This was posted 6 years 9 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Free] [Steam] Raiders of the Broken Planet Free for a Limited Time @ Steam


For those not wanting to install the game at the moment you may claim it using the following method:

  1. Click the play game. Cancel the install.

  2. Navigate to each of the three DLCs available, click download, then cancel those.

  3. Visit here or (Home ➡️ Account ➡️ Licenses and product key activations) to ensure you received the licenses for each of the items.


All Available Campaigns Are Free on Steam for the next 48 Hours, and you keep them FOREVER

In celebration of the 1st anniversary of Raiders of the Broken Planet’s Open Beta, all three published campaigns, Alien Myths, Wardog Fury and Hades Betrayal, are available for free on Steam for 48 hours, starting today, May 23rd 7:00 PM CET/10:00 AM PST. Grab the campaigns during this time and keep them forever!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Over 15GB for this game. Hopefully size is an indication of quality :-)

  • -2

    15gb is tiny these days

    • +1

      Would take 50% space of my partitioned 30GB SCSI Drive

    • +3

      Use my internet for a day and you will change your mind FeelsPerthMan

    • I don't know about tiny. Plenty of the free game shared here are under 1 or 2 GB.

  • -2

    The base game is only free to play not to keep, you need to buy it after 48 hours.

    • +4

      How do you buy something that is always free?

  • +3

    I am afraid your instructions do not work for me at all. Tried it three times. No dice.

    • +1

      Try pausing the download of the base game so it stays in your library.

    • +1

      I assume you need to have the Steam client installed for it to work. I'll have to wait until I get home to do this…

  • +1

    Works for me, thank you.

  • +2

    You need to get it through the client as web browser method doesn't seem to work(Or at least for me anyways) and then once there, download the game - yes you need to start the download or else the game won't register which is why it won't work if you're doing through say on firefox…but once the download starts you can pause or uninstall the game for later when you really do wanna download the entire 15.3GB of game data to play the game or and idle for cards…..

    • Sadly this is a free-to-play game so you can't idle for cards. Cards only drop for f2p games each time you spend ~US$9 on IAPs. Refer to the Trading Cards FAQ on Steam.

      • It's supposedly only free for a period of 48 hrs, after that, I'm guessing it's back to its usual price… cards should drop then….?

        • Reading OP's quoted text, I'm reading it as the DLCs ("the campaigns") are free for 48 hours.

          For the base game itself, I'm pretty sure it's always f2p because:
          1. You can't add it from your browser, and,
          2. If you add it with the Steam client but cancel the download before the download starts the licence is removed from your account's Licenses and product key activations page.

          Paid games which are made free for a special offer don't exhibit those 2 behaviours.

          Ah, just thought to use It's always been a f2p game.

        • @MiniMoo: Hmmmm……..but the DLCs count as a purchase, right - even if I got it for free??! Because on the DLC pages, they also add the trading cards tag on it………..

        • @Zachary: The DLC licences were added to your account for free, i.e. you purchased them for $0. Card drops on f2p games are when you spend every approx US$9 for that game. See point 4 of the FAQ:

          What about free to play games like Team Fortress 2 or Dota 2?
          Free to play games drop game cards based on your in-game purchasing. For every $9 USD spent (approximate) since the start of the Steam Trading Card Beta, you will earn one card drop. This card will drop at some point as you play.

        • @MiniMoo: I installed a free to pay game before that wasn't TF2 or DOTA 2, and had cards drop for me……forgot what the game was called, but it definitely dropped cards for me to trade away with…….

        • @Zachary: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • @MiniMoo: I remember what the game was called now: Relic Hunters Zero - yeah that's the one, I played the shit out of that - was actually pretty fun and cards dropped and it's free too!

        • +1

          @Zachary: That game is a tricky case. You would have got your copy with an activation code, most likely from Nuuvem. That code is a retail code (i.e. "paid" version) so allows for card drops.

          The developers at some point in time made the game free on Steam. For people who subsequently go to Steam and click on Install they will get the game as a free version, so no cards for them.

          Yep, it's a good game. :)

        • @MiniMoo: …no, I'm pretty sure I got it through the steam store when it was, and is (still), free and through an activation key………..but maybe they've changed it now? Can someone confirm for me by idlng or and actually playing the game and progressing through it to see if any cards drop?

  • +1

    Using the steam client it works fine for me.
    Quoted from steam:
    "Co-op/Versus shooter Raiders of the Broken Planet is free to grab (and keep forever) for the next two days."

  • +1

    Will likely never play it, but thank you for the awesome instructions!

    Worked for me when adding the game through the game client (and cancelling the install).

    Couldn't see the game in my library but step three shows the licenses there. Assuming that's it sorted, but if it doesnt work I doubt I'll actually ever notice haha

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