Since the NSW subsidy deal for swapping halogen downlight to LED, I've been wanting to jump on board only to realise the dimmable LEDs cost extra ($10 each), hence been looking at options that I can minimise cost.
Checked Pricehipster for lowest cost options and found these to be on sale at $9.40 (apparently they are at this price every now and then). It seems like a fair price for a dimmable LED MR16 (other options seem to be >$10/light).
Please do note that MR16 LED may not be compatible with all transformers, although good thing is that Bunnings usually allow returns as long as the packaging is cleanly cut on one side only and stapled back.
To maximise savings, you can pay with Bunnings gift card purchased at Woolworths with your discounted WISH eGiftCards.
(sorry for any typos, posting from phone)
Only problem with mr16 is that they still require transformers. Hence why i switched all my sockets to GU10