• expired

Big Mac Sauce 500ml $12.50 @ McDonald's (All Proceeds Go to Charity)


McDonalds are celebrating 50 Years of Big Mac and are selling their Special Big Mac Bottles for $12.50.

The bottles are 500ml in size and normally have an expiry of 2-3 months so don’t over stock. Usually runs out within the day so happy hunting.

A little over priced but all proceeds go to Charity

Link for photo of bottle

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closed Comments

  • +52

    The Coles burger sauce is a pretty good copy of this for those that miss out.

    • +2

      Edit: just saw below. Woolies one is gross apparently

      • Disagree the woolies one is better imo. Little less on the pickle little more on the mustard.

    • ^^ this! I bought this from Coles on a whim a couple of months ago and have been eating home made Big Macs since then. Who knew?

    • Agreed. The Coles sauce is great. I'd struggle to taste the difference.

      • I bought a bottle over the weekend. Im surprised it’s so good. Thanks for the recommendation.

  • +5

    Good to see Maccas' selling it in a reasonably sized bottle.

    Alternatively https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/679544/woo…

    Or the Coles equivalent and donate $10 to charity :)

    • So Coles and Woolies one tastes almost identical?

      • +2

        No,not at all. the Woolies version is disgusting.

        • +3

          your right. the woolies one is terrible. stick to the coles one.

          now just need someone to replicate the KFC supercharged sauce!

        • +3


          Man that supercharge sauce is like crack.

      • Looks like the secret has already been spilled

      • +6

        Coles version is very very close. We usually add some finely diced gherkins to make it a little chunkier.

        • +1

          same i add pickled relish and its 7/9 closeness

        • +1

          I agree, the coles one is quite similar but too much effort to add extra ingredients

        • +5

          @ohhidayo: 7/9? I suppose it's easier to write than 7.7777778/10

        • +1

          @shiznit: yeah I find the coles sauce a bit more oily /heavy tasting than the classic mac sauce, if that aftertaste wasn't there it would be a solid 6.4/7

      • Yes Coles version is almost identical, worth trying.

    • -3

      Username checks out.

    • $10 is tax deductible. Like Cashrewards in a way.

      • +3

        Donations in exchange for goods or services are NOT tax deductible.

        • +6

          It is if you buy the coles ones and donate $10 to charity

    • Agree. Even better, make your own, donate generously to a registered Australian charity, and claim back the tax.



  • +2

    Hopefully the price and quantity available flushes out those dodgy scalpers. Can't believe prople were paying overs for a perishable refridgerated product.

      • +10

        Because it's price manipulation through artificial scarcity.

        • +1

          Um, who is manipulating the artificial scarcity…McDonald's or the scalpers?

          MacDonalds limit supply for their own commercial benefit. It's great free advertising. Scarcity of the sauce (unlike Big Macs - only after 10:30) is part of their business model.

          Scalpers can only operate where there is demand for a product that is not made available in high enough quantity to meet demand.

          There is no real limit on production of the genuine sauce from factories everywhere - MacDonalds simply controls the scarcity for its own reasons.

          Macdonalds want us to want the sauce, just not have it available all the time (to make our burgers our way), but buy their burgers.

          Just discussing it's scarcity and "scalpers" creates demand! (I never knew of this sauce black market!) Those "scalpers" are effectively informal advertising for MacDonalds.
          And the price is dictated by the market.

          If people did not buy a perishable product from scalpers… their economic benefit quickly turns into a loss. Increase supply or decrease demand - goodbye scalpers.

        • @Infidel:

          Its both obviously.

        • @Infidel: this is a done as an occasional promo and charity fund raiser ….they really want to move it out of the store in 1-2 days or it would take up space …..

          look at the coles MKR mexican sauce …. price went from $2.80 to $2.00 to 0.85C and they still had cases of it although it was "limited edition" …they made too much of it …. and the way it stayed on the shelf was probably more hassle than it was worth.

          McDonalds will move this sauce within 1-2 days and not have the same hassle coles did.

          controlling supply is an easy way to make sure you don't get stuck with stock longer than you want if it wont be a regular item.

  • +3

    don't drink and drive.

