Cheapest price I have seen for this awesome game, a little old now but still worth a play if anyone hasn't picked it up yet.
89/100 on metacritic with a favourable 8.4 user score.
Cheapest price I have seen for this awesome game, a little old now but still worth a play if anyone hasn't picked it up yet.
89/100 on metacritic with a favourable 8.4 user score.
Good game. Played it on PC but it's campaign is very short.
Looks like it, though once you add postage it's more expensive
It can't be cheaper if you have to add postage from an online only store.
Postage is $1.99 making it more expensive.
Ahh beg your pardon - was seduced by their storewide free shipping that they had on yesterday…
Looks like there's only 3 in stock.
(plenty more from other Amazon sellers around the same price though)
Have you found a cheaper price elsewhere, or are you making an invalid neg?
its $14 for PS plus members on the AUS playstation store, likely not much extra if not a member.
The ultimate edition is just under $20 too.
Paid $7 for the ultimate edition on Xbox Live 2 weeks ago.
$20 is still worth it if you're interested in the MP as the campaign is quite short.
If you are happy with digital copy and want some extras theres an ultimate edition on special $19.17 AUD for PS+ members until April 26.
Copied from store: get access to all of the content included in the Digital Deluxe edition, this bundle also includes a Jump Start Pack which instantly unlocks all Titan and Pilot classes and arms you with the funds, Double XP tokens AND a custom warpaint skin for the R-201 Carbine all to get you up to speed on the Frontier. Ultimate Edition includes Titanfallâ„¢ 2 base game, Deluxe Edition content (Scorch & Ion Prime Titans, Deluxe Edition Warpaint for 6 Titans, Deluxe Edition Camo for all Titans, Pilots & Weapons, Deluxe Edition Nose Arts for 6 Titans, Deluxe Edition Callsign), Jump Start content (All Titans unlocked, all Pilot tacticals unlocked, 500 tokens to unlock loadouts, cosmetics and gear, 10 2x XP tokens), and the Underground R-201 Carbine Warpaint
I bought a titanfall on special and cant remember if its game 1 or 2. The opening gameplays in a marketplace or city and you then take your suit out to fly through a jungle or something before landing into a hostile area. Do i have no 1?
1st has no single player so that's number 2.
Thanks! Turns out indeed!
Wasnt this 7$ something on the Xbox one a few weeks ago?