4 years ago they were $1.99,
Last week $1.65
now $1.49
I had a sore back on sunday, went to terry white for ibuprofen. paid too much for it, then saw these at Aldi later that day. the horror, the horror of it all.
4 years ago they were $1.99,
Last week $1.65
now $1.49
I had a sore back on sunday, went to terry white for ibuprofen. paid too much for it, then saw these at Aldi later that day. the horror, the horror of it all.
U still save 6 bloody cents.
Manic is clearly a high flier
I have seen people buying these and also paracetamol and other tablets by hundreds. Maybe thousands. Why is that? These seem to be really dangerous.
yes but coles still give you free bags .. so it’s cheaper from coles unless you supply your own bag …..till the 1st of july anyway ……
How many are you buying that you can't just carry them in your hands? :)
I wonder if people will start using the fruit/veg barrier bags for their regular shopping.
5, if you pay cash 😜
They are getting down, but still not where they should be. It's an out of patent simple medicine - they should be about 80c, or lower.
$1.55 at Woolworths (https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/204919/ess…) and at coles, but the Aldi packets are much prettier though!
Last time I had woolworths paracetamol it was nasty. The Aldi one at least has some glaze on it.
Glaze is coating
Like donuts… Mmmmmm…. Paracetamol donuts. The sugar hit and the paracetamol cancel each other out.
Like the genuine Nurofen, they actually coat it in sugar (or something sweet) for some reason.
Believe it or not some people chew them with the notion to digest them quicker.
You’re not meant to lick them. Pfft.
went to terry white for ibuprofen.
Rookie mistake. Three hail Scotties and all will be forgiven.
Thanks OP, perfect timing since I've ran out of these hang over tablets :D
"hang over tablets" … tell me more.
Take few at night to have hangover in the morning
Overdose can cause serious health problems
Sorry, hang over cure tablets
Shouldn't be using these for a hangover mate. Can have some unwanted side effect. Stick with paracetamol and lots of fluid, or better yet, drink less or drink more H2O before you go to bed to avoid the hangover in the first place
What are the side affects? I heard the opposite, stay away from paracetamol for hangovers.
Hard to drink water before going to bed when you pass out before you know it :)
I've heard you shouldn't mix paracetamol and alcohol as the resulting compounds from interaction are dangerous to the liver?
Or was that the Internet lying to me (…but the Intarwebz is always right!).
People get very hung up on brand names for this kind of product. Don't.
Hint - check the AI - Active Ingredient. Applies to pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals etc - the science is very similar…..
For the record, when I worked in the industry, our plants in India and China manufactured better, more consistent product than those in Europe or the US….
i dont know why you were downvoted, people are stupid to buy brand name products like Neurofen and Panadol when it comes to the tablets. its all about whatever the cheapest ibuprofen and paracetamol is! your 100 pack box of panamax paracetamol tablets for 60c will do the same as a 12 pack of panadol for $4
I know. sad isn't it? I'm all for paying for a decent product when it's demonstrably better but these and many other are just generics. They might have pretty box, or a fancy capsule etc but they all do the same job.
especially if they're not produced by the same manufacturer, the filler is likely to vary, which can make a difference to those with allergies
Absorption rate/time of the a.i are different across the brands so there not exactly the same
This is false. Whilst dissolution rate between oral formulations may differ the rate of absorption of the compound is independent of formulation. There are some exceptions if you alter the compound to take advantage of other absorption pathways but those are the exceptions.
i dont know why you were downvoted, people are stupid to buy brand name products like Neurofen and Panadol when it comes to the tablets. its all about whatever the cheapest ibuprofen and paracetamol is! your 100 pack box of panamax paracetamol tablets for 60c will do the same as a 12 pack of panadol for $4
You can probably blame Pan Pharmaceuticals for part of that. Home Brand paracetomol was one of the recalled products way back then.
people are stupid to buy brand name products like Neurofen
Haha, they got in trouble with the accc for that..
I.e. this ibuprofen for period pain and this one for back pain. Same company, same ingredients, different cost. Fail.
