This was posted 6 years 9 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

EB Games 50% off Specials - Eg. Halo: The Master Chief Collection - Was $39.95, Now $19.97 (More 50% off Links inside)


Been a while since we've seen a price drop on a physical copy of Halo: MCC.

Part of the new 50% Off specials in-store and online.

(Links updated)

Xbox One - 50% off here
PS4 - 50% off here
Switch - 50% off here
3DS - 50% off here
PC - 50% off here
Loot - 50% off here

Hope there's something for everyone here.

Also, a recent update suggests that portions of the game can be selectively downloaded/installed to your preference so you don't need the entire collection of games and their multiplayer counterparts if you don't wish to.

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • Thanks for sharing. Are you guys doing any trade-in bonuses with E3 this year?

    • No worries. From experience I can say that there will likely be a new trade-in deal(s) around E3 time that'll replace the current May 'double trade bonus'. Unsure exactly what they will be, however they are usually the best trade deals of the year.

      • Do you reckon that would include console trade-in too? Im keeping an eye on Xbox One X trade in deals (for my xbox one original)

        • I'm fairly sure there'll be new console trade deals put up for E3 towards current-gen consoles, but the big emphasis will likely be on new-release games that get announced.

        • @Heckenberg: I never got May 'double trade bonus' when i traded in my games.

        • @shadowrukia: don’t know if you understood but it’s not double the trade price. It was double whatever eb world level you are on

        • +1

          @ireadtermsofuse: EB are the lowest lowballers in the world when it comes to trade ins. Gasp in disbelief as they resell your games for prices higher than brand new copies elsewhere!

        • @Aussie World Warrior: believe it or not but that is where they make most of their profits from

        • @ireadtermsofuse: That and overpriced EB exclusive editions. Pop culture stuff as well. Not to mention unclaimed pre order deposits. EB are making lots of cheddah. The sooner people stop crying foul when it comes to their ability to make millions the sooner they realise that their stores about selling at RRP because the price is set by the vendor is complete bullshit.

        • +1

          @Aussie World Warrior: I think the EB exclusive editions are more about enabling them to sidestep their own price-match policy. "Oh no, we won't price match with JB who are $20 cheaper because ours is in a different box so it's technically a different product to what they're selling".

        • +1

          They were doing double trade value back in April, e.g. "oh normally we would only give you $5 for Far Cry 5 but this month we will give you $10 as we have a deal going, also, are you sorted for preorders on our over priced yet to be released games man? Sweet as man! Let me know if we can charge you over rrp for anything else bro! Sweet as!"

          Ok ok the game I was wanting to trade was BF2 not Far Cry 5 but everything else is true - I feel embarrassed admitting I bought BF2. Single player wasn't bad though imo.

  • +2

    Any for PC?

    • +1

      Only a handful of big titles are part of the 1/2 Price sale for PC (and a bunch of networking accessories). Otherwise there's a lot more just generally on sale if you have time to peruse.

    • +1

      I noticed the D3 Battle Chest half price, great game with the expansion, if you play the seasonal mode you can play for years and years, i sure did.

    • Yeah, here

  • Wow rogue remastered is pretty cheap !!

  • Wow cheaper than digital for MasterChief

    • true! although i prefer digital these days. especially for something like this that i wont want to sell off

    • It's been under $10 a fair bit on CD Keys

  • +22

    Lol @ Star Wars BF2 $50

    • +5

      Pretty sure they pay you.

      • +1

        i'll take 2 then!

  • +2

    Mario 3D land on 3DS ain't bad. Didn't see anything else

    • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is pretty okay too

  • -1

    So i get to secure checkout and the Confirm and Pay button wont work.

    It just clicks, does a loading icon for a second then goes back to the same button as if you didnt click it.

    Classic EB

    • +5

      I had this problem the other day. You need to disable your ad blocker before submitting the purchase.

      Then I ended up receiving a pre owned game despite ordering new.

      I'd suggest just taking your business elsewhere. I'm not much of a console gamer, but when I am, ozgameshop is usually my go-to. Also their site isn't a nightmare to navigate.

