Now you can enjoy this on PC too :) Thanks to StormOfRazors
Previous running deal on XB,PS4
Login to Origin account
Note : Base game is required.
Now you can enjoy this on PC too :) Thanks to StormOfRazors
Previous running deal on XB,PS4
Login to Origin account
Note : Base game is required.
Man, I only log onto Origin for such deals as these…
They charge me US$19.99 NOT free.
Are you sure ? Its showing $0 only
Worked for me. AU store. I don't even own BF4
Thanks mate..
It charges for the base game but the Final Stand expansion is free. So basically it's a good freebie if you already have the base game to run this free expansion. Unfortunately those without the game will need to pay up. :S
When you get the pop up to purchase, just click continue to purchase without Battlefield 1 in the bottom right corner.
Yep, then we play the long game and wait for when they make the base game on the house at some point.
What are everyone's thoughts' on the new BF5 trailer?
Bad trailer, but I'm glad it's WW2 and the concepts for the game look great (building fortifications, different mechanics, etc). Hopefully make the game a bit more tactical.
Same MissKitty that frequents BF4? lol
I feel gameplay is going to be slower in this game, which is good
The "omg it's a woman!" vitriol is disturbing. I thought it looked like good, stupid fun.
I saw it had 34k likes and 32k dislikes in youtube. I was expecting a more current battlefield after bf1 and cod ww2.
Yep that ratio is almost 1:1. Pretty funny.
More current, the next one is "BF2018: Collingwood & St Kilda AFL Fans".
I don't know how they dropped the ball so much. The BF1 trailer was aweaome. The BF5 trailer looks like they are targetting 13 year olds with ADHD.
Fortnight characters placed into a BF game.
I don't own these games but it still let me pickup the DLC for the Battlefield 1: Name of TSar. Battlefield 4 is forcing me to join EA Access off the link and not working, as far as I can tell.
For those interested EB Games is also selling Battlefield 1 on PC cheap - $15 ($49 on Origin)
I was able to get both pieces of DLC without owning the base games. Battlefield 4 was a bit more convoluted, but after "Get the Game" just select "Buy Now - $0.00" instead of Origin Access, and it should give you a warning, then let you add it to your library.
:-) Good find. However it only can play with the basic game.