This was posted 6 years 9 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$0 Fetch Mini for Optus Sport Premium Customers for 12 Months ($20 Per Month Afterwards)


This seems to be a 'make good' offer by Optus considering the many issues they had over the weekend streaming their World Cup coverage - essentially if you're an Optus Sport 'Premium' subscriber, you can head down to an Optus store this week and pick up a Fetch Mini for $0 per month for 12 months. After the 12 month period, a $20 per month fee applies

EDIT: Title and description have been updated to reflect additional info posted on the offer page

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closed Comments

  • Hahahahahahahahahahaahahah
    Ok gonna go this week to get one.

    • Went yesterday- system down, come back tomorrow

      Here today “paying” for over an hour wait time while they input into computer, call support, repeat 🤦🏼‍♂️

      • now, 24-48h wait to get an activation code after 30min on chat and 30min on hold…. Optus really know how to apologise

  • +56

    -Gets OzBargain'd
    -All stock depleted within 24 hours of posting
    -Optus CEO apologises for having no stock, promises to deliver more
    -Optus can't deliver more

  • +2

    So basically if I get Optus sports access free on my plan I’m eligible for a free fetch mini?

    • I would like to know this too.

      • As would I

        • In the same boat…

        • @sigma:
          same boat

        • +50


          same boat

          No wonder Optus Sport is sinking, everyone's in the same boat.

        • @heal:
          I want to sink too

    • Id imagine that is a definite yes. With the huge PR backlash optus are facing id say anyone with an optus sport login/subscription will be eligible for a fetch.

    • +1

      I have it bundle with my Cable and home phone for free.
      I went into North Ryde Macquarie Center and they gave me one.

    • They said you have to have the $14.95 plan to be eligible for this?!! If Optus Sport part of your mobile plan apperantly you are not eligible

    • +1

      I went in today to Watergardens Taylors Lakes VIC store, there were two other people there, my email came up as ineligible. There was no reason given. They told me to call up or contact online sales. Nobody could tell me why I wasn't eligible or the other two people who were there weren't eligible either. Maybe system error but obviously I am furious.

      It would be an absolute disgrace if they say if you get it free with your phone then you can't have the box. I mean most people signed up for EPL or the World Cup. they only offered a stand alone service 2 weeks prior to the World Cup.

      ***** my phone plan includes Optus sport *****

      • -8

        I've just been told that I can't get a free box if it's part of my mobile plan. Currently waiting in the queue to speak to someone about it in store, and will abuse them to hell and back if this is the case.

        They can take their f'ing plan and shove it if they aren't going to show any respect to their existing customers.

        The brand is suffering a huge hit here, I hope they suffer insurmountable financial strain from this debacle.

        • +8

          Poor retail worker.

          You realize they don't choose whether or not you get it, right?

          You're a hero.

        • +1


          He is the hero Optus deserves.

        • -1

          @TivTiv: Hi White Knight,

          I was waiting to speak with the manager of the store, who had forced all of her retail staff to tell customers that if they were "Optus customers", they weren't eligible for the offer. The retail staff were being left to pass on her false message and take the flack for it. Luckily, most of us weren't taking it, and instead were placed in a queue to speak to the manager herself.

          After progressing through that queue to speak with the manager, I asked her why her staff were told not to honour the deal for "Optus customers" to which she said headquarters had ordered her not to provide Fetch TV boxes to Optus mobile or broadband customers unless they were paying an additional $15 for Optus Sport. I asked if she could just allow one of her staff to enter my email into the system to confirm eligibility (this point being the reason I waited to speak with the manager, as the retail staff were telling me they weren't allowed to do this), she said there was no need because she knew the answer it would provide.

          Now, funnily enough, when I walked into the next store, guess what? They advised me that they were out of stock, but entered my email into the system. It told them I was eligible for the offer and to come back the next day as they were expecting shipment of more Fetch TV boxes.

          So yeah, after speaking with the store manager, I eventually abused her as she had quite clearly lied to several customers and was essentially dragging her employers brand even further through the mud.

          Perhaps I could have better phrased in my initial response that I was waiting for the store manager, but nonetheless - jog on, "hero".

        • +3

          @Galvatron: You sure "abuse" is the word you want to be using, mate?

    • I can confirm this is correct. Grabbed mine today

  • +4

    What happens after 12 months?

    • +55

      Well…. May be…still buffering?

    • +2

      Either return it or you can keep it for $5 a month.

