• expired

David Jones 12.00% Cashback (Was 4.50%) @ Cashrewards


Cashrewards are now offering 12% cashback at David Jones and unlike Shopback there appears to be no cap!

UPDATE: Cashback has been extended until Sunday. Enjoy!

Please ensure Cashrewards is your last click for tracking to work.

Expires: 11:59 PM 13/05/2018

Referral Links

Referral: random (3706)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Rewards will not be payable on the purchase of ANY products from the following brands:
    Country Road
    David Jones Flowers
    The Daily Edited
    Wine Club

    Rewards will not be paid in conjunction with any other offers, vouchers or discount codes unless listed on this page. This includes staff discounts, student discounts, gift registry, and other 3rd party offers.

    • Usual exclusions set out by David Jones.

    • +5


      Rewards will not be paid on delivery, shipping costs and GST.

      Rewards will not be paid when purchasing gift registry items.

      Important Change: Rewards will not be paid when you purchase a Gift Card/s. Rewards will be payable when a Gift Card is used as a payment method.

  • any bargains?

  • -1

    No Chanel, No deal!

    • +6

      What do you mean? 4.5% to 12% cashback is the very definition of a deal!

      • +4

        Think he means that no actual products are cheaper for the consumer, that could be bought outside of DJ, as the premium for shopping with DJ is higher than 12%.

        E.g is a 12% discount on a 15% surcharge a deal, or an ad for DJ who have entered into a partnership with a cash back program.

    • +3

      I agree and I don't know why you got downvoted.

      If a product is marked up by 20% at DJs compared to other stores and you get 12% cash back, you're still getting ripped off by 8%! That's NOT a bargain!

      • +1

        6.9% actually

  • +7

    Wow not complaining but these guys are only doing these "birthday specials" because of Shopback. I'm gonna support whoever gave Ozbargainers these higher discounts first. Not the one following just because…even though I do like CR when there was not many other choices.

    In a way Shopback is ruining their birthday

    • +3

      Cashrewards actually came first to OzBargain. Shopback followed…

      Either way competition is good and gives us (the consumers) better cashback!

      • +14

        While I agree that cashrewards is the old favourite - if shopback hadn't come onto the scene, would we be seeing these increased cash backs???

        Competition is good - but makes you think that maybe cash rewards could have been doing more for their customers even before shopback were around

        • -1

          Cashrewards have been offering increased rates on heaps of stores for years now, but for these recent increases both CR and SB are doing it at a loss for their respective Birthday and Launch.

        • +1

          The nice thing with the Shopback app (for android at least) you can launch an intenal browser, so not need to disable browser ad blockers, etc) it seems to work too (I've only used it 3 times, but they're all recorded, where as cashrewards is hit & miss)

        • +2

          but makes you think that maybe cash rewards could have been doing more for their customers even before shopback were around

          true they could be doing more, but they are a business right
          Also there's always supply and demand :)

        • +1

          @Clear: Since people decided to downvote.

          CR did 10% for DJ on the 1st of May, followed by 11% on the 4th of May… then Shopback did 10% on 6th of May and 12% on 10th of May.

          Where was ShopBack when Cashrewards did massive increases like this in 2016 out of dozens? No where because they didn't exist!

          So in reality it was Shopback who copied Cashrewards and have only helped fuel the massive increases that CR have been doing for years!

        • @Clear: And my point has been proven. Neggers are too weak to come out and say it.

        • +1

          You've pretty much described every profitable business that currently exists, haven't you? Competition is important to keep pricing competitive, this is the reason why orgs like the ACCC exist.

          When people voice attitudes like "I'll go with Shopback because Shopback offered the deals that Cashrewards didn't", you have to remember that Cashrewards decided to commit to Ozbargain and try to make this model here, before anyone else was willing to take the risk.

  • Stack with $100 Amex offer if you have one..

    • Was just going to ask if it can be used in conjunction with this offer/ gift cards. Good deal if it can

      • It can be used with the Amex offer, yes

  • -1

    what about giftcards? are they excluded?

    • +1

      always check the answer by yourself first, not that hard.

    • Yep, you can't buy gift cards and you can't spend gift cards.
      You can use the AMEX $20 cash back if you were targeted.

  • and ex-tax cashback

  • Would this stack with the previous Amex deal price matching DJs for the google home?

    • you cann't,

      but what you can do is you can buy two coles's for her $50 giftcards (two flybuys account required), then head off to a DJ get price matched.

    • Rewards will not be paid in conjunction with any other offers, vouchers or discount codes unless listed on this page

      Not sure tbh. The Shopback 12% off says it can be stacked.

    • Question is if u can pricematch online?

  • Takes a competitor to increase their rewards for Cashrewards to do something

    • +2

      Also takes Cashrewards to increase their rewards for a competitor to do something.

      This resulted in this that didn't even end up being the 3 days that was promised.

      • Yep, competition is awesome.
        Can you believe, there are regular consumers who want for example; Apple and AMD, to go out of business?!

  • Please ensure Cashrewards is your last click for tracking to work.

    What does this mean? My last purchase seems failed to be tracked, so am keen to know how to get it working.

    • It means that you must click through Cashrewards to go to David Jones. If you click through Cashrewards then click through Shopback, the sale will be attributed to Shopback.

  • +1

    Good thing about CR is it does not cap for 12% unlike Shopback (max $50)

  • +1

    This competition between CR and SB is very good for consumers! Keep it up :)

  • They’ve updated their website and you can’t pay with anything there than a David Jones Amex.

  • gift card ?

    • Nope

  • May be off topic - Trenery range at DJ store has 25% discount but DJ website has no discount. Any insight on this?

  • +1

    21% discount with gift card & cashback combo.
    V10 absolute for $790

    • They bloody don't have their hair dryers on the website for some reason grrrr…

    • Shame NIB gift cards take 8 days :(

      Any other instant sources?

      • I recently bought Goodguys gift cards and received them in 2 days. I think the NIB said around 5 days.

      • RACQ is instant if you have account with them. Or $26 a year for just membership benefits

  • Ahhhhhhhhhh, missed out :(

    any chance you'd extend the offer? got a mothers day gift in mind.

  • Click & Collect unavailable :/

  • Having trouble with a whitegoods order. Paid for it, only to have DJs email to cancel the order (no price error, standard online price, gift card used). Customer support are working to try and get an outcome. Take care :(

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