So my trip to Germany is coming up and im wondering what to buy that is either its cheaper than here or unique to Germany only thats not food. Electronics? Shoes? And yes i bought the Rimowas and watches in previous trips.
What to Buy from Germany?
Beach towels, then put them on every deckchair you can find at 3am
I lived in Germany for 2 years but unfortunately my dirt poor wage prevented me from really paying much attention to many good deals on non-essentials.
I do however recall electronics were generally more expensive than Aus.
Mum came to visit and freaked out about how cheap pots and pans were and I now have a very good set that was about half price even with shipping back to Australia. Knives and possibly other similar items I think were quite good value comparatively.
annnnd the last thing I can think of is rock climbing and outdoor gear which is like half price compared to what you pay in Australia.
Generally just think of anything that is well established there and it will have a much more competitive market and lower prices.
Clothes if you're German sized like I am. I'm 1.86m with long arms and legs and I can buy off the rack clothes there that fit perfectly.
It's almost impossible for me to buy things here that fit as well.
buy rimowa suitcase!!
Birkenstock. It’s quite cheap there overpriced here.
jars upon jars of bratwurst
German porn DVDs what else.
Alnatura chocolate.
Buy Cuckoo clocks! It's kind of a cultural icon in Germany.
The Schwarzwald or Black Forest region is world famous for their hand crafted clocks. To ensure the clocks are authentic and top quality, make sure the clocks are certified VdS (Verein die Schwarzwalduhr)- the Black Forest Clock association.
Lloyd's business shoes. High quality, less than half price than Aus. I hesitated and thought Dubai would have been cheaper… worst decision ever.