  • -5

    all proceeds go to Charity

    Ronald McDonald Halfway House for Wayward Clowns?

    • Pretty scummy thing to say about them

      • You do realise that clowns aren't real?

  • +13

    Big Mac Special Sauce has 32% fat & 8.2% sugar.

    Soybean Oil [Antioxidant (320)], Water, Pickle Relish [Pickles, Sugar, Water, Acidity Regulator (260), High Fructose Corn Syrup, Salt, Thickener (415), Firming Agent (509), Preservative (202), Spice Extracts], Prepared Mustard [Water, Vinegar, Mustard, Salt, Sugar, Colour (150d), Spices], Thickeners (1442,415,405), Egg Yolk, Vinegar, Sugar, Onion, Mustard Flour (Wheat), Salt, Hydrolysed Soy Protein, Spice, Preservative (211), Garlic, Colours (150d, 160c, 100), Antioxidant (385).

    • -4

      WatchNerd has 10% special nerd sauce.

      • -5

        that's what she said…

    • +13

      Which is why it tastes so good!

    • -8

      First ingredient: soy.

      Soyboys - where are the booby comments?.

      • +5

        If you eat enough big macs for this to cause an issue, i think the soy is not the reason for the moobs ;)

        • +1

          Yeah I love the duplicity here. Talk about soymilk - booby, booby, boobies, and you're killing the rainforests. Talk about maccas - I'm loving it.

    • you can't make this at home unless you have a PHD in chemistry …. this is harder than making meth, which is why its easier to buy meth than the special sauce.

      and besides the ingredients is the "process" …. like every chef knows, it's not just ingredients but how you cook them ….

    • what you'd expect from a mayo based sauce

  • +5

    Nice @Legend279 - Well done tagging Obesity on your product pic!

  • +13

    Make sure to chuck it into your Limited Edition Fridge

    • Lol, now that’s a bigger joke

  • According to Google, the recipes are:

    1/2 cup mayonnaise.
    4 teaspoons sweet pickle relish.
    1 teaspoon white vinegar.
    1/8 teaspoon salt.
    2 tablespoons French dressing.
    1 tablespoon finely minced white onion.
    1 teaspoon sugar.

    For anyone who bought this sauce, please let us know how it tastes like.

    • +3

      I doubt it

      90% of recipes for stuff like this are plain wrong.

      • +2

        Yeah, Antioxidant (320), Acidity Regulator (260), Preservative (202) are probably among those home ingredients, but the recipe may still lack 415, 509, 150d, 1442, 415, 405, 160c, 100, 385 from the original list.

        • +1

          None of those are even bad. Gums/thickeners, colour and acidity regulators. And most of them would be in any commercial Mayonnaise.

        • +1

          @Brouw3r: Yeah. And technically nothing's wrong with mcnuggets (?)

        • +7


          Chemicals don't inherently mean something is bad. Everything in food is a chemical. Are they all needed to make something that tastes the same? Probably not.

          • 415 - Xanthan Gum, thickening agent and stabiliser. In plenty of things and fine
          • 509 - Calcium Chloride, firming agent, again in plenty of things and fine
          • 150d - Caramel Colour, in just about anything thats remotes brown. Coke, chocolate, etc
          • 1442 - Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate (modified starch), stabiliser (probably emulsifier too), yet again in plenty - used to set things without heat, such as gelatin free desserts
          • 415 - Xanthan Gum (again?)
          • 405 - Propylene glycol alginate, another stabiliser, a little less common but certainly in plenty. Gels with calcium, they use it to make those liquid filled pop-balls
          • 160c - Paprika Extract.
          • 100 - Curcumin, turmeric extract, used for colour (and as a fad supplement)
          • 385 - Calcium disodium EDTA, anti-oxidant and acidity regulator, stops it from going bad when opened.
    • I would love to know the real recipe because I'm allergic to Big Mac Sauce and have no idea what the actual ingredient is which I'm allergic to. I'm not allergic to anything else or the things you listed.

      • +3

        You can just go to the mcdonalds website, no need to guess using online recipes.

