This was posted 6 years 10 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Enameled Cast Iron Grill (Griddle) Pan 24cm - $69 (RRP $130) + Shipping @ Chef's Quality Cookware


24cm Square Cast Iron Enamel Griddle Pan

This is a promotional price, save for a limited time only.
Suitable for All cooktops (including induction)
Grill ridges create authentic grill marks
Channels and pouring spout drain grease for a healthy alternative to nonstick cooking
The high sides and superior heat-retentive qualities of cast iron provide efficient even cooking
Cooks well in high heat to seal in the flavor of meat, poultry, fish, and veggies

Related Stores

Chef's Quality Cookware
Chef's Quality Cookware

closed Comments

  • +12

    (Was $130.00)

    NO it wasn't

    It was the SAME price… for at least the last couple of weeks.

  • -1

    JV, I appreciate you making sure this is a genuine deal.

    The RRP is $130. Here is the same product on Etsy:… at $130. Also, please check similar products using a simple search for Enameled Griddle Pan.

    This product will be discounted at this price on the main website for a limited time. Afterward, it will be priced similarly to other enameled griddle pans.

    • +8

      You are making a misleading claim in the title.

      There is no saving of $61 as you have been selling it for the same price for many weeks.

      When did you last sell them for $130 ?

  • +10

    Also, please check similar products using a simple search for Enameled Griddle Pan.


    Same pan, $49 here..

    Including free shipping

    So you are trying to rip us off by $20 and on top, charge us for shipping… This is OzBargain, not OzRipoff !!!

    • +2

      Also using the coupon code - PULL5 would have made it 5% cheaper but the Rep has now ended the listing.

      • +2

        but the Rep has now ended the listing.

        lol, I wonder why ?

        Basically, this post is now advertising a price increase for the product.

  • -3

    It is not a misleading claim. For clarity, I will edit the title to say RRP.

    However please know that this is indeed a promotional price and people that buy it at this price will save money.

    Once the promotional period is over, the opportunity to buy at $69 will be gone. It is selling at $130 in Australia on etsy for $130. It is also available on the US website for $144 USD.…

    • +2

      It is not a misleading claim.

      Of course it is…

      You haven't been selling these for $130, but are claiming there is a $61 saving when there isn't

      Read up on the ACCC laws on false and misleading price comparisons to RRP….

    • +1

      people that buy it at this price will save money.

      They will be paying $20 more than your ebay price, plus shipping.

      That does not sound like 'saving' to me…

    • +3

      Why is your "promotional price" higher than your eBay price?

  • It has been selling at $144 USD and $130 AU. Also, did you check the web history on the eBay deal? If you did you'd notice that it literally just went on sale at that price. It is also a promotional price. If you read the listing, it literally says it in the first line.

    Feel free to pass on the promotional price for a significantly discounted enameled cast iron pan. If you have purchased enameled cast iron products in the past, or have done web searches for prices, you can easily see the listed prices are north of $100…

    • +1

      It has been selling at $144 USD and $130 AU.

      Really, when did you sell it for $144 USD ???

      It is against the law in Australia to make a price comparison to RRP, when you don't normally sell it at RRP…

    • +5

      or have done web searches for prices, you can easily see the listed prices are north of $100…

      As shown above, the first item to come up on a search was the same product for $49 delivered. So how is this 'deal' you posted a bargain ???

    • +5

      This is lost mate, jv already linked an identical pan using the same store name on eBay for $20 cheaper.

      • +3

        Unlike Gerry Harvey, the Rep here doesn't realise we are professionals…

      • +3

        using the same store name on eBay

        Looks like the same store to me:

        eBay $49.00
        Store name: Chef's Quality Cookware
        Item location: Chelsea Heights, Victoria, Australia $69.00
        Store name: Chef's Quality Cookware
        ABN: 70621653647
        Main business location: VIC 3196, Chelsea Heights

        • it could be coincidence?

        • @jv: It's also a coincidence they use the same logo. Amazing coincidence!


    By the way, more than 200 sold in the US, at that price. The deal on eBay is phenomenal. And will be phenomenal for the next 10 people that buy it.

    It is being sold at near cost on eBay for a limited time. In a few days (after the promotional period is over) that price will be elevated.

    • +2

      We come here for bargains. Would we save money purchasing at your title price of $69?

