Don't know if this is targeted but was looking at my offers and found this steal. I redeemed just then and it worked :)
12 Months of Foxtel Now
Foxtel Now lets you stream the latest TV, shows, documentaries, kids’ content, news and more.
Choose from 3 Starter Packs.
Enjoy Foxtel Now on up to 5 different devices, stream on 2 at the same time
Available for New and Existing Foxtel Now customers
Peace of mind, cancel anytime
By subscribing to Foxtel Now you are accepting Telstra's terms and conditions and allow for your profile information to be shared.
Foxtel Now 3 Month Offer: Redeem before 30th March 2018.
Foxtel Now 12 Month Offer: Redeem before 28th March 2018.
Foxtel Now 24 Month Offer: Redeem before 20th July 2018.Premium packs not included. Roll onto a paid subscription after 3/12/24 months unless you cancel. Compatible device required. Data charges apply. For use in Australia.
yeah my four offers have suddenly disappeared too