• expired

[iOS, Android] Free Timed Research for Incarnate Forme Tornadus/Thundurus/Landorus @ Pokemon Go


Redeem these codes for Free Timed Research in Pokémon GO!

All Trainers can redeem the following codes to recieve a set of Timed Research to encounter Incarnate Forme Tornadus, Incarnate Forme Thundurus, or Incarnate Forme Landorus.

Incarnate Forme Tornadus
Redemption Link

Incarnate Forme Thundurus
Redemption Link

Incarnate Forme Landorus
Redemption Link

Task for all 3 Timed Research is 'Catch 156 Pokemon originally discovered in the Unova Region'

Full Credits to Leek Duck

Referral Links

Referrals: random (112)

Referee and referrer unlock various in-game rewards after referee completes certain tasks
Referee gets guaranteed 100 Pokeballs.

Trainer Code: random (9)

Pokemon Go Trainer Code

Related Stores

Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO


  • +1

    The last two codes are actually the same in the OP, and in the codes on this post, however the link for the last one has the correct code: 9PTA874LYDAJH

    • Thanks, fixed.

  • +8

    Some free mons before Scopely gets ahold of this game woohoo!!

  • Thank you!!

  • +3

    Thx but how the heck are you supposed to Catch 156 Pokemon originally discovered in the Unova Region in 9 days and 19 hours….

    • +4

      Road to Unova event starts globally on Monday at 10am local time which should spawn more Unova Pokemon.

    • Spotlight hour is set to be the unova starters so hopefully we get a good chunk from there.

    • I don't have the balls to do this.

  • Thank you! I don't have all three forms, so this is good for dexing!

  • +1

    I'll finally be able to finish that damn research task that's been sitting in my inventory for so long. Thanks, OP

  • Everything claimed as intended, thanks OP 🫡



    • +1

      Added :)

  • +3

    I think ive had that a picture of landorus as an incomplete task for about 4 years or so…

  • Add me as a friend ozbros - 2055 8314 9322. I play most days and enjoy swapping gifts, and am happy to invite anyone that's online to raids (and be invited).

    • +1

      Thx added, Drezyb81 & NayeonTwiceBP

    • My poke mates never help me in raids :(

      • Use something like Pokeraid.
        Host a raid and have others from around the world join you, or just jump onto someone else's raid.

    • Request sent

  • Mate these pokemans are unobtainable. There’s unova pokemans like cactus, ciggylyf, larvesta and volcarona, booflant that cannot be obtained in this country

    • Larvesta is hatchable (and can evolve to Volcarona).
      Yes, the others you've mentioned are regional.
      But the three on offer here have been around for 5 years now.

  • my is 7377 4473 4005

    • Request sent

  • Got them, thank you

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