First post, so don't be kind, i can take it ;)
Just noticed this on the MSY website.
MSY - 15th-17th "Weekend Madness" - ASUS USB3 2.5" 500GB External
Slim Portable HD.
Was $129, now $69. Limit 2 per customer.
First post, so don't be kind, i can take it ;)
Just noticed this on the MSY website.
MSY - 15th-17th "Weekend Madness" - ASUS USB3 2.5" 500GB External
Slim Portable HD.
Was $129, now $69. Limit 2 per customer.
It doesn't seem to be listed at the 2.5" external drive models subpage.
It is listed on the front page and in the PDF though.
the pic looks like… (AN300)
Can't see any actual product page on MSY though
Positive for being a first poster without the emotional fragility of a three year old girl.
The deal's good too, I guess :P
There are so many "first post, please be kind" posts. Maybe we should all chill out a bit. We're getting a bit of a reputation.
I am considering creating a new ID, just so I can cop a bit of a slappin' next time I post :-
Correct Sniper, in the enthusiasm to prove how astute we are, there is danger of losing deals that might be good for some because of the fear of the MOB mauling.
Do we always need 10 people to vote down a deal as "not a Bargain" when its really that bad that a deal needs to disappear, like spam scam etc. The REPORT button does a whole lot more. The mods can actually delete the deal, rather than the deal being not as visible. We act upon reports and have tools to investigate inappropriate posts.
It then has the added benefit of visitors and new people not seeing a deal being constantly mauled, when a clean kill is more appropriate.
Ah, totally didn't know there was a button to report deals, will use it in future :D
very tempting (assuming there are any left and assuming there was more than one per store to begin with - this is MSY we're talking about).
Anyone own of these, have any idea of the actual transfer speed?
So true, it's hard finding anything in stock at my local MSY!
not sure if srs…
Yes, whilst not all of us play the mob game, there are a small but significant number who carry on like old fishwives over a new poster; and a commensurate number of sheep who follow. As we can see, it doesn't take a long time lurking for a newbie here to see the pattern!
Tell you what. If you can find the edit button, use it. That way at least you show that you have learnt something. Meantime I’ll hold back on the negative vote
Very disappointing comment Pete, IIRC the negative vote should be based on the bargain itself, not just because you don't like a tongue-in-cheek comment by the poster; particularly if that comment was somewhat pertinent anyway!
coming from a mod …tsk tsk
Hey its good for the gooses so why not the gander??
But points taken - I have retracted the negative vote part, but not my comment.
You know mods are not superhumans we are just bigger bargain hunters..
That time of the month eh? :p
The reason why is that as a mod, you are in a position of power & responsibility…and without going all Uncle Ben, you are; and indeed should be; held to a higher standard.
Neg voted ya cos I could. :-)
that was unnecessarily harsh.
can the actual HDD be removed from the the thing so it can be put in a netbook?
nice price for a 2.5 inch drive 500gig.
the $96 or 499 HN external 2.5 inch drives can't be removed.
Not sure but this is cheaper:
Seagate Expansion 2.5" 500G External HDD
Been plenty of 500GB 2.5" External deals for under $60 (with shipping).
This one is good if you have USB 3.0 laptop.
I've got plenty of external drives and I've never thought to open them up and strip it of the bare drive to use internally.
this is an alright deal
This is great, I bought an internal drive from MSY (5400RPM) for $64, and put it into a USB 3.0 enclosure from dealextreme, for $20 (I think? Might be $15), bringing my cost for a 500GB USB3.0 drive (homemade.. sort of) to be $79 . This is very flashy, from a reputable company, costs like $5 more than an internal drive alone, hence you're just paying around $5 for a flashy USB 3.0 enclosure, extremely great value.
Just make sure you have time to wait.. MSY always has long lines.
Their price is no longer cheap. Their service is poor. Most of the time that I have walked past, the shop is either empty or very short queue. There is no incentive for me to shop there anymore. If possible, I either price matched at Officework, PCDIY, and Umart.
I don't think the $69 includes GST btw.
Does include GST
I've never queued at MSY - maybe you just have to go at the right time of day?
There were quite a lot of drives available at MSY when I was there. However, limit 2 per customer is not being enforced. I've seen people getting more than 2.
More info about the this drive: Read (average): 66.6MB/sec (HDTach) -> so it is USB3. Colour: Brown.
The Good: USB3 (fast), Slim (in terms of thickness), Operatable using 1 USB3 port (cable has 2 plugs, one for USB3, one of additional power).
The NOT so good: Short USB3 cable, Proprietary Cable (well, in order to be slim).
It is a good price… pity the cable is a bit too short for me. Not a fan of the brown colour either. Also, despite USB3 has a larger bandwidth than eSATA (standard eSATA), performance of the drive is only close to eSATA but not better.
When you say "proprietary cable", don't you mean that it is the "double-width" USB3.0 Mini socket, that looks almost like 2 x USB 2.0 Mini's next to each other? If so, that is a standard USB socket.
Bottom pic of this image >…
Re: speed, perhaps the slow little laptop drive itself wouldn't be able to put out much more than 70MB/sec even connected direct to the motherboard SATA? I haven't checked specs, just something I was thinking about
It is the last one in that picture. So it is actually a standard cable.
66.6MB/sec read is pretty good. Just trying to point out it is definetely USB3 speed (USB2 generally give you 33-36MB/sec read).
yeah that's true it is about twice the speed of usb2
@issh — more than 10 times that of USB 2.0 — in theory 5 Gbps.
Speed is limited by the drive, not the interface (usb3). Picked one up at Slacks Creek today, will try to get time to bench tomorrow.
Transfer rate in theory up to 5Gbps.
Realistic limit of the spinning magnetic hard drive in the 2.5" format is about 0.8Gbps, and in these sort of green power drives is sub 0.7Gbps.
Don't be kind. lol. + just for comment
Picked up 1 on Saturday.
Between 60mb/s read/write.
Cable is a pain but price is a bargain
Great first post, especially the "Don't be kind" comment.
Grabbed one yesterday and have put together a quick review:
no link to the actual drive?