This was posted 6 years 9 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

TA/OzBargain eBay Exclusive - 11% off Sitewide on Brand New Fixed Price Items ($100 Min Spend, June 11 - 11am to 11pm)


Does it get any better or cooler than having your own eBay coupon? Best thing ever. eBay understands the importance of the OzBargain community and has been kind enough to give us 11% off sitewide on all eligible products (see below). This won't be advertised anywhere else - no banners, no emails. It's all for us, so keep it to yourselves lol. Enjoy :)

Please note eligible products means all brand new, fixed price items listed on excluding:

  1. Real Estate (10542)
  2. Coins (11116)
  3. Services (316)
  4. Cars, Bikes, Boats (9800)
  5. Tickets, Travel (11730)
  6. Other Lots More Items (88433)
  7. Gift Cards (172009 & 184609)

and excludes all items sold by the following sellers:

  1. Officeworks
  2. Fantastic Furniture

Up to 3 transactions and up to a max discount of $500 per transaction.

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • +52

    Well well well isn’t this interesting.

    • Don't forget ShopBack Australia has double the cashback of other providers

      • how much is it vs cashrewards?

      • +9

        Except the coupon isn't listed on ShopBack's website so it probably won't be commissionable.

      • +110

        I think I’ll stick with Cash Rewards and look after TA as he has looked after us with this. Call me loyal or old fashioned, but it seems like the right thing to do in this circumstance.

        • +6

          Are TA and Cashrewards connected?

        • +19

          You must be new here…

        • +14

          @alterego13: New enough not to be old. You didn't answer the question though.

        • +12

          @virhlpool: yeap ta was an ozbargainer and then started working with cashrewards

        • +2

          @Letrico: Cheers, Letrico.

        • +5

          Cashrewards has always helped me out with their easy claim system when it doesn’t register properly. Shopback appears to add more conditions to catch you out and I’ve read a lot of reports of untracked purchases not being awarded when people have tried to dispute. TLDR: CR FTW!

        • +3

          @virhlpool: TA works for Cashrewards

        • +7

          @bohdud: CR is very strict now though - no click recorded, no cashback. Earlier it used to process the claim as long as you can provide a valid purchase receipt.

        • +15

          @bohdud: Also worth mentioning that Cashrewards is an Australian company as opposed to ShopBack who are based in Singapore.

        • +11

          @pinkybrain: you want to work here, get paid here, but want to give your business to some overseas company and don't want to support local business because you're getting few cents more from the overseas company? Way to kill local businesses.

        • +10

          Get used to the globalised world.

        • @pinkybrain:
          User name checked out

        • +7


          LOL, that is funny you said that
          considering most of the crap you are buying is made in china…

          Also there is regular posting of many items from chinese stores

          If you are such a big supporter of the local stores, then go buy all your stuff from Harvey Norman.
          He will welcome you with open arms.

          Also he isn't supporting local business either since he gets all his cheap goods from china manufacturers etc..
          and then extorts you with rip off prices…
          But if you want to support his "local" business, then go for it.
          Pay his rip off prices..

          At least now you can sleep at night, knowing that your conscience is clear.

          Give my business?
          These cash rewards companies are making money off your purchases and giving you a return cashback share.
          Get this straight, they are not the one's that are doing you a favour.
          You are their product.

          What's cash reward's gonna give me if I support them?
          Diddly squat!

          And in that case, you would want to pick the one that gives the best returns.

        • -1


          Globalisation has been happening for a long time now…
          If you have gotten used to it yet, then time to stop buying anything.

          Probably a Gerry Harvey supporter…

          I hear that Gerry Harvey is all about supporting local businesss..

        • +1


          Oh my god!!

          LOL…the irony is just too great!!
          My mind is blown!

          It's ironic that you said that
          considering that you are a representative/associate of a chinese store (Geekbuying)

          Why don't you quit representing Geekbuying and ask Harvey Norman if you can be a representative for them..
          then you can "support" the local business.

        • @pinkybrain:

          Why don't you quit representing Geekbuying and ask Harvey Norman if you can be a representative for them..
          then you can "support" the local business.

          This made me lol

        • -1


          Yes. I rep for two Aussie and 1 Chinese.

        • @easternculture: Maybe you can hook me in with a certain cashback provider? Owait…

        • -1


          The only store you rep for is a chinese store, which you said yourself.

          Quit representing Geekingbuying

          Put your money where your mouth is

          Go ask Harvey Norman for a job to represent his stores..
          since you are such a big "supporter" of local businesses.

          The irony of your comment is at maximum level
          it literally blew it out of the stratosphere.


        • -3


          The only store you rep for is a chinese store, which you said yourself.

          I never said anywhere that I only represent GeekBuying. There are 4 associations under my name.

        • -4



          Put your money where your mouth is

          Quit representing Geekingbuying

          Go ask Harvey Norman for a job to represent his stores..
          since you are such a big "supporter" of local businesses.

        • -3


          Edit: sorry i negged by mistake, can a mod revoke it please?

        • @baldur: Find your name in the Votes list and hit the round negative button to the right.

        • @baldur:

          Do it yourself. Click again on negative vote and select revoke

        • +1

          Hey @Clear:

          Also worth mentioning that Cashrewards is an Australian company as opposed to ShopBack who are based in Singapore.

          we actually have an Australian office based in Sydney, we'll be happy to have you over anytime if you'll like to visit :)

        • -1

          @gotyourback: As does Zapals 😋 You're still a Singaporean company though and that was my point.