        Soybean Oil (Antioxidant [330]), Water, Relish [Pickles, Sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Distilled Vinegar, Corn Syrup, Salt, Thickener (415), Preservative (202), Spice Extract, Emulsifier (433)], Mustard [Water, Vinegar, Mustard Seed, Salt, Sugar, Colours (100, 150d), Spice], Salted Egg Yolks, Distilled Vinegar, Onion, Thickener (1442, 415, 405), Spices, Sugar, Salt, Hydrolyzed Proteins (Corn, Gluten, Wheat and Soy), Colours (160c, 150d, 100), Preservative (211), Emulsifier (433), Garlic, Antioxidant (385).

        I'm betting you can pick out likely culprits from there.

        Now you know trying to duplicate it with recipes using mayonnaise is silly.

      • It's usually a preservative that's the problem for your people. Yhe anti-rancidity agent in mayo specifically. More than likely the potassium sorbate 202.

  • +1

    why are you using tinypic?

    • +1

      Imgur is too mainstream

  • What time does this start? Can you rock up to a 24hr Maccas at 12.01am and have them sell it to you?

    • +3

      I've been told it must not be sold until after 10:30am

      • +5

        Yeah right, not too sure I'd trust a shifty Asian.

        • +1
        • @TheShiftyAsian: Woah hahahaha. Shifty Asian with the sauce plug. That really is next level.

        • better trust the shitty Asian or Xi Jinping won't buy our beef or wine and we will need to eat the beef and drink the wine ourselves…. and prices will drop as we have a glut on our domestic market.

          We can always ask Bob Carr and Sam Dastyari for advice.

        • -2

          @TheShiftyAsian: Are we even allowed to share that image/information? Should be private company information as it's on Intranet

  • all proceeds donated to the public health system as a band-aid to the gangrenous gash that Maccas has inflicted on the taxpayer funded health system

    • +11

      would you like fries with that?

  • +1

    Anyone has idea which sauce is close to sweet&sour in Macca?

    • -1

      buy any random sweet and sour sauce then add trans fats and sugar = wallah!

      • +12


        Or you swearing in Arabic?

        • -2

          Maccas is iconic capitalist scum

        • wallah isnt a swear word tho

        • @H32k: *on gods name.

  • +2

    Haha the photo tag says obesity hahaha

    • +4

      No. it says obseity.

  • Spewin. I have missed out on the last couple of times it came out, and tomorrow I'm taking a flight to Singapore at 630am. I'll never get a bottle of big mac sauce :'(

  • +4

    Hate to be that guy but where is the “deal”? This should be a forum post.

  • +6

    Stock seems to be limited but not too limited, the store I work at (not in a city but in a largish town) got 7 boxes of this stuff last week (I'd imagine 6-8 bottles a box? I didn't open to check how big they are) and I'd imagine the larger stores would get more of it

  • +1

    You can make your own by leaving some mayo out in the sun

  • So many preservatives and colour agents

    • but the time you buy all that ingredients its cheaper to buy the finished product.

  • +2

    Doesn't seem cheap.

    • +1

      it's for charity ….and I'd say 100% goes to charity as Mc Donalds are fairly transparent unlike many other charities that have paid collectors.

      • +1

        or certain 'other' charities cough cough


  • every store?

  • +2

    How is this a bargain?

  • Not a bargain - the OP even says so in the post itself :D

  • I know taste is subjective, but I still can't believe that people actually like this sauce

  • +2

    The bottles are 500ml in size and normally have an expiry of 2-3 months so don’t over stock.

    You're not my supervisor.

    • Hahaha I am not a supervisor, I am a Legend

      • Username checks out

  • The Big Mac sauce is amazing, I usually get it with my nuggets!

    • -3

      wow that’s awesome!!

    • You just ask for big mac sauce? How does it come?

  • Good for those of us who cannot afford this: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/153030454602

  • Usually smells and tastes like chlorine.
    What percentage is it?

    • +1

      100% Big Mac Sauce

  • I just got my two bottles of Big Mac Sauce from McDonald's on Hindley Street SA at $12 each.
    Expiry date is 29 September :)

    • +1

      Went this morning and was told I can only buy it after 1030am

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