My first post. Im not sure if its a great deal. But its the cheapest I've seen this configuration.
Microsoft Surface Pro i5 / 4GB / 128GB $933 @ Harvey Norman

Last edited 26/05/2018 - 12:37 by 1 other user
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I have the m3, 4GB version of the SP4….works perfect for videos, netflix streaming etc.
Me too no problem, the SSD already fast enough.
my 200 bux celeron 4gb works perfect for videos & streaming too
won't pay 1k for that though
The extra you pay to buy a Surface is for its unique 2-1 functionality, it opens up different dimensions to computing. With the i5-7300u in it it's a more than capable laptop, great price to get a solid Surface performer.
@Chewiebacca: not really that unique. Lots of tablets have adopted the magnetic keyboard. And honestly after owning Gen 1 and 3 I'd rather take my chances at a chuwi core book or something. Too much issues with the SP line mainly thermals and throttling.
I upgraded my old Lenovo 3000 N200 just this week to 4GB RAM, and it runs like a dream.
More like 2007 for enthusiasts.
Your comment exaggerations made me laugh. Neggers have no sense of humor.
Good find! By far the cheapest I have ever seen for this configuration
4gb ram? 128gb storage? Geeze my Original Surface Pro from 2013/14 has the same specs, and it was a lot cheaper…
Your original Surface Pro doesn't have the same specs at all, it would be considerably slower than this due to the i5-7300u which offers much better raw performance, longer battery, and cooler temperatures. SSD is nothing more than fast data transferring, and the 8gb of RAM would be of pretty similar standard.
Not to mention the other vast benefits the newer models have, screen form factor, resolution, improvements to kickstand etc. For $933 and anybody for which the specs are sufficient it's a steal.
Yeah I agree, the new Surface Pro has significant performance improvements over the old one. But at the end of the day they all slow down when you exceed 4GB ram and hit the page file. My old unit still runs Windows 10 snappily as long as I don't have too many tabs open.
Generational performance improvements with the newer i5-7300u over the older i5-3317U are not as big as you might think. The fifth gen Surface Pro has roughly a 26% IPC improvement over the Surface Pro, 900mhz faster clock speed though obviously.
Cheaper!? How much did you pay for it??
Somehow this isn't a compelling upgrade from my original surface pro, which I still have
I have the original Pro and the pro 4. The four is so much better its not funny. Lightness, thinner, better screen and aspect ratio.
The four is so much better its not funny.
Like three generations better?
This will be a mighty upgrade. Thanks op
What from?
A potato
@spillmill really walked into that one
Wow that's a terrible price and configuration for what you can get in the laptop space. 4gb ram and over $800 what.
Do you know what is Surface Pro?
A rort?
It's the Apple effect.
No where near the same specs! double the weight and half the screen resolution
tough crowd
You can remove the surface pro keyboard. It looks like the dell one you link to has a permanent keyboard. So its not really a tablet, unlike the surface pro
Does this have a keyboard to be removed?
4GB of RAM on a $900+ computer? How is this a deal? It isn't going to be enough in a year or two, and is NOT upgradable. 128GB storage is manageable as you can always add more storage via MicroSD, but still…
RAM is not so important with a modern solid state hard disk.
Having a pagefile heavily used on an SSD is still going to cause performance issues and be the systems bottleneck.
This is a good deal but I would prefer 8gb configuration win10 pro, hope they on sale soon.
I've got a 4gb at work. Don't buy this.
Because 4gb of ram is nowhere near enough.
Yes. 16Gb is should standard for any "pro" machine.
Just a word of caution: I work for a large IT company but works mainly for the enterprise computing env. Recently I met a service desk manager who manages the end-user computing and he told me that nearly half of these Surf pros given to users returned as faulty and MS promptly replaced them under warranty conditions, but still, the question remains open about the quality of new SPros compared to previous ones. Anyone with similar experience?
Hi DAT, I heard of similar experiences, tbh they are not cheap, at this price mark, ppl should be better buying something else like the XPS13 or Zenbooks…
Units aren't really serviceable, broken screen or anything minor, more often than not Microsoft provides a refurbished unit for the customer. They are reliable in my experience, but are quite heavy tablets and hence prone to physical damage (kickstand hinge loosening, cracked screens, dents etc).
Hmmm… I remember when I bought my SP from a retail store it had 3 months less warranty on it. I wonder if I got a refurb unit. I emailed M$ and they promptly reset my warranty back to 12 months.
I was contractor for a company and similar issues.
I have the original pro which I think still a good unit
Pay one hundred dollar more and get a real laptop.…
Spending $100 to get 4gb RAM upgrade but a worse processor (surface uses i5-7300u), significantly lower resolution screen, no touchscreen, no 2-1 dual functionality. Surface storage can be expanded via SD card if really necessary. Unless you are insanely desperate for 4gb of RAM and internal storage I'd never spend more for that ASUS over this Surface.