          I might have to call in next time I find my way up to Sydney 😊

    • +11

      Give us 20% ebay discount like the USA store and sitewide

    • +3

      People complaining about it being only 1% off more….but what they are missing is the point….

      As its not advertised, price jacking will be kept to a minimum!!!!

      So in fact it is a true discount as opposed to the 15% off site wide that really comes down to 6% after they jack the sh@t out of the prices

      • Before you make that comment..
        Let's wait and see…

  • Exciting!

  • +3

    Awesome, thanks TA!

  • +3

    Im planning to buy the xiaomi robovac ! Thanks TA

    • +10

      From a quick search gearbite were the cheapest I could see on eBay, but even with 11% off on eBay it's cheaper to get it from them directly.

      • +5

        +1 for gearbite.
        Way better than shopmonk
        (I've bought from both)
        Melb stock (1-2 day delivery?) vs 1 mth
        Similar prices if not the same from memory

        • Gearbite xiaomi vac was great for me. Quick delivery, no product issues. Think they come with the australian cord now too

        • @MaccDogg:
          Yep they do.

  • +1

    Good Bullion not excluded. Time to create ForT(A) Knox

  • +9

    Damn should have been on the 24th for a 24 hour event with 24% off, haha. Good deal TA

    • On the 30th for a 30 hour event with 30% off*

      • +20

        Or the 100th for a 100 hour… wait.

  • +1

    Great - been waiting for this to buy a new phone!

  • +1

    legs 11.


  • +2

    Amazing - well done TA…much appreciated

  • +10

    Excellent work as always TA! You gotta appreciate the effort he puts in to this site to bring us good deals.

  • +1

    Great work TA!

  • +1

    Wow TA.. Thanks 👍

  • +7

    Coupon doesn't have the words 'tight' or 'arse', so a missed opportunity.

    • +2

      POO and ASS were also taken :(

  • +2

    Amazing work TA, now I need to think of something I need to buy

  • +23

    This won't be advertised anywhere else - no banners, no emails.

    Might want to tell the mods to keep it off FB and Twitter TA :)

    Amazing work, we all appreciate the amount of effort you put into this site, thank you!

  • +42

    Guess we're moving up in the world if even eBay is giving us specific coupons.

    • +2

      Its quite a feat. Now just need TA to work some magic with Gerry Harvey

      • +70

        Gerry Harvey doesn't deal with professionals.

      • +6

        Stuff Gerry Harvey

        • +29


          That sounds like a nice Amazon Coupon

      • +10

        Gerry Harvey the biggest god damn hypocrite on Earth.

        Whinges about not buying Australian and keeping the money in the country…
        Opens Harvey Norman stores in Singapore and Malaysia.

        • Does he have to pay GST there? Lol

        • +16

          What percentage of Gerry’s products are made in Australia? It’s ok for him to source stock from overseas, but not for the consumer. Got it.

        • +3

          Agree that he's a hypocrite, but isn't taking money from Singapore and Malaysia the opposite?
          I don't see Gerry pushing any kind of indigenous products or any ind of Australian made agenda.
          I think when he refers to "Australia"
          you can substitue the word "me".

        • And Slovenia, Croatia, and Ireland! I went to one of the stores in Singapore and was pretty expensive. I couldn't understand how people would rather buy from a store like that than a market or something.

    • Guess we're moving up in the world if even eBay is giving us specific coupons.

      I guess that's a nice way to look at it.

  • Excellent work as always, TA!

  • Thanks TA!

  • what's the max spend or cashback?

    • maximum discount of up to $500 per transaction - you can do 3 separate transactions.

  • Thanks TA👌

  • +7

    Wasn’t targeted for recent 10% discount, so this is 10% better than that deal.

  • +8

    TA has levelled up. God mode acquired.

  • +4

    Great work thanks. This may even get the most number of votes on OZB history…

    • +1

      I hope it does. TA deserves the title so much more than a random post about maccas ice creams.

      • Maccas has ice creams? Since when? 😂

        Gee, next they'll be selling food!

  • One transaction per account? Any cap on the maximum discount?

      1. The total discount is capped at $500 per transaction.

      2. Limit 3 transactions per person during the Offer Period.

    • +24

      Member Since

      Checks out.

        • +6

          TA doesn't work for eBay, so is not a store representative.

    • +43

      Please just go away. This has been done to death.

      • TA, I think you deserve a commission from eBay :)

  • +1


    Well done mate. Legend

  • +36

    I think ebay is just testing how much sales actually come from the ozbargain community

  • Hats off to TA, as always! S2

  • TA you da man!!!!

  • +1

    slow clap

  • [censored] eBay

  • Thanks TA. You are a legend.

  • +2

    Remember back in the days when there was 15% off. Memories.

    • +1

      I'm pretty sure there was a 20% off once, back before the fizzed out Amazon launch.

    • +1

      18% for birthday, multiple 15% off last efoy.

      • Does that mean a 15% off site-wide deal coming up at the end of this month?

  • +18

    Why is this legend? We get 10 percent off every month with less minimum spend?

    • +10

      Because it's ta posting. duhhhh!

    • +1

      A whole 1% more and greater min spend than usual.

    • +1

      This is not legend, but just like all previous 10% off site-wide deals, they all have received hundreds of upvotes, so this will be no different, except maybe 10% more upvotes ;p

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