This was posted 6 years 8 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] GALAX Nvidia 1070 Ti 8GB EX Sniper (White) RGB Video Card - $519 @ MSY Clayton (In Store Promotion)


This is $649 at MSY, with their 20% off promotion, they are now doing $519. Mine was fulfilled without any questions at MSY Clayton (VIC).

Crazy excellent deal at $519. The black version was $629 just over a week ago at Umart and that received 46 upvotes, so this should even be better. I think this warrants its own post (separate from the 20% off MSY post).

The cheapest 1070 is $584, cheapest 1080 is $623, so this is a great deal.

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closed Comments

  • They didnt do this at MSY Auburn, i argued an hour straight saying this was the price was already discounted to 650, and that 20% off was the original MSRRP of 750…

    The highlighted words in yellow is saying that the rrp is 750, and 20% only applies to 750 making it cost 590, the 20% cannot be mixed with other offers

    • +21

      at MSY Auburn, i argued an hour straight

      Seems about right

      • I'm surprised they just didnt turn around and say "No Stok"

    • +1

      Do you want a copy of my receipt? It might help if you're still keen on arguing with them. My advice is to just try another MSY.

    • +2

      how about you dont support that business then. i would have spent my hour more wisely.

      • +1

        Sunk cost. He might not have known it would be an hour when he set out, drove there, waited on line, started arguing.
        To walk away after investing all that time can be difficult if you might be able to get what you want with just another 5 minutes of arguing. The longer you spend arguing, the more invested you are.

        As for not supporting rotten businesses, yeah it's Nobel. Some of us just chase bargains though. I got Harvey so price match a product so I could use the amex deal to save another $50 even though they're partly responsible for the new gst laws. I also choose EB over JB for games because they don't surcharge my amex. Some of us aren't Nobel enough to support nicer businesses at a loss to ourselves.

  • +1

    I might go to my "local" and see if they can do this

  • +1

    Tried this today. Rejected at MSY Slacks Creek QLD.

  • Rejected at MSY Hurstville

  • Not a deal as no other MSY store will accept this. I tried both in WA.

    • +2

      [VIC] MSY Clayton (In Store Promotion)

      • -1…

        As per there own website (Clayton store) they cannot honour it at that price.

        • which part of "In store" promotion don't you understand?

        • +2

          They dont actually honour it in store because its a promotion product what part of that dont you understand? Numerous people have tried (read the comments)

          Thats why MSY specifically highlighted it in yellow (they never ever do that) so clearly they are annoyed at people trying to claim the discount

        • @tg786: it says Clayton in store on the title so whats your point? your salty because its not nation wide?

        • +2

          This is not an in store promotion its specifically not advertised as an in store promotion - the OP managed to get one via a price error or price override by the salesperson.

          EOFY Sale! Normal Price: $749, $100 off 8/6 ~ 12/6

    • Not a deal as no other MSY store will accept this. I tried both in WA.

      I'm not sure in what way this is "not a deal" - regardless of whether your MSY chooses to accept it or not, it's still a deal at other MSYs (potentially), and at the very least, at MSY in Clayton where I got mine.

      In any case, even if they do 20% off the original price of $749, that still works out to be $599, which is the cheapest this card has ever been.

      • Great that you managed to get it cheaper but please realize nobody else will be able to get that price at any other store and I highly doubt it can be replicated

        • +1

          Great that you managed to get it cheaper but please realize nobody else will be able to get that price.

          You seem to be overly salty. I'm not sure why you're talking to me like I'm trying to convince other people they can actually get this deal. I merely posted that this was a deal I managed to get - if you can get the deal, good for you, if not, tough luck.

          I'm not MSY, so I'm not sure why you're taking it out on me.

        • Let's see if anyone else can get the deal even with your receipt and i will gladly up vote you

        • @tg786: Not sure why you think I care about how you vote - I post what I think is useful, if you want to vote negative, then you're well within your rights.

