• expired

[VIC,NSW,WA] Ola Cabs: 2x $20 Credit (2 Free Rides up to $20 Each) (New Users)


Ola Cabs is a new ridesharing service which only recently launched in Australia. They're obviously trying to gain a bit of market share from Uber and Taxify, increasing competition and hopefully good for us consumers.

Offer: Download the Ola app (refer to https://www.olacabs.com/au) and sign up to get 2 x $20 credits (essentially 2 free rides worth up to $20 each). I assume offer is applicable to Melbourne, Sydney and Perth users as per their website.

1 week validity only but might be a good chance to give Ola a try.

I personally have never tried Ola so cannot comment on quality/service. Just had a look at availability and seems to be a few cars around my area so that's a good start.

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Ola Australia
Ola Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    Used them in India. It's fantastically shit.

    • -1

      eyyy, I can totally agree with you on this

    • +1

      probably similar drivers (casual) but quality of the cars and less traffic should make it better.

      • I didn't really consider traffic as I did use other taxis.

    • +1

      I've had fantastically good experience with them in India. Always on time, and very polite drivers.

  • +3

    My experience in Perth was that I couldn't get a car into the city as they don't have many, but I could get one home. I was supposed to get a discount like this one but I didn't receive it. So I emailed them and within 48 hours received an apology, they extended my discount offer and then refunded my fare in full (about $25).
    So they are worth a go based on they way they fixed my issue, in my opinion anyway.

  • +3

    Used them a few times with varying success. Couple of rides have been fine, more often than not though something goes wrong. Drivers don’t turn up, cancel the ride, turn up to destination, were free for a while, still charged my account 50% fare. They pay drivers more than Uber but the app is not as good.

  • +1

    Used yesterday in Sydney. Plenty of taxis available. Pick up within 3 minutes on both occasions. You get an SMS with your driver’s details incl phone number which is handy and transparent. Could choose between a Sedan and an SUV but got a SUV for the price of a Sedan.

  • +3

    Ola is better for drivers as they take less commission. Now many uber drivers are keeping all service apps ON.

    I love competition.

    • hopefully also offers them some sort of insurance etc , this gig economy seems to be all about they get a cut but minimal obligation

      • Drivers are worrying about howmuch companies suck from them. Some companies suck upto 25% of fare value. On top of that Govt sent GST collection letters for all fares & runs. Now drivers are in fighting mood because of more players in industry. So ultimately drivers & passengers will benefit because of it. Where someone is on road driving a rideshare they want to have all apps open like uber taxify ola etc. Each car has insurance so that won't be a problem as one or another company has strictly requirements.

  • I love ola cabs it's pretty cheap and it's just average lads. Mostly Indian drivers but I'm not complaining.

    • +1

      i have sympathy for indian students , they seem to marginalised towards the jobs australians don’t want to do, eg dominos, cab drivers, 7/11, deliveroo, uber eats,

      • Yeah I believe that. The red rooster I work it has lots of Indians. No one wants to work at a dying fast food joint

        • -5

          And don't forget cleaning & other shit jobs.

      • "students"

        • well they come here on student visas ….. doubt you get a 457 visa sponsored by dominos or deliveroo ….

      • -1

        I think most are very grateful to get any kind of work paid in Australian dollars.
        I think even our minimum wage here, when converted to Indian currency is quite good for them .
        Having employed some Indian students myself, I certainly can understand why they find it difficult to find good and high paying jobs.
        Firstly, they mostly have limitted or no experience and work skills.
        Secondly, they usually have very poor english skills, and worst of all, they usually nod their head as if know what you said, instead of telling you they are not sure what you said, and asking you to clarify .
        Thirdly, most people would prefer to support our country in providing employment, so understandably, an Australian permanent resident will usually get job rather than a foreign student who wont/cant stick around with the company for long (due to their visa expiring) .
        Sure, I have compassion and empathy for them. But at the same time, I think they are getting a pretty sweet deal, even on KFC wages etc, due to how much it converts back into Indian currency when they go home.

  • Nice to see new competition, but upon review of the IOS App, it seems not only is the app very buggy, but customers often get the raw prawn with Ola’s driver cancellation policy. Will stick with tried and trusted for the time being.

  • -2

    Shouldn’t this be classified as a freebie?

    • +1

      Seems like its $20 off, so only free on rides of under $20, ie. A $30 ride, Your not getting free.

  • Ola doesn't seem to show the active promotion codes unlike Taxify, but it seems to automatically integrate it into the price estimates.

    Would be handy..!

    • Signed up with referral, shows me 2x free rides in notifications -> updates, but not anything from the referral.

      I can't figure out how to get a price estimate though - do I actually need to hit "ride now"? Seems silly that I would have to book a ride before getting the estimate.

      • Found it - need to click on the car icon, not at all obvious, but sort of makes sense if the fare varies depending on type.

        Lots of cabs in the Melbourne CBD midday today. Will be riding this weekend and early next week, will see how that goes.