Last time I read, MS surface have huge battery problems. Return rate within first year was near half.
And touch screen is a preference, I personally believe there shouldn't be finger prints all over the screen.
1080p is more than enough on a 13 inch screen.7200u, 7300u only gives a tiny graphics bonus. You are not going to play Witchers 3 on any of those.
Not to mention the extra 128gb ssd and a real keyboard.
Overheating is another common issues amongst these tablets/ultrabooks, I am also contending to purchase an ultrabook for travelling (1k).Yes you won't be playing big games on these things. They are not designed to do so.
Last time I read, MS surface have huge battery problems
Last time you read must have been a few years ago. The current Surface Pro has excellent battery life.…@Tycn:
Simple google of MS Battery problem returned result as close as Nov 2017.Also, battery issues is different to battery life.
I probably wait for another few months to get a ultrabook, there will be good deals coming out soon
Renewd has some nice lenovo miix's and hp 2 in 1s
I would hold off on this unless your on a tight budget.
The whole surface pro line is due a refresh this year (either next month or September going on previous announcements). That will mean they'll be using the newer quad core CPU which is a big upgrade in spec.
They may also bring USB C ports for charging and hopefully thunderbolt compatibility.
Worth waiting even if it means heavier discounts on the 2017 models.
Plus I agree I'd skip on any 4gb models.
Good find OP, off to grab one of these today. I already have one for the family and it has been a rock solid performer. I also love the build quality and design of these devices, I've been hanging out for a deal to get a second one for myself :)
Well, I've exceeded my daily negative vote quota, and all in the same deal post and before lunch time.
Regarding those complaining about it only having 4GB of RAM, personally I think that's a minimum requirement running Windows 10, but being a Microsoft product I suspect it's optimized for the operating system so it will run fine.
4Gb is not nearly enough for today's applications.
Perhaps not for all modern apps and those that multitask, no, but for light use it's plenty.
4Gb is barely enough for a kitchen laptop just to watch live tv/youtube and look up recipes. For any person doing actual productive work it not enough.
When did ozbargain become a cult of RAM enthusiasts.
Have been using the Surface Pro line for a couple of gens now across work and personal, always 4GB configuration and its fine. Hasn't missed a beat. Not sure what you guys are trying to do to need more than 4GB or find it slowing down with out it.
May be those people installed Norton, Mcafee or Trendmicro.
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i've got a 4GB/i5/128GB Surface Pro 4 that i bought in an ebay deal a year ago (refurbished including keyboard, pen and warranty: $900). i've used it basically every day for over a year for uni. i couldn't call it a powerhouse and you'll notice a bit of slowdown if you're running several RAM-heavy windows, e.g. Chrome with a dozen+ tabs open, but even once you get to that stage it's not like it's unusable. same with the battery, not the best but 5ish hours away from a power outlet is usually enough for me.
every time there's a Surface deal there's people who complain it's priced at a premium to a similarly specced laptop, which is true but also: water is wet. i bought a Surface not because it's cheap but because it's a compact laptop-ish device that doubles as a 12 inch tablet. i can handwrite notes in Onenote and tear off the keyboard for a Netflix display for bed. don't buy this if you just want a laptop, buy it if you love the form factor like i do.
Get out of here with your logic!
Yeah but you could buy a Huawei Mediapad M3 8.4" (I did for $430 AUD delivered from Amazon but there are $300 AUD ones and lower on gumtree) and a Dell Venue Pro 11 7130 (4gb, Intel Core i5 4300Y, Intel HD Graphics 4200, 10.8", 0.8 kg, 128gb SSD) for $260ish AUD also on gumtree and have two devices instead of one with pretty much the same functionality or more and save some money.
I understand people by it for the form factor and everything has it's use cases but for the general masses it's very gimmicky and you are paying way too much for what you get for.
Technology moves fast as we all know so buying something like this is a many step backwards unless you are like the Apple sheep and just want it for personal reasons and not productive.
At the end of the day it's a luxury item for status symbol and not the best item bang for buck for what you get.
Laptops are price premium items also but at least they don't fully scalp you like these 2 in 1 tablets do and personally holding anything larger than 8 inches is uncomfortable and unusable in most circumstances unless you wall mount which then it just becomes a screen or monitor.
with those specs you're better off buying an ipad
No offense but the surface pro category of users and buyers fall into the same category of Apple users for me.. I just don't see it and I just don't get it… in saying that artists and creative types tend to lean towards Apple and surface pros so there is that.. to each their own I just like a solid desktop or laptop for doing those options or a smaller lighter cheaper tablet for media consumption especially on the couch or in bed
Need to add Harvey Norman to title :)