        • -5

          I don't care what you think and Im sure you dont value my opinion I'm merely stating I don't believe this is a deal if 1 person in Australia can only get it

        • @tg786:

          I don't believe this is a deal if 1 person in Australia can only get it

          Fair enough, I agree - so let's leave this on a note that we can both agree on :)

        • +1

          @p1 ama: You posted a deal when it isn't..people are probably driving all the way to Clayton just to realise that they cant get it for $519. Its misleading..and not a deal…because it isn't working for other at Clayton ?

        • +13


          I don't get the vitriol of some people - how is it MY fault that you drove out all the way to Clayton to realise you can't get it for $519?

          I simply stated that I got it for $519 with proof. Sometimes you guys make it seem like you're doing me a favour by using my deal, I'm just letting all you know (because I feel that I should contribute to the community here) that I managed to get it for that price.

          It's not my responsibility that they honour that price for you, just like it's not my responsibility to make sure they have stock.

          How am I being misleading?

        • +4

          @p1 ama:
          If no one else can get it then it's not a deal. It's just a humble brag imo…

        • Can we make "overly salty" the phrase of 2018?

          Or get it trending on twitter.

      • +2

        If there are less than 10 at the only store that will accept it (and this is considered a clearance item), then THAT is the way in which it's not a deal.

  • -3

    Eww MSY

  • +7

    Why can't msy ever offer a proper deal?
    Their deals are always somewhat troublesome. No exception.

    • I wouldn't waste my time and effort on their plastic deals.
      The chances of you getting this card via their specials from them let alone the price, you might as well play Tattslotto as you will have more chance to win on that.

      • The chances of you getting this card via their specials from them let alone the price, you might as well play Tattslotto as you will have more chance to win on that.

        Guess I'm pretty lucky then!

        • Did you play Tattslotto for this evening? :P

          You're in for a winner!

        • @vinni9284: Unfortunately not!

    • Cos they are shit and it's why they have been fined twice for misleading about warranty claims..

      Last time they some Samsung 32GB or something for $9.

      I order and make sure it was click and collect

      After driving for some time (due to their store is not close by)
      When I got there they said they didn't have any in stock..
      despite having done a successful online order for click and collect.

      That's the last time I waste my time with MSY "deals".

  • Would MSY do price guarantee? just bought a Galax Nvidia 1080 card last week, would love to return it and get this deal

    • +6

      Highly unlikely

    • +32

      They don't even honor their own prices.

      • buy a new one and return the new one with the old reciept

        • +5

          I wouldn't risk having 2 cards with MSY's terrible return policy.

        • That won’t work, serial number would be tied with the invoice

    • Time to get a credit card with price protection

  • +11

    I don't understand how this is a deal if your the only one that can get it?

    • Other people reporting another Galax 1070ti make for $503 in the original 20% off thread, so it really is down to how the stock is priced in store and if there's stock.

      You can search a specific store's inventory online, or call, or just drop by and see.

      • +2

        That is a different product - its not on promotion already just its basically out of stock most places.

        That product can definitely be had for $503 I called multiple stores and they would honor that price provided there was stock.

        This is a different product that is readily stocked at most of the stores but already on promotion and cannot be stacked with the 20% promo

        • Eh, fair enough. I'm waiting for (what is clearly now) the incoming next gen, where I should get comparable performance to a 1070ti out of the xx60 model.

    • +3

      How was I meant to know that I was the only one who could get it at the time I posted this…?

  • +8

    As a former employee I think whoever sold this to you is in trouble. No other stores will do as this price. Especially Clayton if the manager has found out, will not make the same mistake.

  • +1

    After going through the cooments, it appears that only OP was able to get it at that price. Regardless of it being Clayton store or an other store you wont be able to buy one for 519.

    • +1

      Two more guys able to get it at this price below :)

  • +1

    20% off promotion states not in conjunction with other offers.
    Good on op for snagging a bargain but it should be moved to the forums.