  • +2

    For anyone who's signed up to this promo - can I use the random referral link above to get $30 for myself and also a referee, in addition to the 2x $20 credits as I'm in Melbourne? If so, which credit is used first? Thanks.

  • +1
    Merged from [VIC] Ola Launch in Melbourne - Free Rides (Up to $25)
    Go to Deal

    Ola Launches in Melbourne today… Offering free rides for new signups. Business Insider.

    If you can find a cab :) uptake might be real slow…

    Sounds similar to Sydney Deal

    Quoting Business Insider

    Its aggressive push into the Australia market includes the first two rides being free for new Melbourne customers (one less than the three offered in Sydney), worth up to $25 each, as well as a 50% discount on subsequent rides during what Ola calls an undefined “promotional period”.

    Also Lifehacker

    Their own article comparing Uber Vs Taxify Vs Ola

    • +2

      Just signed up and got 2 $20 rides. Not bad.

      • How? Which promo code to use?

        • +1

          No promo, just sign up and its automatically texted to you and will automatically apply for the first 2 rides.

          • @4tran: Do you have to use them by a certain time?

          • +5

            @4tran: @King Tightarse: within a week time as per the text I received

          • +1

            @4tran: @Ametric:

            Same here, not sure why it says $25 in the heading of this. But yes, two rides for free up to $20 in value each, but can only be used within 1 week of signing up.

    • +2

      Another ride share option for us. More free rides. I believe most of the drivers would be driving for all 3 of them and we should expect more or less the same service.

      • +14

        More competition is good for us and for drivers.

        Uber's Monopoly sucks

      • +6

        Yeah in Perth it seems all Ola drivers are also Uber drivers. They all speak very positively about Ola though - saying they only take 7.5% compared to Uber's ~25%. The app isn't quite as good but it's within the plus or minus (unlike the other Perth Uber competitors).

    • One thing to note with Ola is that yes you get cheap rides but they also spam the living heck out of you. You will get duplicate emails and sms messages at least once a week.

      • +2

        you can opt out if you want as they send the link

    • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/371069
      Is this a duplicate of above link?

      • Yes

    • +3

      Ola seems like a much better deal for the drivers. Happy to support them!
      Tip, always rate your drivers 5 stars unless something goes drastically wrong.

      • +9

        I've never understood this. When I lived in Europe, it was definitely a case of 3 stars is good service. That is, you get to where you're going and the driver was friendly. I got what I expected. 5 stars in Europe is above & beyond great service. Water, mints, humour, comfort, etc. I rarely get that level of service here anymore.

        I don't understand how 5 stars can be the standard. What do you then do for the people who go above and beyond, if you've set "ok service" at 5 stars? Why bother having the 5 stars at all in that case? Why not just have thumbs up/thumbs down option?

        Open question to everyone.

        • +5

          Sounds like you should be ordering an expensive Limo rather than a Cheap Rideshare service in someone's private car.
          If you rate less than 5 stars you are effectively taking money out of the drivers pocket. Ola's commission goes up to 15% if the drivers rating goes below 4.80.
          Please bear that in mind if you safely get taken from A to B!

          • +2

            @kooljp: You have made false assumptions, without answering the question that was posted.

            If 5 stars are expected for just doing the minimum, ie. transporting someone, why bother having a scale at all? Why not just have thumbs up/down?

        • +4

          The problem with a lot of companies is that if you're getting anything less than 4.5–5 stars, then you're seen as having "failed" the customer. I think Uber in some countries for example, penalises drivers who are below a 4.5 star rating by forcing them to take paid training (as in, the driver has to pay) or they give them a warning before their account is deactivated. So I would think twice about giving out 3 stars like you've described - you're more than likely hurting your driver by doing that.

          It's a shit system and working in any customer service role where you're beholden to ridiculous metrics like that is soul destroying. You could do everything right in the world, but if someone is having a bad day, they could take it out on you and give you 1 star. You could have someone racist who resents being served by someone 'non-white'—1 star. Customer tries to hit on you but you don't reciprocate since that'd be unprofessional—1 star.

          • @skittlebrau: Exactly! Uber drivers risk Deactivation if they fall below 4.5 stars. With Ola, they will lose pay!
            It's not a fair ratings system which is why I always rate drivers 5 stars for the privilege of being driven somewhere in their car…

        • Yeah they should make it so it goes up to 11.

        • +4

          If they are polite, a safe driver and provide a clean car then they have given 100% of what is required and so I give them 5 stars.

          Mints? I want transportation not mentos. I can afford my own mentos.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Exactly! Expecting water, mints, gums etc is unfair unless you are willing to tip the driver!

            It is not included in your fare :-) Also keep in mind you pay considerably less than cabs and get better service/car.

          • -1

            @[Deactivated]: @bobz79: True, but at the same time, if a driver has offered water / mints (even if I've politely declined) I would be more inclined to rate them higher for going the extra mile. However, how do you do it if the standard service is already a 5?

    • -1

      No coupon :S

    • Used them in India where you could also hire motorcycles using the app. Wonder if they would introduce something similar here.

