This was posted 6 years 8 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Two Games for $40 @ JB Hi-Fi (Includes: Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition, Nioh, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8) Pickup or + Shipping


Just had a look and Horizon Zero Dawn complete edition is now part of JB's 2 for $40!

$20 for Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition is amazingggggggggg surely.

So instead of paying $39 for the Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition, I spent $40 for it + Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8.

link to all games included in sale *credits CyberGenesys

PS4 Games
Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition
Shadow of Colossus

Edit: seems like jb’s been ozbargained but fear not as Amazon seems to have matched the $20 price point, albeit it being on back order I presume.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +2

    Nice find!

  • +12

    Link to all games included in the sale.

    • Cheers!

  • +6

    Shadow of the Colossus is also in the 2 for $40 sale - some incredible prices on quality titles this week. Jeepers!

    Shadow of the Colossus

    I've got both this and Horizon already but at these prices I'm almost tempted to buy them again!

  • +1

    Bought from GMG this morning. Pulled the trigger too early. Well I’ll take that I supported local independent store.

    • +1

      And they responded in thanks by charging you more this time and any time in the future

      • +1

        It’s just for my emotional reconciliation. :) correction - The Gamesmen.

  • 1.5 hours ago it wasn't part of the 2 for $40…so bought the standard edition instead.

    • +1

      return and repurchase?

  • Hot damn I got my weekend sorted

    • Long weekend sorted

  • +1

    HZD Complete Ed. not available for delivery, only click&collect?

    • That's strange, it shows Delivery options available for me.

      • (This is an old post and late, but still want to correct myself just incase someone see it in the future)
        Hunnypooh, you are correct.
        The layout of the website had me confused, i ordered 2 games and I thought the "not for delivery" was applying to both games.

  • +3

    It keeps getting better….

    • agreed, unsure how much my wallet can take

      • You meant give?

  • +4

    Ordered Horizon and SOTC, so happy now.

    • Yep same, too hard to pass up at that price.

  • +1

    So i want to get into Kingdom hearts which one is the most Newcomer friendly?

    • +6

      Kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD ReMIX. Has pretty much all of them.

      Then buy 2.8.

      Now you've completely caught up - 1.5 + 2.5 has all the previous Kingdom Hearts games in some form from PS2-PS3, DS, GBA, PSP era.

    • +1

      I've finished 1.5, 2.5 and now I'm playing 2.8 Dream drop Distance…

      Even though I always recommend starting from the start, as the characters and the story is my favourite part of the game; I am impressed with the level of "new comer friendliness" in 2.8 Dream drop Distance. As the game progresses, and it makes reference to previous chapters of the story, it gives you some text or some videos to explain what you need to know.

  • +4

    I love the fact that Mass Effect Andromeda is part of the deal but you can get it on its own for $19…

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    • Check Amazon AU BOGOF deal first.
      Oh yes, funny some games are $19 on its own but 2 for $40 just doesn't make any sense.

    • It will only work to your benefit if the second game you select is worth more than $21 on its own, and is a part of the deal.

  • +3

    Shame kingdom hearts 2.5 isn’t part of the deal

    • Doesn't even seem to be on their site anymore…

  • +1

    Anyone in Perth wanna go halves?

  • Frie Emblem Conquest Amiibo NFCbundle is part of the 2 for $40 bundle. it is currently $24 by itself. Either way it is a fantastic price. $24 is a great price for the game, let alone in the bundle, let alone in a 2 for $40 bundle!

    Don't forget discounted JB gift cards via RACQ Lifestyle :)

  • +2

    Nioh is an absolute steal for that price.

  • +1

    Mofo… i bought ZHD yesterday for $45 via Amazon. Too late to cancel. Guess I'll have to return it.

  • +5


    Just bought 2 more copies of Knack

    • +6

      Who hurt you

    • knack 2 baby!