  • +2

    I thought it will be fulfilled throughout all MSY. I got mine at the same price in another MSY branch in VIC.

    • Could you please post reciepts so this can be confirmed as more than a one off?

      • Well, I didn't do a price match but I went in early today before noon. Initially was looking for the $503 GTX1070 TI but it was sold out, so the next cheapest they have is this one at $519. Would the MSY branch people be in trouble if I post the store branch? hmmm…

  • +2

    Good deal thanks for posting - able to price match at local with the receipt. Ignore the butthurts.

    • Could you please post reciepts so this can be confirmed as more than a one off?

  • +1

    Rejected at MSY Varsity Lakes and Morningside even using the receipt.

    • +6

      You could at least try to be honest you know, I posted the receipt at 5.30pm, both Varsity Lakes and Morningside closed at 2pm…

      • +3

        Huh? The deal was already announced yesterday. I went in with the receipt for $599 and they wouldn't price match even that.

  • +2

    Be happy with your current video card people, save your money.

  • -5

    Unless someone posts a receipt I'm going to assume no one is telling the truth.

      • +5

        Fair enough, but honestly this just looks like a mistake on the counter clerk's part. And with everyone calling in about this deal, no doubt they've locked everything down and made sure all the shops know they can't sell the card this cheap.

        So the fact this is a one-off deal that can't be replicated anywhere else, I'll keep my neg until someone else besides OP posts a receipt.

  • OP, I think it'd be a good idea to update the deal with the stores that are reported to have rejected the 'deal'. So far:

    • Slacks Creek, QLD
    • Varsity Lakes, QLD
    • Morning Side, QLD
    • Hurstville, NSW
    • +2

      Add both WA stores and MSY Auburn

      • I picked up a Galax GTX 1070 for $484 with no issue at MSY Cannington on 9/10 at ~4pm. Didn't ask about the 1070 Ti.

      • Auburn!!?!?!

        No….why did they reject the deal….

        When it 20% off off all cards

  • +6

    I hope Bitcoin dies this year and all the shitcoins go to zero so I can finally buy a decent video card for $399. The most useless junk ever created, ruined PC gaming for many.

    • -2

      You wouldnt be saying that if you invested in bitcoin and made enough to get a video card at full price for basically free from bitcoin profits.

      • +2

        true, i'm sure Charles Ponzi could afford a lot of graphics cards.

    • +5

      Yes my 100$ is more valuable than your millions to me. Am i wrong?

    • -1

      Low effort troll

  • +7

    Not honoured. No deal.

  • I got th3 black one for 503 so pretty happy 😁😁

    Nsw kensington btw but last black in stock

    1. This is not a deal, you just got lucky.

    2. You didn't even give credit to the OP of the 20% off deal.

    • +2

      As I've mentioned before, how am I meant to know that I was lucky at the time of posting this deal?

  • I bought this card at $599. Now I’m kinda regretting not getting the 1080 for like $40 more but wanted to save every cent lol if I OC this card will it be like 1080 speeds?

  • +3

    I think we all owe the OP an apology..

    Yesterday.. I tried to buy one at $519… but offered gave the excuse of 20% off the original price.. thus$599…
    I ended up buying the 1080 for $639

    Today.. I was back in the morning to fix up a receipt issue (1080).. .. and asked about the price and low behold.. it was $519.. (Thus bought the last one - in the display case)..

    I can confirm.. Box Hill is out of stock of both the Galax 1070TI EXCOC sniper and the Cheaper non sniper edition (despite what stock levels say).

    so I can confirm… the deal is valid at the moment.. (10.30am Sunday) but stock is limited / non existent..

    It definitely wasn't valid yesterday at 10.30am (Saturday) when I specially when in to buy one..

    Hence probably the confusion and anger..
    I presumed it was corrected sometime during the day yesterday. The prices offered to me were all automatically calculated without input from the salesperson..

