• expired

[VIC] FREE King of Weapons Course - Chinese Spear @ JGK Martial Arts Association, Maribyrnong


The King of Weapons - Chinese Spear - 4 Weeks Free Course

FREE Chinese Martial Arts Weapons Course - Learn the Spear - known as one of 'The King of Weapons’
4 Weeks Free Course - Includes a Certificate of Completion

Duration - 4 Classes x 1.5 Hours each class
Training Venue - located next to Highpoint Shopping Centre
4/18 Sloane Street, Maribyrnong, Vic 3032

The Spear - known as one of 'The King of Weapons’; is widely recognised.
It works defensively or offensively in both sharp long range techniques to short range blocks; it is a quick, light and agile weapon.

There are approximately fifteen different techniques within the spear, to be practiced, drilled, applied and mastered. This consists of long range attacks and strikes, and short range reflective blocks to counter attack.

The spear is a beginner's weapon but consist of intermediate and advance techniques which are a core component in developing key skills to learning the next exponents. Core compenents within learning the Spear includes;

Thrusting outwards and basic applications,
Development of blocking techniques,
Blocking, defecting, and thrusting drills,
Development of Ging Lik power of the Spear,
Stance alignment, execution and positioning,
Spears flow of movement, speed and reflex,
Practicing Form in Four Gates/Corners,
Accuracy, and long range drills,

Please message us to book a class below times, each class has a limited number, located next to Highpoint Shopping Centre - Sloane Street Maribrynong.

Monday Class - 6:30pm - 8pm
Tuesday Class - 6:30pm - 8pm
Wednesday Class - 6:30pm - 8pm

Saturday Classes
- 2pm - 3:30pm - FULL
- 3:30pm - 5pm - FULL

Sunday Classes
- 12:30pm - 2pm
- 2pm - 3:30pm

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Jow Ga Kuen

closed Comments

  • Spears illegal in Vic?

    • Unless you have a Weapons Permit

      • +2

        I have a hermit.. does that count?

        • +6

          Is it a weapons hermit?

        • +2

          yeah he lives under the tree in my back yard. i tried to get him to leave…but you know…. weapons.

    • +1

      Spears illegal …. I'd like to see that one come under carrying a concealed weapon …

      • +1

        What makes you think it needs to be concealable to be illegal?

    • Don't believe it is illegal in Victoria.

      Chinese Whip Spear is illegal which is like a flexible foldable spear. I am assuming this lesson is using the traditional spear which is a rod with a pointy tip….

      Not listed on this article from Vic Police

  • I'm keen

  • +10

    Honestly if there was ever a useful melee weapon a spear has to be up there right!

    If im gonna get stabbed id like something that keeps me as far away from the stabbee as possible :P

    • +3

      I’m more of a halberd kinda guy

      • It's a Bohemian earspoon for me or nothing

      • Swiss long pike reporting in.

    • I prefer lucille…

  • combine this with pole dancing!

  • +5

    Interesting. Do you have kids martial art classes at the Maribyrnong location?

    • Hi Wills7 unfortunately we only have adult classes.

    • -2

      Wills7 mate, put your kid into BJJ. Your kid will f up all the other kids. Unless if you're asking for yourself, in that case you'll f all the kids.

  • +9

    Cheers, this will be helpful in convincing GoCatch to reinstate everyone’s deleted credits.

  • -4


  • +4

    I guess a good skill to learn for the Zombie Apocalypse and you're out of ammo???

    But what about a samurai sword though? I've seen enough episodes of The Walking Dead to know that's the shiznit for dropping the dead quickly and quietly.
    Impaling them on a spear doesn't stop those suckers, and god help you if there's more than one. Everyone knows its gotta be a head shot.

    I look forward to your 4 week course on "samurai sword zombie slaying for beginners", and the appropriate certificate of completion of course (so I can gain entry into some fallout shelter and need to show proof I can slide under the door that I am a sword master). Do you laminate the certificate?

    Plus vote for the free course :).

    • +1

      Well it was a strong powerful black woman in TWD, ordinary men cannot handle it.

      • +1

        Hmm… you're probably right.

        Nun-chucks then. Chicks love nun-chucks.

    • Tommy Robinson could use a spear for protection right now.

    • +1

      clearyl you preference a chainsaw and then a samurai sword after that. A long spear is useless against he hoarde!

      • you preference a chainsaw and then a samurai sword after that

        Thanks, but Bruce Willis preferred the sword.

