As above, what's the best place to hide spare keys to avoid locking yourself out from home.
Where to Hide Spare Keys to Avoid Getting Locked out?

It's going to be awkward when you lose the key to the key safe though.
Key safes tend to be combination locks.
Just write the combination on the underside so you can't forget it.
@Euphemistic: I don't know if that's the best place. We should ask OzBargain where to hide the code.
Ideally, you want to log on to OzBargain and post the code here online so it doesn't get smudged by rain.
That's dumb. personally, I write down the combination on a piece of paper and then put it in another safe, one that has a physical key instead. Then all you need to do is look after the key for that!
@adante: I tie old men to chairs and put it behind there eyeball. When someone approaches a tv turns on "want to play a game?"
I already figured it out anyways. From that suspicious metalic jingling noise in Uranus 😆 . I hope that is your keys anyway 🤔
i think you have me confused with LizardKing
not giving away my hiding place.
I'll give away mine. I have a key hook on the outside to the side of the door that I hang a spare set on. Works like a charm. I dont even have to carry my keys with me anymore!
Real estate agents use key safes, sounds like a good option. Bunnings seems to have a few -…
this post sounds like a burglar special.
Get those key boxes like they have for AirBNB places. Then hide that/lock it somewhere out of sight?
Given enough time someone will be able to brute force those.
Unlike the doors and windows of your house, which are impervious to force.
Do yuo kno de way to Wakanda, my brudda?
Buy 10 of them locks, hide them in various places and put your key elsewhere in none of them.
Yes, under a rock at the front door :)
@em: Might have to think about building another house in the backyard and turning the first house into a dummy house.
Perhaps the 3rd Rock From The Sun ?
Recently worked as a locksmith and had to get into 2 of these things that had button number combinations on the front and it was fairly easy to figure out the code once you know what you are doing.
Dust it for prints or look for visible signs of wear. Then you just gotta figure out the order which won't take long.
I saw MacGuyver do this.
Button combinations are easy - I had to get into a BnB once because the person who had the key was asleep inside and could not be woken. There was a button combo safe outside with a key. A friend in school (30 years ago) told me how to break into these locks and I did it in about 1 minute. Just shows how far these locks have come in all these years.
What about something like this:……
Sure, it's easy to rip them off a wall, but they're still locked. Maybe a sledge hammer?
If you have a cat flap, put it within reaching distance inside the house and cover it with something innocuous
First few places a crim tries. A very small area they need to search to find it!
Like the cat litter
Under a fake poop
Under/inside a REAL poop. Cheaper than fake 1 (so its a bargain) and 100 times more effective.
@Euphemistic: Spray some poop-preserver on your fresh one, should make it last bit longer before refreshing.
Seems good idea, but then what about the cat burgulars 😯
They aren't looking for keys, They only want the cat.
Do they use the catmeat to make Burgers for MickeyD's?
username and bowtie checks out
Yay, first time someone says that to me here. I should make more cat-related comments.
Use a lockbox. They are like $20 from Bunnings
Very useful if you’re expecting friends but get delayed.
If you are able to still access your back yard then hide the lockbox there somewhere
I bought one of the $20 ones from Bunnings and accidently broke it while installing it. What I broke was the part that holds the 'door' closed which looked like metal but was just plastic, so the box could be forced open with a screwdriver or maybe even a plastic spoon!!! I took it back and exchanged it for the 'Master Lock' model which is better built.
They might seem to be good quality but Master Lock are really bottom of the barrel in terms lock brands/safety. Just check out some of the many videos on Youtube.
Or if just for wheb expecting friends, and you wont be home, then have the lockbox empty or with fake key, then only put key in the day before your friends are arriving 😉
Does anyone know the insurance implications if a burglar were to gain entry by finding and getting the key out of such lockbox devices?
Break a window before you call the cops (not legal advice)
haha I seriously lol'd at this.
May as well knock off the TV while you're at it.
And put your PlayStation in the trunk of the car.
Any more OzAdvice, guys?
Pro tip: Remember to break it from the outside.
Now you tell me…sheeesh.
