I just got a free voip number from Codatel what a deal $0.00 p/m for a voip number, they are a small business so other deals are available try for a fee Internet Phone Adapter.
Free Aussie VoIP Land Line Number $0.00 p/m

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Not sure if I would trust this…
With Skype you dont get a phone number with this you get a phone number so people can call you from a normal phone, Skype has a service called Skype In which is the same as this but there is a monthy cost with Skype in, plus this service is cheap for o/s calls, cheaper then Skype.
their rate is from 2.9cents, skype is from 2.2cent, skype has connection fee, not sure about Codatel. In any case you can't really claim that they have lower o/s calls.
They send you a bill whats to trust, you use, you get a bill you pay!
Thank you for your interest in our services
Your information has been accepted and processed, you will be contacted within 24 hours by one of our customer service representatives to finalise your sign up application.
Please ensure that all information given is correct so that you can begin using your Codatel account as soon as possible.
If you have made an error in the signing up process please go back and resubmit an application with the correct details. If you are having technical difficulties with the signing up process please don’t hesitate to contact our 24 hour support team on 1300 263 283
… Is there a Free DID or just free on-net number like pennytel?
They even have a typo on their site…
$0 mothly feeThe $14.95 plan has "Free Australian telephone numbet"(yes this is another typo)
http://www.codatel.com.au/plansalso another one is "savings calculater"
Most likely they will try and up sell you.
mothly fees - sounds like a fly by night company to me… :-)
Skype landline is 2.2 cents, Codatel is from 9 cents.
The higher call rates is subsiding the free "number". Not really a deal.
Could this be a cheap way for people with ordinary landlines to call you though? ie inbound. You can have another service, such as Skype, for outbound.
Is voip calls somethings like Skype?
So this deal is something like Skype In?
Or does Voip require any specific device other than a computer with headset & mic?You can use a ATA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog_telephone_adapter) but you can also use software.
Have anyone tried buzz Corp yet ? Another voip with $0 monthly fee.
If your a voip noob, I would suggest you start with Pennytel and/or Mynetfone's zero monthly fee plan.
agreed, pennytel very cheap but good for a try, I prefer Mynetfone, I reckon it has fair bit better call quality, grab a whirlpool saver plan for $0/month to try it instead.
What is the difference of this and skype with credit?