  • +9

    JB knocked me back on price matching Amazon's $24.95 on HZD and thegamesmen's $19 for Nioh less then an hour ago. "That's below out cost", "we don't pricematch online stores","blahblahblah".

    I didn't buy them. But for $40 for both, which is less then I'd have paid with the pricematch, I'll drive back.

    And when I'm there I'll return the PS4 Gold Wireless headset I just paid $89 for and order the same from Amazon for $69.


    • +1

      Lol ask then why its below their below cost now.

      • +1

        Im going to guess retailers will be rebated from Sony for the price drops if they have price protection, which JB most certainly would. So currently, it is below their "cost" price.

        Happens all the time in retail.

  • +2

    Not listed but saw World of FF and FF XII Zodiac Age as a part of this deal in store. Might wanna check local store for other games options

  • Ordered Horizon and SOTC too about 2 hours ago. Just got a text message saying they were ready to pickup and a call from them now saying they can't seem to find Horizon in stock. How funny lol

    • What a broken process, confirmation before stock check. Are you located in Melbourne by any chance? My order also got the ready to pick up notification within minutes.

      • Nope North Sydney here mate. Anyways the guy called and said a staff member had made a mistake confirming my order as ready to pickup within a minute of receiving the text message. Was just called back to be told apparently they don't have stock anywhere really but their system is mistakenly showing stores with stock and that's why people are able to order it. The guy said the earliest they could get stock in the store is late next week to early the week after. What a stuff up alright. I already have Horizon digital version but not the complete version. I told him I would wait for it instead of getting a refund. Let's see how long it will take.

        • I picked it up at 9:45am this morning from Nth Syd but I’m pretty sure it was the only one there and they told me that it was not part of the 2 for $40 deal. They honoured it anyway as they had stickered it 2 for $40.

          Excellent customer service.

          Picked up Gold Headset, Horizon Complete, SOTC, Ratchet and Clank and GT Sport for $167.

  • Annoying! I got HZD standalone edition in the last 2 for $40 deal. I'm loving it so much I'm looking to buy the DLC now.

  • +9

    Damn - just bought $120 worth of games and realised I could have saved more with gift cards.

    Oh well, it's not like I'll play them anyway.

  • HZD out of stock… oh well :)

  • +2

    Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition looks to have been Ozbargained…

    • +1

      According to their manager at Chatswood they didn't have stock pretty much anywhere in Sydney to start with. What a load of crap ay?

    • I called my local store and they still had several copies available but the bloke said that it's not in their system as part of the 2 for $40 deal.

      • Something is obviously not right here I knew it as soon as they called like literally after the text message first thing I said was let me guess you don't have any horizon in stock, he replied back yes. But from past experiences they always seem to have stuff ups with their stock levels showing stock when they apparently don't have any. This has happened to me before with other games as well as hdds too. Pretty annoying if you ask me either way.

    • i'm guessing HZD standalone is the only one that supposed to be on 2For40, but somehow the complete one is included in the sales

      • Yeah I agree as it's around the 20 mark atm where as the complete edition is like double the price

  • +2

    Nioh is a great game.
    I would put it above Dark Souls, more polish, content and depth.
    Really long game so plenty of value for your dollar.

    • +1

      Yeah I second that I bought it ages ago in the psn sale for about the same price as this. Great game indeed.

    • +1

      I rate ‘em both equally. Dark Souls Remastered has been a great/frustrating/expletive ridden walk down memory lane.

      Bloodborne is my absolute favourite though!

    • Disagree. Dark Souls forever the best multiplayer creepy dark game out there. The second one could not beat it nor the third hence they remade the first.

  • Anyone know when this deal ends? Deciding whether cramming for finals or buying games is more urgent

    • +1

      Buy now regret later

    • +2

      As a heavily in debt graduate, the latter option is the correct one.

    • I asked this in store and was told it was on for about a month.. However, the girl reckoned that it was clearing stock so might not be much in the way of new things coming in.. Personally I find it strange that they'd be sold out of HZD for a month but guess we'll see..

