    Cheers Savas! PS. you forgot your tagline "specials starting this Wednesday" ;)

  • +2

    Few lil formatting glitches FYI, Savas. <3

    The Natural Confectionery Co. 200-260g, Pascall Medium Bags 185-350g weeks or Sour Patch Bags 200-220g"

    Tip Top English Mun Varieties Pk 6

    Home weeks

    • I appreciate it, thank you so much!

  • +1

    Did you mess up the columns? Discount always equals the new price but percentage isn't exactly 50% for every item.

    • +2

      Man you guys are good!! Thank you for noticing!

  • +1

    Has anyone tried Harris Single Origin coffee?

  • +1

    Just Right just in time!!@

    Thanks for the details 😁

  • +1

    Nutri-Grain 805g $3.7

    I'm going to return the unopened pack I spent $6 on last week on special and buy another.

    Comes with a buy-1-get-one-free movie voucher offer too ($23 for two)

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