Just saw this deal - may have been posted a while ago for ~$1k, but I couldn't find it, so maybe I'm dreaming.
First post - don't be harsh!
Just saw this deal - may have been posted a while ago for ~$1k, but I couldn't find it, so maybe I'm dreaming.
First post - don't be harsh!
Dammit! Why couldn't I find it.. nevertheless it's back on sale again so not too bad to bump it back up for a couple of days.
Lucky you didn't find it.. =)
Not a dupe. This is an advertised offer which also includes free delivery if you buy online. The previous deal wasn't advertised and required you to haggle with the store manager and show a receipt, and even then some weren't successful in getting it honoured.
Lets hope they honor this deal, PS3 120's are sold out at BigW and they are replacing the PS3 with a bluray players instead. I hope they dont send me a bluray player.
This + staff discount = god-tier.
How much is staffies?
staff get 10%
It's 5% actually
Plus Salary Sacrifice it and it could go down to $650
Outstanding value IMHO, esp given the KDL32EX400 sells for ~$600 IIRC…makes that PS3 mighty cheap! :)
GREAT find! Well done, OP!
do u guys know if the 120gb model is the slim?
Yes. Even though the picture shows the fat PS3 model, the Overview tab states:
The Sony PlayStation 3 Slim Game Console (120GB).
Sony only made the slim 120gb versions, you won't find any fat 120gb's.
*&#@ gone my new year resolution, slim body and fat wallet.
Great deal - thanks for posting this.
I think you might need to change Title to say that it is FULL HD and not HD as the title on bigW website says so.
I just called up my local BIGW at cairns hill and they said it started on thursday?
Why would you buy in store and carry to your car + petrol when you can get it free delivery to your front door?
It's 2 minutes down the road :]
Plus i want it now! Lol
Good job OP!
I am stupidly tempted by this great deal as usual, despite the fact I don't really need it. Any one got any thoughts on how the TV would work as a computer monitor? I know it's only 1080p - but how far back would I need it to be comfortable for viewing?
I am in the same boat. Tempted as a PC monitor as I have already got the Sony 46in + PS3. I am thinking of ebaying the Ps3 to make this a cheap PC monitor. Have no experienced with this combination before and so any input is greatful.
I would say think about the size of your desk and what you would use the monitor mostly for. If you have a really big desk and can sit the monitor quite far back, I think this would be a good option, especially if you play alot of games at your desk/watch movies but I don't think you would want to sit right infront of it for web surfing. It would probably be great in a bedroom setup.
Since you already have a PS3, you might be better off looking at some comparatively priced 24" computer monitors. (although they will be much smaller in physical size, the LCD resolution will be the same.)
I have a 40EX500 and they are not suitable for PC use (it does image processing which messes up the characters, and can't keep up with the 60hz refresh rate); EX400 could be a completely different story and I'd suggest you take a HDMI-capable laptop into a Sony store and try it out before betting on it.
Thanks for the info - how have you connected the PC to the TV…VGA, HDMI?
A mate has a 32" Hisense Full HD LCD as his computer monitor. It's fine for TV/movies in bed (unsurprisingly), but it's just too bloody big to have sitting on a desk right in front of you. I can't stand using it.
I have a 26" monitor myself, and even at arms length (I have really long arms btw), there's no way I could handle anything larger.
Great First Post OP!!!
I've looked into using a 32"LCD as a monitor - and here's the go…
Firstly, this is Full HD which is as good as it gets, for now. Some people say that they happily use a 32"as a computer monitor, others say that the resolution isn't high enough - what's meant by this is that the resolution is the same as a Full HD 24"monitor - so essentially the image (your desktop, Word documents etc) will be the same resolution but of a larger size only. This means that you're not actually getting any more "screen real estate space" and that all of the images, icons, documents etc will be of a larger size - some say too large. So in summary this monitor is ideal for movies and games, less so for MS Office based documents and general computing.
I've seen a 32" monitor setup with a PC in Officeworks and is does look kind of funky (in a bad way) - all the icons are oversized etc.
So my conclusion has been not to get a 32"LCD for this reason. However, this deal is making me re-think that conclusion out of sheer value.
There are 30" monitors (not TVs) available with a higher resolution than Full HD, which would be ideal, but these are still very expensive and are not about to become a value item such as this.
It's a difficult choice. The sensible option is perhaps not to use a 32" as a monitor, but the tempting option is for sure to pick it up and enjoy the larger screen particularly for games and movies. Decisions, decisions.
There is one BIG potential problem that people are not aware of when using tvs as monitors.
Computers output 0-255, which entry models such as this typically take 16-235. My 46W5500 sony for example, is such.
This means, unless you can find how to set your computer to output limited RGB instead of expanded RGB, you will see crushed blacks and blown highlights 24/7. Reallly shit for movie watching etc. The only two work around i know are: 1 adjust the TV black and white levels manually till test patterns appear better, or 2. play videos in VLC, which outputs limited RGB.
neither option is ideal.
My other thought, for this deal, is that its not THAT good… i'd + it if it had 50 votes, not at nearly 200…
good write up… very true something like this would be great for a monitor if you're watching movies playing games, (great for a monitor in the bedroom or lounge room for movies/TV in bed) really needs to be higher res to take full advantage of that size.
reading a line of text on a monitor that big is a bit of effort eg long way to move head and eyes, where as if you had a higher res monitor then the window may only take up half the screen and you could have another window on the other half… eg more stuff up at the same time… that said, something like this would be pretty cool.
Perhaps dual screen with 1 "normal" sized monitor and this? Just a thought.