  • Thanks! Bought HZD Complete Edition and Nioh :)

  • I wish I had an Xbox 1X. Oh well, back to my X360.

    • +1

      Wait.. what?

  • Got SOTC and arkham knight to add to the pile of shame - thanks!

  • The prices are so good that it makes me want to buy it again lol

  • Can anyone please recommend any decent game for a young teenage boy (who is constantly on Fortnite!!)
    Is something like Shadow Of the colossus ok??

    • +1

      Yeah but he might find it a bit boring (it is a good game though). Horizon zero dawn would be good. Also arkham knight

    • +2

      get two different games. He wont enjoy Shadow of the colossus at all,

      get something like

      Watch Dogs 2 and Wipeout(ps4 only)

      Horizon Zero Dawn and Steep

    • +1

      Gravity Rush 2 is crazy fun!
      Open world, missions/running errands.
      Fun combat

    • is he a ninja turtle too?

  • Can't seem to buy HZD online.

    • +1

      Call the store directly just got someone to hold last copy for me though it wasn't showing as available for click and collect.

      • Thanks! I did just that and was able to get the last copy on hold.

  • I was just at my local jb hifi. Lots of standard editions. Was told pretty much sold out of complete edition in all of vic

  • +2

    Got the last copy of HZD Complete from Gepps X.

  • +1

    Cheers OP, just picked up HZD Complete Edition and The Lost Legacy. Had to call a few stores to check stock for HZD, and the JB store in Werribee (Vic) had a couple left. Perhaps sold out by now. Plenty of stock for Shadow of the Colossus though.

    • Great to hear that! Picked mine up from chadstone after work and am playing it now. Long weekend game time.

  • +1

    HZD Complete Edition and Gravity Rush 2 taken from store. There was 1 more HZD left and no gravity rush 2.

  • Picked up Shadow of the Colossus and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy with my work discount for $37 pickup. Thanks OP

  • +2

    Got the last copy of Horizon complete at Noralunga Centre JB for $15 (they didn’t have the case).

    In total I got horizon, last of us, shadow of col, ratchet and clank, uncharted 1-4 . All for $111. And better yet the PS4 arrived as I got home.
    Should be a good long weekend! Now I just have to get Bloodborne from Amazon and borrow God of War from a friend.

    Thanks Ozbargain :)

    • +1

      Hope you've got a good internet connection.. :)

    • All those titles, a good 12 months.

  • +1

    South Park Fractured Butthole including download code for Stick Of Truth PS4 $29 @JB

  • Just posted this in the Amazon thread: For those thinking of going to JB, it's definitely worth a shot. I just grabbed the last copy of HZD:CE from Robina JB - & it wasn't in the 2 for 40 bin! It was on the games shelf so definitely was missed till now. Keep searching OzB!

  • Bought HZD complete edition and uncharted 4 yesterday from Melbourne Elizabeth street in the 2 for 40 sale, then came back to work and noticed the other $19 deal for the uncharted 4 special edition. Managed to find that in stock at another jb hifi near home so went in and exchanged the UC4 std for the special edition and they even refunded me a dollar! Think I just struck it lucky with the salesperson though on the exchange, so ymmv..

    • I went to the Elizabeth store this morning, no more complete edition! Damn you. Good find

      • Ah, sorry man, that sucks, hope you manage to find one…. Friday lunchtime they had about 10 copies behind the counter, but only one case on display.

  • Went into one my local JB and they had one HDZ:CE but no 2 for 40 sticker marked up to ~70 bucks. All the standard edition were also non-stickered about $50. I wonder if they would honor the deal if I ask them, should try at other JB's or just try and grab some other games instead. Hell of Deal for those who snagged it!

    • +3

      Just it to the counter with another title under 2 for $40 they will scan up $40. If they don't just show them their website.

  • Nioh's gone too :(

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