    I await the pictures of the hoards of OZbargainers lining up on Monday Morning at the limited MSY open on Monday….. noting.. that stock the levels on the website.. are probably not accurate at the moment.

    The best deal is obviously $629 - 20% = $503.20.. none of that awful white shroud.. and cheaper as well..…

    If you can find stock..

    • so I can confirm… the deal is valid at the moment..

      Call me cynical but it seems like you just got a lucky spin on the MSY wheel of customer misfortune rather than a confirmation that the deal is valid across all stores.

      • I went back to exact same shop 24 hours later and saw the ordering screens as well..

        I was cynical at the start.. since I missed out yesterday…

        But its in my hands at the moment.. paid for.. no issues.. no arguments.. no discussions..

        • Was it the same staff member?

  • +1

    My $0.02 on this deal / the "20% off all cards":

    Yesterday I went to Auburn chasing a 1080. Naturally they didn't answer their phones, but going off the stock availability they had an MSY Gaming X. Hurstville looked like a backup option.

    My first question "Are you guys doing 20% off all cards".
    "Great - is the Gigabyte Gaming G1 in stock".
    "No stok"
    "What about MSY gaming X?"
    He went to the back… "We only have one in stock - a refurbished / resealed / returned"
    He then said "The only 1080s we have in stock are Asus Turbo and other card" (the other card was a Blower model as well so I wasn't interested).

    I then went to Hurstville and had the exact same conversation. Yes, they were honoring the 20% off deal. No, none of the 1080s were in stock except for Asus Turbo and a reference card.

    I walked away with a Gigabyte Gaming G1 1070Ti for $600, marked down from $759. The only stock available in 1070Ti was the Gigabyte card I bought and a Galax card (not sure which though sorry)

    Ultimately I feel annoyed I didn't get a 1080. But at the same time I also feel annoyed that MSY never answer their phone, their online stock levels are inaccurate, and I get the feeling I was lied to about 1080s being out of stock. I really don't feel good supporting their business after I drove all over Sydney. I'm quite honestly tempted to take it back and just buy a full priced 1080 from PCCG or someone else reputable.

    • Hey,

      Do you regret getting 1070ti over the 1080? I’m feeling a little bit of regret as the 1080 was only approx $50 more. But I heard we can OC the 1070ti to 1080 stock speeds???

      • To be honest I'm really undecided. I still haven't taken it out of the box yet because I wanted to see if I could maybe get a 1080 from another MSY store.

    • I was pretty cynical myself…

      on Friday most cards at box hill were out of stock..

      Come saturday morning.. basically everything was back in stock….

      I presume it depends which branch and what time of day…

      On Sdaturday.. there was one person ahead of me buying a keyboard..

      Today I was only person at the door at opening time at 10.30am…

      I dont think you can rock up at 2pm on a Saturday Afternoon and expect them to have stock..
      There would have been 5-10 other people buying videocards before hand.. picking through their second, thirds, fourth and fifth choices

      • To be fair you're totally correct. But what is frustrating is they purposely don't answer their phone and their online stock check is not accurate. They also won't let you take advantage of the offer with an online order.

        So it's overall an extremely frustrating consumer experience. The price is excellent, but everything else sours it to the point of feeling quite unsatisfying

        At the end of the day I think if I got the 1080 I was after I'd look past this though

  • Do we still consider $649 a good price for this card?

  • Has the 20% off expired ? Is today the last day?

  • I went to Ultimo to purchase the MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X for 20% off as their website indicated that Ultimo was the only Sydney shop left that had it in stock. When I got there I asked them if they had it in stock and they didn't. They told me that they had the MSI GTX 1070 TI in stock and I ended up getting that for 20% off for $603. I spent more than I planned on spending but it was still a good deal.

    • Do you know if they had 1080s in stock?

      • Sorry but I didn't ask if they had 1080s. You won't have any luck calling them either because they don't answer their phone, at least they didn't when I called.

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