      • Rookie mistake. Too noisy and you need fuel, and you'll ALWAYS have a failure to start just at the wrong time.
        Cardio is always first preference. Then sword.
        But because I'm eating a family pack of salt and vinegar chips right now… the sword is definitely crucial to my survival.
        That, or become a strong powerful black woman's he-whore, who just happens to wield sword like no man!
        Plus I can carry stuff.

    • +1

      you can practice at home with a wooden samurai sword for the Zombie Apoclaypse …. the kids do it regularly on Friday night sleep overs …. problem is the zombies also have wooden swords … figured it makes it fairer.

    • well, in my opinion, stab a zombie on head with a spear is much easier and safer than swing a sword face to face with zombie and try to chop down its head. what do you think? :P

    • +2

      The ends of these spears are pretty much swords, and you will learn to wield the spear as you would a sword.

      There's an amazing scene in the 2002 Jet Li film Hero which shows the versatility of the chinese spear in the hands of a master… and it's on youtube :)


    • Completley agree, a zombie stabbed with a spear will just continue shambling up the shaft and eat your brain.

      Which is why (as stated above) I go for the Bohemian earspoon (when will get a deal on these??)

  • +1

    Waiting for ozbargain deals on these - https://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-chinese-spear.html

  • +1

    Unless your clean toilets for a living. Where would you be able to find a spear in an emergency situation?

    • +6

      Challenge accepted.

      McDonalds (excuse me, McDowells) floor cleaning service specialist.
      Flag bearer at the Olympics.
      Ancient History subject matter expert tour guide at the Museum.
      School PE teacher during javelin class.

      And many many more!

      • +1

        McDonalds floor cleaning service specialist.

        Handy if a young Samuel L Jackson tries to rob the shop, and you're looking to win the respect of the store owner so you can date his daughter.

        For those too young to get the reference:


    • +4

      You're working at a McDowell's fast food restaurant, mopping up the floors with your buddy. Then a burglar who looks like Samuel L Jackson enters and you unscrew the mop head and go to work on the burglar's ass.

      • Exactly right!

        • Hold on, did you mention McDowell's before or after my comment?

        • +1


          Same time! I edited and you replied… I thought of it after re-reading :).
          Great minds :)

        • @kahn:

          McDowell …. from movie coming to America …during a hold up, the attendant cleaning the floor unscrews the head from the mop and uses the handle to take down the gunman.

      • +1

        Shit! I had my comment drafted but by the time i clicked post you'd beat me to it!

        well played.. you win this round kahn.

    • Fair point but seeing as it's basically illegal to be prepared for attacks in Australia there won't be much else to hand. Well, unless you're a criminal.

      The reasoning is that the police are there but obviously if that was true then we wouldn't need to be prepared.

    • should watch some old school kungfu movies ~

      large bed sheet + water = spear

  • Can you stop maniacs in cars with this?

    • +3

      No, but a spear works in the spokes of a bicycle.

  • Very handy skills. Take a spear with you every time you leave the house.

  • Useful for anyone that wants to be a true warrior of the three kingdoms.

  • +1

    Catch your own food!

  • Rep - do you know of anything similar in Syd?

    • +1

      Or just find a Jetstar/Tiger deal?

  • +2

    Be water my friend.

    • +1

      Assume formlessness.

  • Enjoy dancing

  • Interested, but I'm already pretty good with a bo staff.

  • Hi rep, I was told I am not allowed to handle sharp weapons as I I will go berserk. Be warned

  • +2

    Dynasty warriors, anyone?

    • +2

      Lol exactly my thoughts. I wonder if they teach how to true musou!

      • +2

        “ I have defeated an officer”

    • Do not pursue Lu Bu!

  • Do I have to bring my own spear or will they be provided in class?

    • +3

      It's Highpoint. They're just lying around.

  • +1

    Spears are so Ming Dynasty. Automatic weapons are where it’s at these days.

  • Exactly what I needed before going to China. Now I can be safe

  • Do I have to be Chinese

  • Will this course help me when I go spear fishing???

    • YES! sign up now!! For free!!!

  • The best technique is the humiliating spank.

  • +1

    Too late! I already signed up at Cobra Kai.

    • No Mercy

  • How fit do you have to be to do this?

  • It is forbidden to advertise Martial arts like this.

    • +1

      does it make it a forbidden technique then… shit just got serious..

  • +1

    Damn, I'd want to try but I'm in Sydney :(

  • +2

    While you browsed OzBargain… I studied the blade.

  • +1

    do they teach air bending, water bending, fire bending, blood bending, earth bending?

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