Sue the key manufacturer for being able to gain entry into your house.
Hang a pair of socks on the washing line and put it inside one (presuming you have side access to the backyard?)
I’ve done this before when expecting a house guest while I was at work.Wash 'em first, ok bro?
Under a rock
Under the matInside the cat
That wears a hatIn a lock box
Watch for the foxUnder the dog
Inside the log@flamesinfour:
A key for your house
left for your spouse
she is quite forgetful
and it is quite regretful
your hidden key
is easy to see
as you've chosen your spot
under a pot
not inside a rock
or hanging with jocks.
Get a hollow rock and hide it in your garden. I have a tiny front yard which has a very small planter bed, which I surrounded with a rock border. One of the rocks is hollow.
I have no idea because I live in a unit block and there's nowhere discreet to hide a key :(
My mate is in unit, he just attached to gate in padlock keylock box from bunnings. Its just for if he locks himself out. Sure, it isn't best security, but he he doesn't have much worth stealing either. Also, the fact it is not very discreet or hidden does have ana advantage, ie. If you trust your neighbors in units adjacent, they would likely see if anyone was trying to cut or break open the keybox.
I previously lived i block of 16 units where my entrance, had like 20 other people round would see anyone coming in and out. Would be very unlikely anyone could carry a tv or something out without being spotted. If you have similar unit setup, try to look out for each other. Maybe just leave key with a neighbor you can trust, if thats a viable option.
Biometric Keyless, Keyless, Key safe, Pet Rock, Pet Brick/Tile or just have/hide spare keys at parents' or family's place.
Yeah, I've got one of the keypad ones, it's really nice never having to worry about keys.
I've wanted to do this for a while but it means I'd have to get rid of my fly wire - something I won't do
you need to upgrade your fly-wi to wi-fi?
How do you get in to a Keyless house if the batteries go flat? You'd still need to hide your "Emergency key" somewhere. Which kind of defeats the purpose.
I would think it alerts you if the batteries are running low? Like when your smoke alarm incessantly beeps when its batteries are low.
they have a key option as well normally located in a flap under a panel if it goes dead or you forget the combo…
-In a magnetized lock box under your car
- Under the dog house
-Fake sprinkler key holderthat fake sprinkler one is actually a pretty good concept
Leave it with friend/ family who doesn't live too far away & is willing to come over to rescue you
This should really be the only correct answer.
Someone trusted guarding it is much better than 'obscuring' it from site on the property.
If a key is found on premises, then the associated property is obvious.Get to know your neighbours. Then you can leave an emergency key with them.
Bury key in the ground. Print out treasure map and put in wallet.
Second this idea.
Place key in small screw-top plastic container (spice jar or similar) with desiccant sachets from wherever.
Bury in garden.Doesn't need to be deep or marked, you'll know where it is (and can advise others if necessary) but very hard to locate for the casual villain.
Treasure map is optional. Bonus points if you have a palm tree, rock shaped like a skull or comparable landmark.
No bonus points for me :(
…but I do have a giant "X" in the middle of my yard, does that help?
Tattoo the map , hidden so only visible under UV light .
If you're relying on having your wallet with you, why not just put the key in your wallet? (assuming the wallet has a zippable change compartment or other suitable location for the key)
maybe the key is four inches long - take a picture of the treasure map. Less likely forget to bring the phone than the wallet.
Got to be careful with this one. Your wallet might have a license or something with your address on it.
Now they have your address and your key.
I tried this, but the cat wouldn't stay still for long enough.
You started it.
on top of the door frame, under the mat. If you hide it anywhere more difficult you wont be able to find it.
I hope you are joking.
ha ha! I gave you a plus. Astute observation :)
Sticky tape it to your car tyre
The inside of your car tyre obviously!
Just remember to take it off before selling your car.
I duct tapped a spare car key to the cars frame out of sight underneath. Went to check on it a few years latter and it had been long gone judging by the state of the tape. Need another better idea obvioulsy.
gaffer tape to the roof of the mail box.
edit: not ideal for spare car key but works for house key.
Nice try. not giving away my hiding place.
you can also get a key safe.