Price History:…
Historical low on Tri Camel is : $20.03 so not far off.
Be warned this game is not easy, sources (like the review above) say 8-12 hours to finish the game (this is the campaign mode only). This is being generous. Its probably 12+ for the average gamer. Lots of old school platforming fun. I had a blast in my play through.
Amazon summary:
Four lengthy episodes with outrageous landscapes, dramatic boss battles and secret surprises
Two-player cooperative mode to double your barbarian brawn
Bonus game mode “vs. The Horde” plus top-secret unlockable game modes
Multiple homages to classic 8- and 16-bit action games in each episode
Included with the game are some nifty bonus items: Color manual, keychain and pouch.
Thank you, OP! Good deal.