• expired

$10 off @ Uber / Uber Eats (Existing Users)


Been a long term Uber Eats user and know the pain of promotions for new users only. Was Googling codes and came across "DMPUBEREATSQ2" and it gave me $10 off in my check out. For context I applied the code from my computer via chrome browser but my order failed twice so I jumped on my phone and the $10 credit was is my account listed as $10 off your next ride. Ordered the food with my phone and got the $10 off.

CUPONAUEATSQ2 also works, Thanks to cngu22

Referral Links

Referral: random (1446)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +1

    Worked for me, thanks!

    • +1

      same here, worked on mobile

      edit: Thanks OP :)

    • -5

      Hey its Joey Jo Jo!

      • -1

        WTF? Why the negs? We are a unique character from the Simpsons.

  • +9

    Thanks! Worked for me as well, was able to add it to the "Promotion" tab of the Uber Eats Android app. The coupon expires on the 2nd of July at 07:50am.

  • +1

    Thanks. Added this in uber for my next ride and it worked too. Cheers

  • +2

    Thanks it seemed to work but even though I entered it into Uber Eats it says "A$10 Off A$10 Off 1 trip". It also already shows in the original Uber app and won't let me add it again

    • +1

      That's what I get too.
      Put in code via Ubereats app.

      • Nvm just ordered and it automatically deducted the discount off. Thanks OP!

  • Sweet, worked for me! Thanks OP!

  • +9

    God bless OP! The struggle in finding promotions for existing users

    • I hear you.

    • Yeah … had a good last week though, with uber pool 3x free rides. 🖖

  • Thanks OP

  • Thanks OP worked!

  • Thanks, worked on both Uber and Uber eats account

  • 👍

  • Thanks it worked Yay

  • ty

  • +1

    Thanks OP, can confirm that the code works for an existing user.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, worked for me. Crazy thing is, as you posted this I was on Uber eats deciding whether I should be lazy and order or walk downstairs. LEG SAVER!

    • +6


  • +5

    $7.55 delivered for a footling Sub. Can’t beat it!!

    • +5

      That seems pretty bad value.

  • i can finally eat tonight

  • whats food everyone ordering?

    • +2

      Subway lol

    • subway and used the second code just now to order burger and chips for dinner :) loving these's codes

  • +1

    Worked in my iOS app too. Thanks.

  • Not sure why this doesn't work on my account (or partners account) - it says $10 off one ride but doesn't apply to any of my UberEats orders

    edit: Code is now working, I applied this a month ago

  • Worked on website

  • i have a new user code active - does this wipe this one override the first one if i add before i use the welcome credit?

    • Should stack but i havent tried with this particular code

    • I believe each code acts in separate orders, that's what happened during the cinco de mayo frenzy, so it'll use the referral code first and then this one after

  • Thanks OP. Added to Uber iOS app.

  • -4

    Don't forget cashrewards

  • Thank you!

  • amazing!!!!!

  • Worked for me

  • Worked! Nice one, thanks OP👍

  • Thanks!!

  • Cheers 👍

  • Never ordered before. Is delivery free?

    • +1


      • Is it $5 for all restaurants?

      • @Joyoz.

        Thanks. That's not bad then

  • +8

    "Dump Uber Eats"?

    • DM Pube-r Eats

    • +1

      Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing.
      Is this meant to be reverse psychology x subliminal messaging?


    • +4

      I ordered fish n chips. Don't have a deep fryer so can't take your advice

      • Can make some awesome fish and chips with a air fryer. And healthier too.

    • +2

      make your own food.

      That isn't free though.

      • -8

        A stroke is free, if that's what you are looking for.

        • +2

          Uber Eats isn't just for fast food, you can order healthy meals from normal restaurants too. Also, it's not even just for food, you can order drinks with it too.

          If 'a stroke' and 'healthier' are your reasons for not liking uber eats then they're both invalid reasons.

        • -7

          cool story bro

    • +8

      I'm suck at cooking ..so.. in your face jimmy boy

      • HI suck at cooking

      • -8

        Hi, suck at cooking, try cooking.

    • +1

      Go ahead, try and make some Krispy Kreme donuts.

  • +14

    258 clicks, 229 votes as of 3:17pm AEST.
    That's the highest vote:click ratio I've seen in a while.

    • +2

      Can you let us know the exact ratio please MathNerd?

      • +14

        258 clicks, 229 votes as of 3:17pm AEST - That's 0.89 votes for every click. Or approximately 8 votes from every 9 clicks.

        293 clicks, 253 votes as of 3:26pm AEST - That's 0.86 votes for every click. Or approximately 6 votes from every 7 clicks. Not as good as before, but hoping that the ratio remains steady as the deal gets more popular.

    • +1

      I suspect that's because most people would be jumping onto their apps to enter the code rather than clicking on "Go to Deal".

      • Fair enough, though it'd be nice if the ratio was close to 1:1 (if not exactly 1:1 itself). I put together that mathematical analysis due to my observation that there seems to be a lot more clicks than upvotes these days, and voting is a small and quick way to thank the OP.

        • there seems to be a lot more clicks than upvotes these days, and voting is a small and quick way to thank the OP.

          Probably due to the fact that guests can’t vote on a deal, and going by the stats of the site right now

          Online 1,541 users 5,881 guests

          That would probably explain why it’s never 1:1 or even close. Plus, people are allowed to click on a deal just to have a look and decide it’s not a deal but they were curious to look at it.

  • Worked
    Thanks OP

  • Wow app no longer compatible with my phone - oh well OK went in on the desktop and added it successfully.
    Note; this might get killed quickly because the promo codes says:
    " $10 off your first order on Uber Eats"

  • +2

    In Adelaide it seems like I can cross a road without someone handing me an Uber voucher.

    • It's Airtasker in Brisbane City

      • and parking bays or forex vouchers, bleh

    • +4

      Why did the Diji cross the road?

      To tell everyone on the other side to not vote for Labour or Liberal.

  • +9

    Will just wait for this code to be revoked and all promos suspended so I can then neg vote. Until then, thanks OP!

    • order something nice and ava good meal b4 its revoked

      • +1

        Why so they can then charge my card the full price like they've done before?

        • +1

          Yes, they have pulled that stunt a few times

        • +1

          @King Tightarse:

          Surely that is illegal?

        • +1

          Yeah pretty dodgy but they have definitely done it

        • +1

          They can try… I'll do a chargeback. Surely the bank would agree with proof of receipt.

  • Looks like my local Subway and McD getting hammered - slow order despatch and items marked sold out, you guys been busy!

  • Need uber to and from the pub tonight. Thanks OP!

  • +18

    CUPONAUEATSQ2 works as well.

    • Confirmed, I used the one in OP and this code added fine!

    • Thank you! Have updated the post to include this.

    • +1

      Where do you find these links?

    • +8

      Doesn't work for me. Says "you've already used this product" even though I hadn't

      • +2

        Yeah I have got the same error.

      • same

  • Legend OP !! Took this opportunity and ordered some nice Chinese cuisine .. Sunday dinner sorted. Many Thanks OP…

  • -4

    This must be a referral code..

    • +1

      Referral codes are only for new users.

  • -3

    Don't forget $4 cashrewards!

    • -1

      Why the neg? If you are going to press - at least provide an explanation…

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