  • +4

    Negging because Associated OP knowingly charges fellow OzBargain Members much more than eBay customers ……
    $69.00 + Standard Shipping $10.00 = $79.00…
    $49.00 - 5% code PULL5 = $46.55 Free Shipping … 58.9% of OP's promotional price to fellow OzBargain Members.

    … though eBay charges fees and OzBargain charges nothing.

  • -2

    This deal on Oz will run for approximately 30 days. If you are not one of the lucky 10 to buy on eBay. You will not find a better price than the link I shared. You can always wait until after the promotional period and buy it at the higher price.

    • Or we will just bookmark this deal and return in 30/90/180 days and check your prices then.

    • You will not find a better price than the link I shared.

      We already have…

      That's what the -ve votes are for…

  • PJC, you left something out.

    If you visited the website and added the griddle pan it to your cart, you will also see that we throw in a Free gift valued at $19.

    • +5

      And you're only telling us now? Funny that you omitted that in the last 2 revisions you made.

    • +4

      we throw in a Free gift valued at $19.

      LOL !!!!

      What you didn't tell us is that the $19 is the RRP of the free gift, but the ebay price is 10 cents…

      • this gets even juicier

    • No, you left that out from your description.

      If you visited the website and added the griddle pan it to your cart, …

      … I would be a turkey voting for Christmas, because your eBay price is lower and postage is free, not $10.

  • You should definitely bookmark this deal and check back then. When the price goes up to retail, will you amend your comments about the value of the deal?

    • will you amend your comments about the value of the deal?

      No, because at the time we voted, you are ripping us off

      The comments will stay here for future reference of 'deals' from this store…


      Done. Let's see if and when it goes back to retail as well as how long it stays there.

      • Who cares, it's already almost half the price on ebay…

  • This is a site about deals, I don't know why a free product would elicit a LOL.

    By the way m9, the free gift is an added bonus that is not part of an advertised offer.

  • Ripping you off? This is silly. Please do some simple research on cast iron enameled products. The price is no way near a rip-off. I understand your initial questioning of the deal. If you would like to buy it from ebay, at near cost, please move fast.

    But at this point, if you do not understand that the promotional price will not last and you believe you will get a better deal in 30 days, I don't have much else to offer.

    • +2

      Ripping you off?

      Yep, the deal you posted is $79 delivered when we can buy it for $46 delivered on ebay.

      So this is a rip off, not a bargain…

      If it was a bargain, you would see "+ve" votes, not "-ve" votes.

  • JV, legitimate question, should I have included the price of the Free item sent along with the griddle pan, or is it okay for there to be a nice unexpected gift with the offer?

    • +2

      a nice unexpected gift

      people don't buy stuff for 'unexpected' gifts, especially when they are not told what they are…

      usually, they are just junk that the store can't sell.

      people come here to find bargains, not to be ripped-off and told they are also getting unexpected junk…

    • should I have included the price of the Free item

      JV: Sure. $49 pan + $0 free item = $49.

  • The deal is a bargain. I'm sure our conversation has more to do with the -ve votes than anything else. The ebay deal will be gone quickly, as there are only 10 available to sell at that price.

    • +2

      The deal is a bargain.

      How do you explain the 8 negative votes and no positive votes?

      I'm sure our conversation has more to do with the -ve votes than anything else.

      No it's because the item is cheaper elsewhere as mentioned by others.

      The ebay deal will be gone quickly, as there are only 10 available to sell at that price.

      Your cheaper eBay listing has been removed, so it looks like you ended it early to try and get more sales through this more expensive deal on Ozbargain.

  • -1

    Unexpected junk? Now I think you have crossed from a measured argument into simple badgering. At this point, I expect you to say that the pan is useless junk also (making this argument irrelevant).

    As for the pan, the listing with that price will end when it is sold out. If I had posted the promotional eBay price (with only 10 items), by the time I came back tomorrow, people would be complaining about the link being broken.

    The website has the best price on the web for this item and can run this promotion for the entire 30-day promotional period. I definitely could have written a more clear post. But to call it a ripoff is not accurate, fair or truthful. A quick search for similar products will quickly give you prices to compare it to.

    • The website has the best price on the web for this item

      Are you quite sure eBay isn't on the web?

