There are some pretty good games to pick from in this bundle. It might also be possible to buy a 5-pack or 10-pack of one game to give to your friends but haven't not confirmed that. Might be worth a try.
You have the following games to choose from:
- Hue
- Serial Cleaner
- 10 Second Ninja X
- Little Acre
- Manual Samuel
- Iron Fisticle
- Stealth Bastard Deluxe
- Qora
- Velocity Ultra Deluxe
- Stealth Inc 2
- Explodemon
- Pumped BMX+
- Porcunipine
- Stealth Bastard Deluxe - The Teleporter Chambers DLC
- Jump Stars
My recommendations are: Hue, Serial Cleaner, Little Acre, Manual Samuel, and either Stealth Bastard or Stealth Inc 2.
Have quite a few of these already.
Hue and Pumped BMX+ are surprisingly refined and fun games.
Porcunipine is an ultra-simple but fun couch-based multiplayer (if you have several controllers).