      • Was the pre owned game an honest mistake or was it intentional? How did they resolve it?

  • +1

    Sorry, OT-

    Hey Heckenburg, can I pick your brains about the dealio with PS4 Pro availability at the moment? Heard that stock is either not available or waiting? Any updates?

    Thanks for any info. :)

  • +1

    Thanks OP… Few good prices here but few not.. Like Destiny 2 and Injustice 2 which are cheaper in Microsoft store.
    To everyone - I would suggest to compare with Microsoft store and buy where you get cheaper option.

  • I can't check out, i filled out all the boxes but doesn't do anything? Every time i click confirm and pay it do nothing.

    • +1

      I had the same problem with chrome, i had to use internet explorer, and then order went through.

      • I use Firefox, internet explorer the hero we need.

        • +1

          It was addblock, turn off you addblock if you having trouble checking out. So i used Internet explorer and same thing but i got addblock on IE too.

    • i just went through ebay. couple cents more. but ill use IE now i guess

  • +3

    I didn’t find anything I liked.
    Just thought you should all know.

  • +2

    Also a heap of amiibo on sale. (and a restock of the BOTW ones, but at full price)

    • Well they sold out at full price so I wouldn't expect a discount. It teaches you not to pay more on ebay though. The horse one was as much as $80

      • Yeah people are crazy. Wasn't saying I expected discounts on those, was just an aside to the rest of the amiibo sale.

  • +1

    been this price elsewhere and cheaper for years…..

    • Yep Halo MCC has been sub $10 from cdkeys for a while
      Best to wait for another sale for when it drops to $10 again

  • How can I know the trade in values for EB??

    • You'll need to contact your local store for that one.

    • Take your lowest expectations, divide by 9,999,999,999,999,999 and you have your trade value at EB.

  • Thought it said "Master Chef Collection". Damn.

    • It is Master Chef, you get to cook with exotic European celebrity chef, Cortarna.

  • Microsoft have been working on a huge patch/update for this game in hopes to grow the multiplayer population. Latest update here

  • -5

    Lol eb games, can’t believe people still shop there

    • +1

      Why? They price match and sometimes have decent sales. Their return policy is quite good too

  • Do you know how long the special will be on? Waiting for next pay :(

    • Knowing eb, a while….

  • Ordered AC: Rouge on XBONE preowned for in-store collection, only to find out they dont have stock and there isnt anything in the warehouse. Recommended I return then reorder then they will refund the delivery costs, but the original refund for cancellation is 5-10 days. Solid pass. Probs need to keep a closer eye on your stock guys, not the first time I'm been told somethings available online but when you get instore its mysteriously vanished.

    • AC: Rouge

      Assassin's Creed Red?

      • No, it's Animal Crossing

  • Can you do an AMA?

  • Thanks, got a grip for my second joycons for $4.50. probably never use it but oh well

    • Saw these, but the note says they might not be official ones. Going to head in store and see what they have.

      • Like the time I thought I was buying an official black Wii remote and nunchuck and got a bright pink rock candy controller and bright green nunchuck?

        I figure I'll just ask when I go in.there, if they've got any official they'll happily swap. Otherwise still cheap enough.

  • +3

    Some of these pre-discount prices are laughable. $78 and $88 for pre-owned Switch games? That’s more than they sold for at Big W when new.

    The 50% off prices are about right, but I’d be surprised if anyone would have ever paid the “full” price.

    • +1

      EB's pre owned prices are a joke full stop. Always amazes me when people not only say yes to being lowballed on the way in but also price gouged on the way out. They're crooks and people keep lapping it up.

  • $9 for postage.. nahh

  • +3

    Master Chief Collection is $19 at JB, been that price for a couple of weeks now

  • Getting page not found. Expired?

    • Links should all be working now.

  • so those 50% off links are Dead ………

    • Thanks, have now updated with working links.

  • EB sold me a still sealed pre owned copy of MCC for $17.

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