      • It was $5 before and they changed it to $20 now :(

  • good if it works…

    • Not that you'd get that over this free one but the non-Optus ones can't access Optus Sport

    • You won't be able to sell it though, it'll be locked to the account

      • Exactly, the Optus ones are useless if you want to connect directly to fetch TV as they are locked to Optus. Only good for EPL :)

  • My plan with Optus Sport expires in 3 months. Wonder what happens if I get this and then move to Telstra or Vodafone when my new plan starts?

    • +1

      You have to send it back to them.

  • Is a premium customer the $15 per month ? Cos i paid that just to watch the WC.

    • +2

      I'd like to know too. I just downloaded the app. It says..

      Get exclusive access to all 64 matches only with Optus Sport Premium.

      Underneath there's a link which says "Get Optus Sport 0 $14.99 per month".

      So I'd say that you do have premium, but I'd like someone with more knowledge to confirm. I'm planning to go to the shops tomorrow. It's one hour each way, but if I go to a different town with an Optus store, it's 1:45 mins each way. Happy to do it but don't want to make the trip and come up empty handed.

      • Yeah i thought i remembered seeing somewhere premium was anyone who pays for the service so i guess it is. But i'll be cancelling mine as soon as the WC is over so i dont know if you could use this fetch mini thing after cancelling; prolly not so i might give it a miss anyways. Good luck if you head into a store :D

    • +2

      Yep, if you get world cup and all games its a premium subscription…

  • +1

    already got a fetch TV at home, can I still claim this Mini one?

    • +2

      Do you have Optus Sport on that fetch? If so, then you can get the Mini.

  • +3

    There has got to be a hidden cost here somewhere. I have a feeling it is $0 for the first 12 months but then they will start charging you the normal $5 per month after that.

    • +1

      ^ This is a concern.

    • +1

      I don’t think it’s hidden - 12 free months would imply as much

      I’m sure you can return it after that and not pay a cent

    • +1

      Just hit them up via online chat, after 12 months they charge per month after that..

      free for 12 months, then pay per month there after.

  • Weird how it at least isnt the proper set up box.

    • +2

      Pretty sure the only differences between this box and the 'Fetch Mighty' is the latter can record shows while the former only allows shows to be paused and rewinded. Additionally, the Mighty can handle 4K content whereas the Mini doesn't support 4K

  • So you have to send it back after 12 months? Or you keep it but it won't work?

    • +1

      you would have to send it back. I had one on the $5 a month and then I cancelled it and had to send it back.

  • No recording facility on the Mini boxes.

  • +2

    EVeryone will have fetch mini, and the fetch stream will struggle. Rinse and repeat.

    • Possibly but the Fetch stream has been rock solid for years, even when the other streams struggled when the EPL first launched on Optus.

      • It's possible that Optus are intentionally flooding the market with streaming boxes in order to test bandwidth for future "unlimited" mobile data plans.

        • Seems like a really expensive way to do it, and not exactly effective if people are with different providers?

  • So this is only for Premium' subscriber?

  • Is this offer for customers with just the Optus Sport on mobile? I don't use Optus as my ISP so wasn't sure if this deal was applicable to us?

    I tried to get Fetch a few weeks ago and was told I had to pay $5 for this box then $15 again on top for Optus sport on the box itself :/

    • Yes, if you have subscribed on the mobile, you can get this. Just need to tell them your subscription email.

  • any recommendation on the best method to record TV programs simultaneiously?
    while watching one channel and the recorder records another channel.

    can fetch do this?
    any other machines? without any sign up fees

  • +1

    Why don't they just allow users with Fetch Mighty (not from Optus) to stream over the wired Internet as well?

    • How would Optus get their app on other Fetch devcies? The apps are built into the firmware and obviously Optus doesn't control non-Optus Fetch devices.

  • Mark your calendars for 366 days from now when there are several thousand refurbished fetch minis on eBay…

    Either that or it's a goodwill gesture that'll backfire just as well. Considering their excuse was demand was greater than they expected on the streams despite knowing exactly how many users they have, I'm betting they have 10 of these per store expecting no one to actually jump on it.

    • +1

      You have to return an Optus Fetch Mini when the subscription ends or pay $150. And the Optus Fetches are useless once deactivated from an Optus account.

  • $0/Mo for 12 months means you have to stay connected or may have to pay an early termination fee (basically pay off remaining cost)…

  • I get Optus Sport included in my plan so does this apply to me or just those who pay the $15 straight up? I asked on Livechat and they had no idea. I can't get to a Store for another few hours and it's a pain if the answer is going to be no.