      • Lots of people use motorcycles in India as compared to Australia. So I don't think that's going to happen.

      • We have something similar launching in Melbourne.

        Personally I don't think it will take off due to customer expectations, difficulty with helmets etc.

        Their value proposition is that they can get you there quicker as a motorcycle can filter through traffic.

    • Might be a struggle to actually use the offer. Their first few weeks in Perth was a total bust (might be ok now, haven't tried).

    • +1

      signed up - used a random referral code when asked if i had one and still got the 2 x $20 free rides

      • Just confirming, you can sign up on a referral and still get the $20 off the first two rides and the $20 from the referral? So 3 x $20 all up?

    • +1

      Uber - is now on par with Taxi's it's not a great service or remotely what it use to be.

      Happy to try another service :)

    • -1

      Ola overcharges a lot in India, although fares are low but at the end of trip, many cases of overcharging is seen in India, you can google or check quora for this. Hence I only use Uber when in India.

      I wonder if Ola will do something similar here.

      • "Ola overcharges a lot in India, although fares are low but at the end of trip"

        Um, OK

        I just got back from India, and Ola worked out to be cheaper than Uber

        • Yes it is cheaper on paper.
          But I said many cases of overcharging. It does not mean everyone is overcharged at the end.

      • +1

        Ola is cheaper in most cities than Uber. I have found their cars to be much better compared to Uber and they have more options like Prime Sedan,Prime SUV with tablets and stuff.

    • I didn't get any free rides showing.
      And nothing 'automatically texted to me'.
      How long is it meant to take?

      • +1

        Wait for it or raise a support ticket. I am told, Ola's app and the registration process is quite buggy.

        • Lodged. Just wondering if others experiencing the same.

    • Got 2 x $20 rides - auto applied - only valid for a WEEK

      Tip - Look in notifications on top right of app screen

    • Been using ola since day one in Sydney. They recently bought back half price rides (for some users only?) which I have been using regularly for two weeks. Keep this discounts coming!

    • will the $20 fees now work in sydney or only melbourne only anyone know ?

    • Had this in Perth 2 months ago.

      Whenever I tried to get a ride, there were no drivers available. Then the offer ran out.

      Get spammed to no end; email, text and app notifications.

      Yet to get an Ola.

  • App is definitely buggy af - tried installing app on someone else's phone - having problems with their account as well.. no free rides.
    Also, don't try changing your email or you get into a crash loop and then you have to uninstall/reinstall.

  • I signed up, received the text saying I had 2 free $20 worth of trips. It didn't work and I was charged for the first trip even though it was only $8.

    • +2

      The estimate for my trip charge had taken my coupon into account. Thought it hadn’t been applied but it had.

      • I emailed them and they responded that there were going to refund me as it was a bug on their end. My trip was only like 5km.

  • App is too buggy. I called my driver after waiting 10 minutes and he said he had no booking for me. I cancelled and booked again and called the driver immediately, but he said he was nowhere near my pick up area. What a waste of time. I ended up booking GoCatch and they arrived within 5 minutes.

    • Are you in Brisbane (according to your profile)? If so, i don't think they have launched there?

      • I’m in Melbourne at the moment.

  • Installed and it gave me 3 x $20!

  • +4

    Honestly the worst experience I've had with any ride app, this deal is worthless. I ordered 4 times tonight, all of the supposed vehicles appeared on the map in the same spot, circled around for 10 minutes then disappeared. They charged me for one of them (I didn't cancel, they just charge me then effed off). The app is a piece of junk. This promotion is not worth anyone's time or effort, just take an uber, can, hitchhike or walk. Or just lean in the direction you are going, it will get you there faster.

  • Used them on Sunday and had a terrible experience (admittedly, was trying to use them in the outer suburbs) getting from Melbourne Airport to West Footscray

    Ordered one to Melbourne Airport (dropped the pin just outside because the app wouldn't let me order to the airport) and messaged the driver that accepted where I was. He called up asking "where are you?", I told him again and he said he would be there in 10 minutes. After 10 minutes of taking a scenic drive of suburban Tullamarine, he cancelled the ride.

    Got the bus to Broadmeadows and the train towards the city. More cars popped up around Ascot Vale station, so I ordered a ride from the station and a driver accepted. Jumped off the train at Ascot Vale and as soon as the train doors closed the driver decided to cancel -_-

    Mainly I think it's just one of the symptoms of having so few cars, but jeez guys!

  • +1

    I've just had a great experience with them the only thing is I've put the pin to exactly where I'm standing for a pick up but apparently it wasn't where I'm standing but the driver was good to wait like 2 minutes for me to come "he offered to drive to where I am I refused as was easier for me to find him"….at the end I got charged $2 "including the $20 voucher" for a trip usually costs me $35-$40 so I'm satisfied with that"who won't!"

  • is the promo still on?

    • Yes, I signed up today and received the email immediately.

      • Wonder why this was tagged as expired on the day this comment was made then?

        • Not sure.

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