Long story short, my parents are starting a store that sells nuts, dried fruits etc.
Any of you have some good ideas for what to name the store?
Long story short, my parents are starting a store that sells nuts, dried fruits etc.
Any of you have some good ideas for what to name the store?
I got plenty of nuttin'
(and nuttin's plenty for me)
Nuts in your mouth
Nuts in your mouth
Not in your hands
Nutty McNutface
As long as it's nothing to do with public transport, should be all g ;)
I second this
1: [Insert Your Name]'s Nuts
2: Nuts by Nuts
3: Nuts for Nuts
4: Nuts by Nuts for Nuts
Btw, will the winner get some kind of reward?
Yes, but you're not in danger of finding out what the prize is
I just want his delicious salty nuts in my mouth.
you'll get nutting
Cashew think of any on your own?
There's always one that's just plain nuts..
Seriously, I don't even know why I'm raisin this up.
He's got nuttin.
you're pecan my interest
these puns are almondane.
well, i held nuttin againts you soo…
Oh I'm bookmarking this page, hope it takes off :)
Dried Me Nuts?
"Coconut is not a nut"?
Only one answer well two actually either "got him" or "Deez Nutz"
I second "Deez Nuts"
Por que no los dos? “Got him by deez nuts”
I third Deez Nutz
or "Dee's Nuts" if you want to play it safe and keep it an inside joke.
A little bit nuts.
We are nuts
Where are they opening? If they have good products at decent price, I will be a good customer.
Busta nut
If he also sells Almond Milk, maybe they can name it something like "My Nut Juice All Over your Face"
Be sure to note that you cater for office platters.
don't worry, nuttin is poisonous
The Nutty Professor
There is no point quoting the shop that already exists
The nutty BROfessor???
Put my nuts in your mouth.
But what about a name for the nut shop?
Nutting on you
The harem.
But it's been used before…
Show me your nuts.
The Nut Job
Are they copying the source bulkfoods?
Nut Hut
Hard Nutz
Nutter crack house
Absolutely Nuts.
Going Nuts.
I like the first one.
Deez nutz
Not even kidding, this would work. If you know how to work the pr
Suck my nuts
D's , Dees or Deez nuts
People will at least go for the novelty of the name or take photos of the sign of the store.
The Nut and Dried Fruit Shop
Boring, I know.
Nutcracker Suite
The Nuttery?
Would they be interested in extending their range to include bolts?
And screws and washers?
U want my nuts?
Without the question mark is better ;)
Or jv version
U want my nuts
There is a perfect one but i'd end up in the sin bin and it's driving me nuts
What's the difference between Beer nuts and Deer nuts?
Beer nuts are $4 per kilo. Deer nuts are under a buck.
Cool nutz
Fruity Nuts
You're gonna love my nuts
P nuts and co
The Nut Shop.
You had me at over priced meat
Nut case.
Nut House
I like it, but maybe The Nut House sounds better
For a solitary store maybe, but I'm thinking of the bigger picture…
The Body Shop might disagree
The Asylum - full of nuts.
Seriously, I would find some way to imply healthy and fresh. There is a place we buy our nuts from in south Melbourne market and I have no idea on the name but their deluxe mix is terrific and they do a lot of legumes, flours, cooking chocolate etc The other thing we buy from them is freshly ground peanut butter for my satay sauce. Value added products help, this place is usually packed with shoppers. Best of luck to your parents
I would find some way to imply healthy and fresh
OMG nothing quite brings customers than a store called "Fresh Nuts"
Supple nuts
The Nutsack?
Try My Nuts?
Or the nut shack
Mmmm Nuts
Don't know about a business name but your motto should be "We're nuttier than a squirrels turd"
Tasty Nuts
Aww Nuts
Something with a touch of interwebs to it…. Facenuts or Instanut?
Is it just me, or does "Instanut" sound like a Youporn channel involving nothing but money shots?
I think chumlee’s The Nut Job is outstanding but what if your parents want to expand into other products? “We Don’t Do Bicycle Repairs” might be safer or maybe “Monty’s Cheese Shop – We don’t Sell Cheese”.
Health nuts
this is actually not too bad!!
Credit to Hardlyworkin - tweaking slightly for the 'wow' / memory factor
Plays two ways - eat nuts for health, and we're crazy about health
Nuts For Health
We R Nuts
Edible Gonads
Nuts to You
Legu-me Nuts