Google Home is 50% off @ Australian Geographic stores - what a bargain!
11/5 1130am: Back in stock
1/6 10:40AM: Back in stock
Google Home is 50% off @ Australian Geographic stores - what a bargain!
11/5 1130am: Back in stock
1/6 10:40AM: Back in stock
"Okay Google, should I buy another Google Home?"
Imagine a home, built from Google homes …..
Great price!! Cheapest ever?
Nah, you Could get it for $79 (or $69 with referral) shipped with Shipster with kogan $50 codes before they fixed the checkout process
But that was overseas stock, so not really comparable
It's the same google home, same hardware and kogan warranty process is pretty good
You can still get it for $89 with kogan $30 off $120 and $10 referral (its usually $129 shipped at kogan every couple of days)
You need to send it all the way back to Hong Kong if there's an issue, which takes forever..
Much easier dealing with AU warranties.
@easternculture: That sounds almost as easy as taking it to the store you got it from and getting another one.
I looked back and it was also under $100 shipped at Catch also some time ago.
Still a great deal though.
This comes close also.
price match at DJ and amex offer for $80
Just saved the Amex offer, this is tempting!
Isn't AMEX offer for DJ online store only?
you may or may not be able to use that offer to buy DJ GC ;)
if you buy with a CBA diamond amex, you shuold be able to claim the price guarantee as well?
Any chance to get DJ online to price match? How does one go about doing that?
Call them up and ask or e-mail them (with proof) and ask
5.2% cashback through CashRewards too!
New models coming
I couldn't find any article or rumours pointing to this, could you please share any link
Already out, google Max for close to $500
I'ts not a new model, it's the bigger version. Price and size = Mini - Home - Max. Different price and markets.
thats a different product line altogether. Not a new model. Its 3x the price Lol
@havok44: I am referring to what EC mentioned
The one I am talking about is Lenovo based google home with Amazon echo show
the one which was showcased at google i/o
Where is the new Google Home? I can only see Google Home Mini and Google Home Max. There is no mention of a new Google Home.
Haha nice try, not made by Google. Isn't called Google Home.
@OnlinePred](/comment/5938498/redir): it is like Nexus, would you call it LG or google depends how you look at it
when is the new model coming ?
Wow cheap.
Does it come with a pixel xl2?
one of this or two of the minis ??
I have 1 mini's and im thinking of upgrading one to this one.
The Mini is far from a decent speaker (it does the job but im hoping the Home has a better quality speaker in it)
Get a Chromecast and hook it to your stereo 😉
This has a much better speaker, I regularly use this to play music in the kitchen. Alternatively you can connect your mini to an existing home speaker with bluetooth and it will output from there.
Just hook up the mini to speakers and bam, 100% google home. Although I think the microphone on the full home is better than mini.
Thanks for the mic tip.
Thinking about picking this up and relegating the mini to the bedroom…
Bam, just need speakers, another power plug, space to put the speakers, leave the speakers on 24/7, $$$ of getting decent looking speakers, then BAM you got a google home.. kinda…
So what are people actually doing with them? How do they help? I need to be sold on the concept!
Multi room speakers, control you lifx, hue or xiaomi lights etc
I have 4 setup as multiroom, got them from kogan for $39 each with a hack I discovered using Promo codes
and you didn't share that hack with us, did you? :(
I did multiple times and so did another guy. No one really cared lol
I'd give him and up. EC shared enough here and if he discovered it then he should reap the rewards.
Another deal I found and kept to myself: $3000 worth of gift cards for free from a merchant using a promo code that gave $100 discount
Control things I don’t have. Sorry.
I use mine to play music to my stereo (cc audio). Also set alarms to wake up, and timers for the oven. That's basically it.
You can buy one and ask "Ok google, What good you are?"
Woohoo lol
"As good as the tool that bought me"
I occasionally use mine for:
There are still things it can't do
Yeah I'm waiting for the phone call function. People only ever call when I'm cooking!
That video where Google Assistant called the hair salon and Chinese restaurant was great.
Things my phone can do.
Yep, just does it 100x better is all.
Sounds like bliss. What you haven't mentioned is how many times you have to repeat yourself, and the resultant cursing.
They are supporting AI and want to give up their identities.
Big house with kids - we have two 'homes' and three 'minis' scattered around the place. They get used everyday as an intercom "Hey google. Broadcast: Kids, the dinner is ready" that sort of thing. Also used to check the weather forecast in the morning, play music (on the homes or by linking the mini up to a chromecast audio), and home automation "Hey google. Turn living room lights on" or "Hey google. Turn fireplace on". Also use it as a timer for cooking, to add items to my shopping list, set alarms or calendar appointments, etc. A lot of it is stuff you can do with your mobile etc so it's not absolutely necessary of course, but it just makes some things easier.
This one works well as a speaker for Spotify. I also use mine to control the Chromecast to some extent.
I have a halfway decent home assistant setup. You can use google home to activate devices and trigger scripts within the home assistant system, so you can use voice commands to initiate anything that the house can do.
The scripts are the interesting thing. I can ask google to turn on the coffee machine (xiaomi smart switch) and then tell me when it's ready to brew (just wait 10 minutes before announcing via TTS that the coffee machine is ready). I can tell google that I'm going to the garage and it will prepare the room by turning on the lights, the TVs and launching Netflix. I can tell google that the kids are going to bed and it will turn all the lights around the bedrooms off, turn off the bedroom chromecast and turn down the volume on the lounge room TV.
I have the Mini from that Woolworth spend $70 for four weeks deal a few months back.
So far the only things I do with it are:
- Hey Google, play Triple M radio
- Hey Google, turn off in two minutes
- Hey Google, set two minute timer
I hate that it does not access music stored on my server and it wasn't until the Melbourne Triple M radio station started messing around with it that I learnt that my favourite radio station could be broadcast to the speaker. :-)
Very happy to learn the newer options in this thread and will definitely try some of them this weekend.
Very happy to learn the newer options in this thread
Hey Google, neg jv's latest comments.
That was very witty!
Wait, it has an FM radio? Or does Triple M just have a digital stream it can pick up on?
No FM tuner but it plays all the digital streams, and pretty much every major radio station has them -…. Basically, if it's in 'tunein' ( then you'll be able to listen to it. Just remember - if you don't have 'unlimited data' - it will use up your data allowance.
Might try price match at David Jones soon
Never knew DJ price matched
its one of the best things about DJ.
Price match, use discounted GC.
sorry GC stands for?
guess i only think of officeworks for price matching
For anyone who doesn't have the amex deal or discounted gift cards, you can also just pricematch @ Officeworks to get a further 5% off. Price match in store or call 1300 OFFICE for delivery.
So what is the Amex deal?
Already have 4. The ozbargainer in me says buy another one.