This was posted 6 years 10 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth (Pre-Order) + Legion $69.95 or BFA + Legion + WoW Battlechest $84.95 @


Blizzard has two deals running related to World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, only good for those who do not have World of Warcraft but want to start playing or those who do not have Legion.

You can pre-purchase Battle for Azeroth for $69.95 and get Legion free ($69.95 is the normal pre-purchase price for BFA so this is good for any players who do not currently have Legion)


Buy the Complete Collection (base version of WoW (30 days of game time included), Legion, and BFA pre-purchase) for $84.95.

Pre-purchase: World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth will release on August 14, 2018.

Purchase of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth makes available the questlines which enable players to access the Highmountain tauren, Lightforged draenei, Nightborne, and Void elves. To unlock Allied Races quest lines, players must have a level 110 character and have met specific questing and reputation requirements on the factions that each Allied Race is aligned with.

Includes Level 110 Character Boost.

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closed Comments

    • +4

      Same goes for any game, or anything?

      • Greatest game idea ever though. Thousands of people paying to waste their time.

        • +1

          The basics behind any form of entertainment really.

        • +1

          @Variableaperture: Find it hard to see anything positive in it. I have seen people dedicate their lives to playing this game 10 hours a day…… Just like any addiction i guess.

        • @Will Mcdonald: playing 10 hours pays off the monthly subscription!

        • +1

          @Will Mcdonald:
          I used to play a lot (not nearly that much though), for several years. It's a game that is one of the worst to affect your health and lifestyle and just in general negatively.

          As for your comment though. The cost is probably quite a fair bit less though than someone who games a lot across a lot of games. Many people would game a game a month at $80/mth. This is still 15/mth.

        • @Moofy: Totally agree, sorry though about experiencing it.

  • These prices are in USD, correct?

    • AUD

  • -1

    I must resisted!

  • Who does Blizzard think is going to buy an end-game expansion if they don't already own the game?

    • Hardly anyone, which is why they are throwing it in FREE with the pre-purchase of Battle for Azeroth. I guess it's good for those who have taken a break from wow and want to start playing again in time for the new xpac.

      • That is exactly who. Allows people a chance to catch up just in time for the next one.

  • +4

    Looks like im going to restart.. I'm thinking Amanthule Hoard. Does ozbargain have a wow guild, if not about high time we did =)

    • +1

      I would join an ozbargain wow guild :)

    • +6

      Obviously, all goblin.

      • For the horde!

      • Time is money friend!

  • im holding off till i know the requirments for there offical vanilla server, if it needs BFA i'll buy it then

  • if anyone IS interested in an Ozbargain Aman'Thul Hoard guild, look me up in game.
    Dynaheir , 110 Blood Elf mage
    havn't played in ages, and only play after 8:30pm (ie kids are in bed lol.)

    • Time is money, friend.

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