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Nulon Full Synthetic Engine Oil 5W-30 & 10W-40 5L $29.99 Each (50% & 55% off) @ Repco


Not the cheapest it has been, but a pretty good price nonetheless…

Nulon Fully Synthetic - 5W-30 5L - $29.99 - 50% off
Nulon Fully Synthetic - 10W-40 5L - $29.99 - 55% off


Catalogue not yet uploaded on Repco website.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Yes!! Need to stock up again. Missed out on the castrol deal with supercheap but Nulons oils are way better.

  • +1

    Too bad i just stocked up for this year. I'll wait for 2019 deal to come by then. A good oil indeed. Got no complaints after using it 5 years.

  • I checked it at store , there is not such a deal !!!

    • +1

      Starts in two days

      • Thanks Chausta

  • Missed out on Supercheap's Penrite deal. So I think I will stock up on these instead then.

  • +1

    If stock has run out at Repco, which is what happened to me, then bring the repco catalogue to supercheap and if they have the oil in stock they will price match. Scored myself a 5L bottle of Nulon 5W-30 for $29.99 at supercheap.

  • Hmm I notice the Nulon 10W-40 Semi Synthetic is $30 at Supercheap even though it's also on sale at Repco for $34.

  • Has anyone noticed Repco has a new website? They've finally moved out of the 90's

  • I've used the nulon fully synthetic oil before, and this price its honestly really cheap!

  • Big shame they never have the 5W-30 Full Syn Euro Oil marked down

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