That said, Panamax tastes disgusting. Herron are/were vanilla coated.
Also check the label and look for Aust L or Aust R:
Aust L products contain pre-approved low-risk ingredients. Eg vitamins
Aust R products have been tested for safety, quality & effectiveness by the TGA (or similar)
All generic-branded drugs use the same active ingredient as named brands and have been tested for effectiveness i.e. they must satisfy their stated purpose.
All generic-branded drugs use the same active ingredient as named brands and have been tested for effectiveness i.e. they must satisfy their stated purpose.
Are they frequently tested, or just tested once when approval is sought?
I'm just wondering if there can ever be a repeat of the whole Pan Pharmaceuticals debacle.
It's a little bit more complicated than that though. I know that certain cold medicines are Aust-R because they contain paracetemol (an Aust-R ingredient and helpful with colds), but the rest of it isn't necessarily particularly effective, i.e. not more than straight paracetemol.
Most ppl don't know that Panadol is made on India…
Currently $2.99 but often discounted to $2.38 for 50 tablets.
Pop these like candy. When did they change the packaging?
yeah … aspirin is better over,longer periods if you don’t have sensitive stomach ….heck people take daily asparin for thinning blood and hopefully reduce incidents of stroke.
But only in a low dose 100mg once a day - aspirin for analgesia is 300mg per tablet
I'm yet to find better value for money than the Rafen 50 packs.
Be sure to post a deal when it goes down to $2.38, I'll give you an upvote
Rip off
ebay have these about 3 times cheaper in bulk from the USA. Search Kirkland Ibuprofen 500. They come from the USA sealed, I've bought them a few times and they appear to work as well as local ibuprofen (as you'd expect).
in what world have you had to purchase more than 1 pack of 500 ibuprofens! i thought i was bad haha
It is technically illegal to import at that quantity (it exists in a different part of the poisons schedule depending on quantity, yes it is stupid) and not recommended for use since the product does not have TGA approval.
It isn't illegal with a script. Doctors are more than happy to issue one for this quantity (if you use high doses normally). You also only need a script if they are stopped in customs (TGA will issue form). These are also approved by the TGA and only due to quantity become an S3.
Also it's not stupid, we have a massive issues with fake drugs on the market. 1 in 5 pills consumed is fake, which alot being brought locally. The aim is to prevent mass importation of these "fake" drugs with the current laws.
Remember, if in doubt about the authenticity of your pills, you can now get them tested at music festivals for free.
You cannot import drugs which are not TGA approved for human use - even for products for which the molecule is available in Australia. See neomercazole 2013. This is not a case of travelling with medication - this is importing. Do not confuse the two.
It is completely stupid to change schedule depending on quantity because a consumer can easily pick up multiple unscheduled packs and all of a sudden they are not unscheduled any more.
The poisons schedule itself does nothing to control "fake" drugs; I don't understand what you are saying. The poisons schedule does not deal with the registration of drugs.
Without first googling whether ibuprofen has an actual expiration date or not, I'd be concerned that I wouldn't get through the bulk amount before it expires or its efficacy is at least compromised.
It does, but it probably doesn't mean much.
kirkland …that is costco …..does that mean costs does bulk ibuprofen?
i thought it was lollies and food they did in bulk.
Overseas market yes, here no. 24 packs is the max a retail store without a pharmacist can sell on Australian soil. In saying that there is no laws to stop them selling 10 packs of 24
The key point to look for when viewing these or competitors is this:-
"Each tablet contains 200mg Ibuprofen"
Are you one of these rocket scientist types?
No, I just worked in the Industry for 26 years…..
Not sure if that was a real question but it's a real answer.
Did you work for GSK or Pfizer?
Ibuprofen for a sore back? Weird. Effective?
Not weird at all. Pain relief and anti inflammatory. Very effective.
Source: I watch greys anatomy
Cold pack is cheaper ;-)
I’ve read some studies and trialled 1 x Ibuprofen + 1 x paracetamol. Works much better than 2 of one. You can take 2 each of both but the payoff is only slightly better than one of each.