    • +1

      I'm on the $30 plan with Optus Sport as a free bonus and i picked one up from the Syd CBD store.

      • Mine is MBB which they don't allow you to normally add FetchTV to come to think of it. So I may be SOL

        Anyone on MBB been able to get this?

    • I have it bundle with my Cable and home phone for free.
      I went into North Ryde Macquarie Center and they gave me one.

    • please let us know what you get told at the store. I went to my local store and they said mine was ineligible and they couldn't tell me why at all. I think it was a mistake. my Optus Sport is part of a plan also.

  • +4

    720p box? Are they trying to down-regulate the network load? XD

    • Judging by the quality of the stream I experienced last night they'd be luck to get 480p

      • +1

        It's a solid 720p on Fetch though. It's streaming to other devices that is flaky.

  • +3

    Just walked I to my local Optus store….the 4 people in store no nothing at all about the offer.

    Expecting a call back when they work out what's happening, but good to see Optus informing their staff what is happening!

    • +2

      I walked in to the local Optus store and the first guy said he knew nothing about this offer and I had to call Optus while waiting in store. While I was on hold (more than 42mins! bounced between three departments) another customer walks in with the same request and the other store person served in him giving him a free fetch mini box. He was in and out in 10mins max!

      Then I complained and the second guy said "don't worry hang up" and gave me the Fetch mini.

      Optus is not doing anyone favors with this deal. They might have to give up their world cup deal and just let SBS do their usual excellent job.

      • are you a phone plan customer or did you pay the individual 14.99 a month? my useless store just said no its coming up as ineligible sorry and couldn't tell me why!

        • I get Optus sport with my mobile plan free.
          I'm not actually sure if I'm truly eligible for this Fetch mini offer but the store guy saw how pissed off I was with waiting on hold for so long so he processed the deal on my account quickly

  • +5

    Just walked into Melbourne CBD store. The answer I got was that this has been linked early. It’s meant to be sent via email, they won’t be giving anything until you receive the email.

    Interested to hear from others

    • +5

      Optus store in Doncaster VIC knew about the deal. They showed me on the portal the "world cup special fetch offer". As expected, they add a Fetch mini to your account, charge your account for it, then credit your account, for 12 months. After that you get charged accordingly or return the device.

      • +2

        Hey I used to work there.

  • based on the wording, looks like an emailed link to be sent out in the coming days….sounds like it is a 1-day release on Friday 22nd only.

    • if the ides is for people to be able to watch the world cup on it, why make people wait a week, when the tournament will be a week in?

      • ye i get you…i'm just as confused, but technically it hasn't 'launched' yet, JeffreyM has just got his hands on this URL for us in advance.

      • i didnt realise that - but you would think they would want to do things ASAP for customers

    • I know someone who already picked theirs up from NORTHLAND SC store Victoria

  • +12

    Chatswood Optus has no idea about the offer and does not know how to process the order….. Maybe Optus will advise their staff after the world cup

    • +2

      lol, was just about to head down there now. saved me a trip in this cold. Thanks !

    • +2

      My guess, they already sent the email to their staff, just haven’t arrived yet. Delay as usual

      • +1

        Yep the email must have got lost in auspost transit

    • Got mine and was processed fast.

  • +1

    Anyone who is not an Optus mobile or internet customer (but who just signed up to Optus Sport itself) managed to get one?

  • +6

    So I went to 2 yes Optus stores and both have told me they are out of stock.
    But then I go on Optus stock check website and says both stores have stock.
    Don’t know which one is bullshit so I’m on hold now with Optus. I’ll report back when they give me an answer

    • I reckon the staff reserved it for themselves :/

      • Sorry, are we still talking about Optus or Dick Smith?

    • So what was the answer?

      • Never got off hold so after 45min hung up

        Just went into another yes Optus shop and picked one up you just need the email you use to login

  • I just got mine! Went into Brisbane Queen St store. They sign you up on a contract, but it's obviously $0 for 12 months. After the 12 months you can either pay $5 a month to keep it or return it. I am an Optus Home Internet customer with existing Fetch TV and Optus Sport. Mini will go onto the other TV! Streaming issue sport in multiple rooms now, yay.

    • Which plan are you currently on? (noting the comment below from JordanM, who was not eligible on an existing Optus sport $30 sim only)

      • Don't know sorry, I'm on a really old Cable/TV Internet bundle from Optus. Optus Sport always been included in it.

    • I was advised that it may show as $20 cost but will have a credit for $20 each month.

      • yeah, same.

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