      You knowingly charged your fellow OzBargain Members much more than eBay customers, proving your post here is definitely and factually a rip-off. You are obviously not taking OzBargain seriously, and this is noticed by far more OzBargain Members and guests than the few who have commented here. While I type, the bottom of this page shows 347 Members and 1,376 guests Online. All of them eat, but your post has accrued only 50 clicks, 5 of them mine.

      • PJC, the post is absolutely not a rip-off and I take OzBargain very seriously, which is why I am taking the time to reply to your post. If you compare the deal posted here to the same product on promotion on eBay selling only 10 at near cost, you are right the eBay deal is better but very limited and not available to more than the first quick eBay customers.

        I wanted to offer a deal that would not sell out in 5 minutes.

        • +2

          We come here for bargains. You posted a price increase. Did you really think we wouldn't notice?

  • +3

    How does this item compare to the one on Ozsale? ($35 delivered)

    • +1

      Good find!

  • I cannot vouch for the item on Ozsale. It looks fine to me, but I do not know how it is manufactured. It would be similar to someone saying how does this Black shoe compare to that black shoe that looks just like it but is cheaper.

    • +4

      That identical 24cm pan featuring grill ridges and pouring spout is made of heavy-duty cast iron with enamel coating on both the inside and outside sosts $35 delivered. Would we save money by paying $79 for yours instead? We come here for bargains.

  • +6

    Negging for the following reasons.
    It's been at this price for at least a couple of weeks,
    found by jv.
    The rep is trying to sell to us at a more expensive price than their eBay store,
    found by jv.
    A cheaper cast iron grill pan with enamel coating for $35 delivered here, found by Dan_.

  • +6

    When I went to sleep I was going to let this be, but now I have read everything over my morning coffee…

    OP's Price $79 Delivered

    Cheaper on Ozsale $34.95 Delivered…

    Was Cheaper at time of listing on OP's own ebay store $49 Delivered…?

    Promising a free gift worth $19.00 for a more expensive item means we are paying for an item you haven't told us about,
    and have no choice as to whether this justifies the extra spend or even want the free gift.

  • +6

    Good try Gerry Harvey. You can't fool an army of professionals.

  • +6

    negging to get on the bandwagon.
    Actually negging because the rep is arguing with customers. - never argue with customers.

    Rep should have said PM me if you would like it for the eBay price and provided a code for OzB on the site.
    Doesn't stop the rep from being disillusion trying to rip OzB off but still better than the responses the rep has.

    • Thank you Dasher86, sky blu, subacoles, etc for the clear advice… never argue with customers. We can agree on that point. No harm or slight to the OzB community was intended. I realize that offering the product on a limited basis on ebay, made it seem like a ripoff. You have every right to make your own measure of what you consider to be a bargain.

      • +3

        We only cast our votes on this particular post. You are welcome to submit another post which you think can appeal to the Ozbargain community.

        • Sky blu, much appreciated. At some point, we will have another promotion that I'll post only on OzB, with a coupon code. Maybe after the scars from this flogging heal.

  • +4

    Negging because of reasons stated above by other members, consolidated by OzB in-house Quick Maffs expert.

    OP - you can post what you think is a deal, but whether it is a genuine bargain or not is determined by the community (not the commenters).

  • +5

    Just so the OP understands for future posts, this is not a bargain.
    When your eBay price for the identical item from the identical store with free shipping and ebay's fees is cheaper (let alone significantly cheaper), then clearly the offer is not a bargain.

  • +1

    Mods how has this not been removed? This is not a bargain as shown in multiple posts, it's cheaper on the stores own eBay account and it appears that an identical model can be sourced from Ozsale for less than half price.

    • +5

      Mods how has this not been removed?

      I'd prefer to keep it here, as a reference for any future posts, if they happen…

      • +1

        Agreed. OP has defended the indefensible for far too long.

    • It's not a moderators decision to say what is a good deal or not, as always the community decides via voting and similar.

      For bad deals / items cheaper elsewhere, as per our guidelines stores that have low or no votes will be suspended then banned from posting over time. Refer to performance based bans


      • Hello hamza23, went to upvote but saw this is a mod comment :).

        BTW I love you.

  • +3

    Came here for the comments, not disappointed. OP…like stop, just stop…This is not a bargain, there's a cheaper identical item elsewhere. That's all it is.

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