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[PC, Epic] Free - Hell Let Loose @ Epic Games


Last Xmas freebie from Epic games. As usual, available from 3am AEDT for one week.

Posting this early in case anyone was thinking of buying the game today.

Full credit to Billbil-Kun.

Mod: Free DLC/Add-ons here.

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closed Comments

    • +47

      Last Xmas freebie from Epic

      You tell me.

  • Thanks OP

  • +8

    HLL is awesome

  • +34

    This is probably my favourite game of the last 5 years. I've been absolutely addicted to it since it came to PlayStation Plus!

    If you're not prepared to work with other players and chat on mic however, I would say look for another game. This tends to skew the audience towards an older, collaborative audience. Beginner friendly as long as you're politely asking your squad to introduce you to the mechanics.

    New players often spawn in, run towards an objective, die and uninstall. Take a few minutes to watch a tutorial vid on YT and there's a decent chance you end up having the most rewarding multiplayer experience ever.

    • +13

      I recommend this vid on YT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3Dpm2OOiuc :)

      • +2

        ROFL! This video is gold

        • Nano is the funniest gaming youtuber I know of. He's got quite a few HLL vids but that one is next level, particularly from 1:05 and 3:16 :)

      • +1

        Oh my god all the team kills. 😂

    • +2

      +1 on one of my favourite games to go back to.

      Everyone on comms are helpful and willing to teach new people about the game, even giving advice as you go along. I paired up with a sniper as his spotter on Hill 400 and while I didn't have a mic, I kept getting kudos for pinging correctly. Wish I remember the guy's name though, we only died together twice throughout the whole match.

    • +3

      Haha I got this free on PlayStation Plus (and the beta the month before). I love this game. It was a game I didn't even know I wanted, until it clicked for me.

      Unfortunately probably not early dad friendly. After I had my son it was nigh impossible to get a round in. Now I play almost exclusively single player games.

      • +2


        (I remember only having enough time to occasionally scythe the weeds on my Stardew Valley farm).

    • +2

      My son made me aware of this freebie, goes "Dad, there's a free game on Epic called Hell Let Loose. I think you might like it."

      "Oh? Why's that"

      "It's an old people's game"

      lol, because it has objectives and isn't easy to pick up. I did give it a go and I absolutely love it so he's right. I don't think there'd be many teens, like my son, out there playing this game. Way too slow paced for them.

      • Ahaha, that's pretty funny. Enjoy!

  • +12

    Hell Let Loose, or as I came to know it… 'run a long way and die quickly' simulator.. ;)

    • So a free stalker 2 game

    • You def need to watch a 10 min tutorial video. It will save the first couple hours of confusing and frustration.

    • You haven't played ostfront. Now that was a run and die simulator that is worst then hell let loose. Great game, way ahead of it's time but yeah, a stray bullet can end your 15 min jog and you'll have no idea how.

      • Mate, World War 2 Online Battleground Europe. Launched in 2001. Epic idea. Read up on the history of the game. Many a night running through open fields all for… Nothing.

        • +1

          Oh damn, I used to play that game 20 years ago. Incredible

    • definitely playing it wrong. if anything you should be saying it's a spawn and instantly die simulator. just need a remotely mediocre squad leader to put a remotely not shit outpost down and spawn on that.

    • This puts Death Stranding to shame !

  • +9

    one of my all time favourite games. I just wish I wasnt so shit at it

    • Ha! Don’t we all..

  • +1

    I was thinking about buying this.

    • +1

      You still can…

  • thanks epic

  • +5

    so we posting deals based on guesses now?

    • +3

      For some reason it seems to be allowed for Epic, yep

      • +3

        Perhaps there should be a disclaimer. While these early guesses are generally accurate (with u/MeguminShiro on reddit a reliable leaker giving hints and confirming correct guesses) they have also been wrong this year ie. when it was Control instead of Civ VI.

    • +3

      Yeah OP has already been wrong once with Civ

    • -1

      They need that sweet sweet upvote karma

  • +1

    Been playing this for about 5 years now. Great game.

  • +1

    Epic games sales has been….epic. thanks for all the freebies!

  • +2

    Some of you (like me) may be wondering what happened to…

    [Unobtainable Deal] [PC, Epic] Free - Civilization VI Platinum Edition @ Epic Games

    And according to a mod, "Deal did not go ahead, today's game is Control" - the post is now a forum post….


    • +1

      That one was false, obviously.

    • +6

      I think that false leak was designed to weed out the leaker.

    • +1

      Cheers mate

  • great game.

  • I have put a few hundred hours into this game. It was truly amazing when I first played it. With all the British weapons and new maps etc it kind of lost its shine. Although the tank battles in the desert are fun.

    I recommend this to everyone. Although I won't be playing for a few months until you guys all learn to become good squad leaders….

    • They sort of 'fixed' the British weapons, and the newest map is excellent. Worth a revisit.

    • What new maps. You mean the same maps with a bit of Wesley Snipes sprinkles over them.

      • The two British maps. A bit of a let down.

        Most night time maps are terrible. Except for the bridge one.

        • +2

          the Brit maps are not the best. would love to see the australians introduced into the game with some very historical battles/ locations.

  • +1

    Dang it. Was waiting for RDR2

    • +4

      Yeah that is never coming this decade

  • This is a guess? Great deal.

  • Does anyone miss the best AU commander 'JAMES8'?

  • -1

    This is about the closest game to Heroes and Generals but not quite:(

    • No such game

  • Awesome game highly recommend.

  • A few gems this year. Well done Epic

  • Thanks OP, had it in my Steam cart for quite a while. Free is the best discount :). Also added about 6 other free addons for the game.

  • +1

    Excellent game, just for the love of God watch a tutorial first or something. Not a game that can be played like Bf2042, you'll die too much and get frustrated. Ask questions, people are pretty helpful.

  • +1

    honestly my fav fps by a long shot

  • +1

    This is a great game! I only stopped playing because it needs a bit of a time-investment to complete a single match, and joining a server can take a while with queues..

  • +2
  • The first hour or so will be rough but it's so worth getting into

  • +1

    This looks like "Code Name Eagle"

  • Tried installing this but keep getting error message "The epic games launcher setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error". Tried everything I could think of to fix it but nothing worked. Was thinking about buying the game but if I can't get into the free taster session then perhaps it's a no from me. Ah well…

    • Open an epic account via the browser and save the game to your account while it's still free, then figure out how to install the (god awful) epic launcher at your leisure.

  • +2

    In the two times I have been on, today at midday, and last night around 9pm. AU servers are too busy (6 in the queue) 95-98 players.
    Today no fast AU servers. Oh well.

    Speaking on Epic's launcher. It showed the previous free game unavilable for two days to install. Until it wasn't. Not everything online/ICT is close to great.

  • played it yars ago with a mate on PS5, i think the game has too many cheaters, the deaths where unrealistic

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