Also bear in mind that for games you'll be getting 50hz so it'll be slightly less smooth. If you're used to using 100hz on your tv, then you might take a while to adjust to 50hz. Personally I find 60hz for gaming ok and I have a 100hz Sammy in the lounge.
if you turn on 100hz the lag increases. i think some ppl actually prefer to keep game mode at 50hz.
Yes, I am saying that gaming at 50hz when you're used to 100hz will take some getting used to and it can seem too stuttery if you're fussy
Does this TV come with an ethernet port? Is this comparable to Samsung LA32C550?
the LA32C550 can play divx, xvid, mkv movies off a 2.5" Portable pocket hard drive
The Sony can not power a USB hard drive it can only handle usb memory stick's and only supports divx
Both have pretty good picture qty but a 100hz Sony or Samsung still blows them away in smoothness. As ive come to notess instore… but your spending an extra $200 for the 100Hz
PS dont be fooled buy 100Htz on cheaper brands like Sanyo Hensang, there 100Htz is like Sony's 50Mtz lol as you will see instore but there image QTY is much worse.
thanks for that babble but you didn't answer his question.
manja, in answer to your question; no, there is no ethernet port on this model.
Yeah i missed the first part of his question opps :) thanks for that.. good team work
thanks mdippa. would it be worth spending the extra $200 for this deal rather than the samsung LA32C550?
Thanks a lot vid_ghost.
No worries, ive placed my order for value reasons alone and the PS3 can be used for movie playback over network anyways.
Thanks heaps. I've just placed an order.
To be honest I turn off all the artificial frame 'smoothing' and 'enhancing' modes. They ruin the picture imo by making it look unnatural.
Thanks again OP, just sent through my order :)
No worries guys - and titled edited to reflect full HD.
Thanks 31mop
I want a bigger tv
then pay more
lol +1 what he said.
Anyone looking to buy a ps3, 3 blu ray movies and a HDMI cable? Haha
Only after a TV
Same but remember a PS3 is a bluray player soon to be 3D bluray player.
Yes, I am actually!!! OP wants the PS3, but doesn't need the TV! haha
Where are you located
I only want the PS3, not the TV. Happy to do a deal with someone. I'm in Melbourne.
hi, r u in Sydny, interested in ps3 WITH BLURAY MOVIES.
Okay so who wants to sell a PS3 today? i want one
How much you willing to pay?
Im in Liverpool, carnes hill is where I'll be getting mine. One of the comment mentioned someone going there was that you?
Who you talking to ediott?, bit hard to see when its not a reply
Sorry, I was replying to 31mops comment above. But was actually directing it at anyone who is interested in buying the ps3. Only really after the tv
Liverpool, Sydney?
How much do you want to sell PS3?
Awesome, dont be sorry i want a ps3 too :)
Hey dude, yea i called up cairns hill, they said it was going to start on thursday, bonnyrigg didnt want to match the online price and said it was 979 lol.
So i ended up just ordering online :]
carnes hill
I'm in bris - no bingo
this is 50hz, ahh i dont know what to do!
I went for it :) its just too good a deal to pass up, the free delivery did it for me.
What will you be using the TV for? If has a 24p playback mode for Blurays and Australian TV is in 50 Hz anyway. If you connect a console, set it to 50Hz and it'll look fine. A higher refresh rate does not always mean a smoother picture.
It's an awesome price for a great panel.
EDIT: See Doctor Owl's post above. He had issues connecting a PC to a similar model due to the 50Hz restriction.
should I or should I not???
Who want PS3 in SA?
I do! I sent you an email.
Who want to sell PS3 in Syd?
i'm in waverton north shore. And my Sony TV + PS3 pack is on its way!
will sell the PS3 HDMI, Spiderman & zombieworld for $350 :)
I'm very tempted to buy this bundle but don't need ps3. Whereabouts are you in Syd?
Contact me please thanks
ordered and paid for, thanks to the OP. I went into store here in SA and they woudlnt sell it to me, said its online only. I said but it has the find store button. STore manager said thats a mistake. Either way I have paid for one. They had heaps in stock, pretty stupid I couldnt just pickup, oh well.
I just placed an order for one :) thanks OP
I'd like a PS3 only —- in WA. Anyone?
I'll let it go for $300 if you're interested? Let me know.
I'm interested.. were you able to get the package? (not sure if it's sold out).
I am offering one for $300…If you want you can come with me and pay for it using your credit card in BIG W stores…..gives you option not to shell out cash!!I am in canning vale. Let me know if you are interested.
hey mate, that sounds interesting, but I am not in Perth at the moment, and won't be back till Feb….
and you parting with the HDMI and blueray stuff too? or just PS3?
Only THE ps3.
I'm interested.. were you able to get the package? (not sure if it's sold out).
Accidentally neg'd deal, please help me revoke :)
go to votes tab above image of the deal etc
Im in Melbourne chasing a PS3 or i could sell the Tv to anyone that wants one
5% disc with ?staff card
and 5% with wishlist gift card
well i ordered it, will see how we go, hopefully i won't regret it:)
FYI/ Free delivery ends tomorrow good call :):) ur one of us!
Top Ryde won't do it for $797. Was going to get one at that price even though I don't really need it. It's just stupid they don't match the online store price
If someone wants to get rid of the PS3 in Melbourne (for $250) give me a shout.
lol @ all these ps3 hunters with their low ball bids…how about i give you $250 and u get me a ps3 120gb slim brand new?
theoretically possible if the tv sells for around $600
If I am not mistaken with model number, it does indeed sell at around 600 (http://www.videopro.com.au/p-1206-sony-bravia-kdl32ex400-lcd…) - To be precised 594 ;-)
lol so ppl has to paid fully price for the tv while u getting a bargain on the ps3? wow……….