What season of greys is that on? I'm only up to 17
Maybe I've got an untreated back strain or opiate addiction I need to address but in my experience and what I've heard back pains are among some of the worst discomfort most folks will experience (save for child birth, kidney stones, etc) given the amount of nerve endings and the direct connection to the brain via the spinal column etc, it's hard to understand how ibuprofen would be effective. I mean I can imagine there are people with milder pain issues that take ibuprofen for relief to effect, but the idea that if your back was sore and you'd take an ibuprofen or an OTC medication to relieve that is foreign to me.
I couldn't roll over in bed after twisting something at night. Phoned physio and they suggested ibuprofen while waiting for appointment. Almost didn't need to go after that, it was that much better.
Good that the 'something' you twisted got better, but…
+++ Correlation does not necessarily equal causality. +++
In other words, just because you took Ibuprofen and your back/body part improved does not mean that what you took improved it. It may have just got better by itself.
I guess with most legit medications there is least a medical/scientific plausibility. If you get better after acupuncture, or chiropractic, or fish-slapping, or some other similarly useless modality, so many people associate the correlation with the scam, er, practice. And swear blind that their 'chakra realignment' or whatever really did fix their ache/pain, etc.
worked for me ….sore back ….. needed longer than 2 weeks so moved to asparin until better ……
Chemist Warehouse has better price by some tiny amount
CW 0.0598 per tablet (50 pack)
ALDI 0.062083 per tablet (24 pack)
Good enough to neg for me. Mainly just so others don't go out of their way to Aldi.
Cheaper elsewhere Sorry OP
Edit: Damn I can't.
The Aldi are available in 'fast relief' liquid capsules as well.
Many of the other generic types are powdered tablets.
Liquid isn't always "faster" than powder.
There's a few good simple answeres here
I chew them into powder and shotgun em with a drink. Takes about 5-10 mins to kick in.
Try snorting then through a straw. Nasal cavity can absorb directly into the bloodstream faster than the stomach.
Roger that.
79cents for a pack of 20 at Aldi
Photo? Receipt?
Shit is toxic for the kidneys
to what extent?
Maccas is probably worse lol
Although if you have a hangover ibuprofen is much better than paracetamol that adds strain to your already overworked liver
Nothing like some ibuprofen to nuke your gut microbiome to smithereens.
You're thinking of antibiotics
Look into it, plenty of literature on ibuprofen's negative ramifications.
Mate, I also had a bad back on the weekend… I ended up needing something stronger than ibuprofen, but this is an incredibly good price.
Try mixing paracetamol and IB (following directions on the back of both packets). Can be taken together and are more effective as a combo.
if pain persists see your doctor
Many people consume large amounts of refined grains and short chain carbohydrates aka sugars.
These cause inflammation which can lead to back or other pain.
Words of warning: people with sensitive stomach should be very carefull when taking ibuprofen. As nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs/ NSAID like ibuprofen can cause leaky gut, ulcers and bleeding in stomach.
In my completely non-expert opinion, even if otherwise strong stomached people are so sick that they haven't been eating much then they should attempt to layer their stomach with something like dry crackers or rice and water prior to taking ibuprofen to reduce a sensation of acidity/nausea or the issues you described.
beer doesn’t work ……the co2can cause gastric reflux …..
Poor your beer more heartily! Disperse that co2
So specifically registered an account to mention this as someone who is a apart of the industry:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)with analgesic & antipyretic effects.
Contraindications for providing Ibuprofen
- active peptic ulcer disease or gastrointestinal bleeding
- Sensitivity to NSAID's including Asprin
- Aged under 3 months
Use with caution if patient is affected by any of the following:
- Use with caution in patients with hepatic or renal dysfunction
- Asthma
- Coagulation disorders
- Gastrointestinal bleeding history
- Gastrointestinal ulcers or inflammation
- Bowel disease
Known Side Effects
- Dysepsia (indigestion)
- Nausea
- Gastrointestinal irritation or bleeding
- Abdominal pain