• expired

Sennheiser HD6XX Headphones $214.99 USD (~$285 AUD) Delivered @ Massdrop


It's back again!

Register a new account and get you $10USD off, so $204.99USD Delivered
Estimated ship date: Aug 31st, 2018

Same as previous deals

Info and specifications

Edit: Deal ends 31/05/18

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closed Comments

  • Just a heads up - Massdrop takes a very long time with shipping.

    First you have to wait for the drop to end, then the order gets placed, the product gets sent to Massdrop in the US and then from there they ship it out to everyone who ordered. Their shipping rates are usually cheap, but also very slow - my orders usually seem to go from the US > Europe > More countries in Europe > Australia.

    From the link: Estimated ship date is Aug 31, 2018 PT.

    Don't expect to have this in your hands anytime before October.

    • Yes. That date is when it's estimated for when Massdrop ships out the goods. It's not an estimation of delivery when you might actually receive it. I would expect to receive this from the courier some time in mid September. It depends on how busy Australian customs is.

      Peoples will be waiting 4 months yet for these after it's ordered.

    • It is not true now for 6XX. I was on last Dec drop, ETA ship date Mar 28th, and they shipped one week earlier on 22nd, and delivered right on 28th to my door. Previous successful drops did improve something on the new orders i guess.

    • You might have to pay customs and duties to receive it also… We have a month and a half left of tax free imports.

  • +1

    I have these, they're great paired with a Schiit stack!

    • I have the same and they sound great. I've got a bottlehead crack and speedball on the way so expecting them to get even better

      • I'm tempted by the shiit stack, what is the best way of getting my hands on one? There is the schiit website but shipping is exxy

        • +1

          Directly through Schiit is really your only option. Addicted to Audio sell Schiit gear (I think they’re the only Australian seller that stocks their stuff?), but it won’t work out any cheaper than buying directly through Schiit. Second hand Schiit gear does pop up on eBay every now and then.

  • I'm still waiting on my 6xx cans, also due late august.

    Worth the wait in my opinion at this price.

    • It would have to be extremely good to wait an odd 4 months to receive this.

      • The HD650’s RRP in Australia is $699.95. I get that Massdrop isn’t for everyone, but I was ok with waiting 3 months and paying less than $300 (have had mine since March).

        I also ordered the HD58x in January, and I won’t be seeing those until July. Again, I get why people wouldn’t want to do that, but I’m prepared to ride out the long wait time. They’re only headphones after all.

  • Does anyone have any experience with using these for music production? Tracking, mixing and as an alternative to your monitors when you need to mix quietly?

    • I produce music, and honestly i don't think headphones are that important, mix on your monitors, but i would rather spend the money on some equipment. Maschine is quite cheap these days on gumtree.

      • I always use my monitors however later at night when I need stuff done I can't use speakers. Thanks for the info!

  • +1

    Won't you be paying GST on this since it's not shipping until August 31?. Since GST is being charged on all imports after 1 July 2018.

    So later expect a bill from Australian customs for 10% GST on this before you can receive it. That would be an extra $28.50 to pay for going by the $285 price.

    So well this is going to be a total of $313.50 factoring in the upcoming 10% GST that you'll be charged by Australian customs. So peoples keep that in mind when you order this don't forget the upcoming GST that customs will slap you with.

    • o

    • totally did not realise that when i ordered mine with the last batch due mid aug…

    • Thanks for the heads up

    • $313.50 vs $699.95 RRP for Australian stock 650’s. You won’t find new 650’s for anywhere near $300 now, local or imported.

      • Yeah that makes it worthwhile even if you may need to pay GST.

      • Are these the 650 model? What does the 6XX represent?

        • +1

          Yep, it's essentially exactly the same as the 650 except its a different colour and it has a 3.5mm jack.

        • @thisispants:
          Thanks for info :)

          Edit: Can anybody else confirm what model these are closest to?

        • +2

          @sonify: They’re not close to anything, they are literally HD650’s with two very minor differences, neither of which affects sound.

        • +1

          @aja12: Thank you :)

      • -1

        To be fair though, at $700, there are better options.

        • Better? If by better you mean dissecting measurement graphs, then no, not really. If you mean better sounding, at this price range, it’s pretty subjective. Many people consider the 6 series as their end game headphones. Plenty of people also complain about the Sennheiser veil.

  • +2

    I think we're safe, I joined the drop.

    Sales before 1 July 2018
    GST will generally apply to sales of goods where the invoice is issued or payment is received on or after 1 July 2018. It will not apply to sales made earlier (unless GST applies under existing rules) even if the goods do not reach Australia until after 1 July 2018.


    • Good to know! Thanks mate

    • Oh good i was wrong then.

      But the question is how does customs know when the goods were paid for unless they open up the package to look at the sales invoice?. I can't see them doing that would be time too time consuming. As far as i'm aware the customs declaration generally doesn't show when the goods was purchased but only the goods value amount. How are they to know the sale payment date?.

      • +1

        When a package enters Australia, the delivery provider contacts (e.g. Fedex, Toll etc.) the recipient on behalf of customs to collect any payable taxes. Customs holds the package until the taxes are paid.

        Last year I had a package delivered from the USA. When it entered Australia, the value had incorrectly been declared as over $1000, so it incorrectly attracted GST. When Fedex contacted me to collect the import taxes, I advised them that the declared amount was incorrect. All I had to do was email Fedex the invoice from the seller. The package was cleared by customs within 24 hours and I did not have to pay any import taxes. I’d imagine it would be the same in this case - provide the invoice, which will show the transaction date, to the delivery provider if/when they contact you about collecting import taxes.

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