This was posted 7 years 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Mass Effect : Andromeda (Digital Download) $9.99 USD ($12.68 AUD) @ Amazon US

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Found another deal on Amazon for a ripping game at a heavily discounted price (seems to be some great titles nice and cheap at the moment)

$4 Cheaper than this popular deal from yesterday


Note: This will require you to have an account created on Amazon USA, with an American address set in your profile.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Hmmm is it finally time for me to try this out? All the hate turned me off it but I've been eager for some renegade action.

    • +2

      Free trial on all platforms. 10 hours, up to a certain arc of the story. COntinue where you left off if you buy the full game.

      • +1

        Sweet thanks! I thought a trial would be a killer but that's a neat feature.

      • +1

        Sweet. Now I just need a time machine for this.

        Explore a new galaxy in the Mass Effect: Andromeda trial through November 1, 2017. If you’ve already taken part in the Origin 10-hour Play First trial, you can still join this free trial and play the time you have remaining.

        • +3

          You can activate the trial on your PC by launching Origin, and then mousing over Free Games -> Trials -> and then Add to Library

    • I was the same but picked it up recently. It encompasses some of the universe well, but it definitely doesn't have the charm of the first 2, and I swear the plot is stolen from either another game, or a movie, you'll guess it pretty easily….

      Still worth the price for the hours you'll get out of it.

    • I'm having heaps of fun with it at the moment. It's not quite as good as past games, but it still feels very Mass Effect-y. A very slow start as it tries to introduce a whole lot of new characters, as well as fill newcomers in on the world, but once you get past the first 4 hours or so, the plot picks up, you get used to some of the jilted voice acting and it becomes a lot of fun. Combat is great, jumping and dashing with the jetpack makes it very fluid.

      No Paragon/Renegade options though. :(

      • -1

        Seriously? I enjoyed beating up reporters.

        • It was the same reporter..

        • @lostn: Yes

        • Well there has been one instance in my game so far that is similar to a Renegade option, but it has no bearing on anything and there's no morality/behaviour scoring system. Only a small handful of decisions that affect some dialogue options and (from what I hear) might give some extra assistance for the final battle. Bit of a shame in that regard…

        • @Mikeypants: Do none of your choices or dialog options affect the story at all or outcome of a quest/mission?

        • @lostn: I'm not that far along yet (I'm a sidequest junkie). There have been a few quests where you're given the standard morally-difficult decision that have a big impact on the ending of some major storylines (similar to the Rachni Queen decision in the original trilogy) but I'm not sure how it will effect the ending. From what I've heard, there's only one ending and your decisions only influence who shows up in the final assault mission. However, many decisions definitely feel like they were being set up for future DLC or sequel stories (which are probably never going to happen now.)

  • +1

    Isn't this free on Origin access which is only $6.99 a month and includes a crap-ton of other games?

    • +5

      One you rent, the other you own.

      • Chances are you wouldn't want to play this longer than a month anyway, so it's fine.

  • Hmm. Should I or shouldn't I. I just finished downloading Titanfall 2 you posted. I know I eventually will.

    ok I will trial it first. Thanks scrimshaw. And Thank you OP.

    • Do did I. Wanna play some multiplayer?

  • +1

    windows 95 ultimate doom is also recommended in the sale. Not to buy, but to dig it out of your old CD racks and sell!

    • Crikey 109.99 Still got the game on an external backup drive. Probably still got the disc somewhere as well.

      • I see dollar signs

        • +2

          If they're flogging that for $109.99… I wonder how much mine is worth still sealed in the box.

        • @Clear:

          I can put a $1 million sticker on my Ford Falcon. Doesn't mean it's worth that or that anyone is fool enough to pay that for it.

        • @syousef: The video game collection industry can be big money in Aus. I see a lot of original sealed games from that era selling for $100-$300.

        • @Clear:


          USD55 on Ebay without trying to look further. Shipping to AUS kills it.
          Condition: Brand New

          As with all collectibles it is worthless unless you have a buyer.

        • @syousef: Key word is Aus in my comment. That's not even the whole box set. Just an individual jewel case for $74

          You'd want this without the stickers or even something more original like this.

        • @Clear:

          The one I listed looks similar to the one at Amazon, but I honestly don't know and have no interest in the hobby of overpaying for a version of a game that won't work on new hardware.

          My suggestion is to look at sold listings on Ebay and if you can find say 3 in the last 6 months for a product at the price you think it's worth, you MIGHT be able to do similar. I'll repeat: If you can't find a buyer it's worth nothing.

        • @syousef: This is a niche market I'm involved in which surprisingly has a large following.

          I know for a fact that these original boxed games are selling for quite a lot of money on eBay. People can just download them for free, but collectors collect them for various reasons. Recent example was an original Wolfenstein 3D for about $250 in an original sealed box without damage or price tags. That game itself can be rare in good condition.

  • +1

    Georgeous graphics, bland plot.

  • +1

    Is it true that they didn't want to sexualize the female characters so they made them all retarded instead?

    • I'm gonna go with no?

  • Thank you!

  • Thanks OP! Been waiting for EA to have a decent deal on this, good thing there's Amazon.

  • Is it as bad as people say it is? Aside from animations, what do people hate about it?

    • +1

      I haven't played it, but I've seen the review and I reckon i have a pretty good idea where they're coming from based on my experience playing Dragon age inquisition.

      What made ME:1-3 and DA:1-2(2 less so, but still better than DA:I) great is they story driven elements. Lately that really isn't the case with bioware games, maybe they're trying to appeal to the mass market or something but they're really trying to push open world. They then fill the world up with "content" that no one wants to do, most of it is just busy work, collect this, kill this, escort this etc. Which makes for a very boring game seemingly filled with chores.

      They seem to lose focus because of this, and end up putting very little effort into real content.

      The game is also heavily unpolished. I believe EA has also abandoned this game shortly after it launched, so don't expect anything to be improved since it launched

      • maybe they're trying to appeal to the mass market or something but they're really trying to push open world. They then fill the world up with "content" that no one wants to do, most of it is just busy work, collect this, kill this, escort this etc. Which makes for a very boring game seemingly filled with chores.

        That's pretty much the trend of all AAA development these days.

        If this is another one of those I'll pass. I prefer quality over quantity gaming.

    • Really simplistic gameplay too. One of my issues were that the arenas most battlenet place in are just open spaces, possible with 1 or 2 pieces of blocky cover. Makes for boring and repetitive fights.

      Maybe it sounds like a niche thing to complain about but the geometry of the maps is super important for any 1st or 3rd person shooter in my opinion.

      It has been a while since I played, but it was a beautiful looking game.

  • Has anyone been able to download the game? When I go to purchase it I get a message saying "We noticed you're shopping from Australia. This item is not available for purchase due to geographical restrictions. Not Shopping from Australia? Change your country setting".

    • Have you put in a US address as per the description?

      • Ahh yes didn't see that! Thank you. Does everyone just put any random address?

        • +1

          No probs - have a look through my other game post from yesterday as someone commented about a US address generator that worked fine ;)

          You can also sign up for a free Australia Post Shopmate account and get a US Address and Tel No to add to Amazon

        • Awesome stuff. Can confirm Australia Post Shopmate works! Thumbs up.

  • Couldn't get this working with Steam controller or PC/PS3 Tronsmart G02 generic controller, only 'solutions' I found online were so long,old and convoluted I didn't even bother finish reading them let alone attempting to execute. Can I have my 45gbs back?

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