• expired

5% - 30% off eGiftcards (+Service Fee) from PokitPal (Account Req)


Edit: 20 Feb 2018

Following our Valentine’s Day love fest, we’ve delved further in to eGiftCard offerings.

With a small tweak we've improved your eGiftCard experience.
Simply buy a discounted PokitPal Flexi eGiftCard for $50, $100, $200 or $500 and you can break it down in to smaller denominations at the participating brands below (plus more).

Visit https://www.pokitpal.com/Giftcard/?email=((YourPokitpalAccountEmailHere))

Click to purchase a PokitPal Flexi eGiftCard at the discounted amount.

PokitPal Flexi eGiftCard for full amount is delivered to your email.

Use PokitPal Flexi eGiftCard to exchange for an eGiftCard at any of the brands listed (plus more). This means you can buy a $100 card and use $10 for mobile recharge, $50 for a grocery shopping voucher, $15 for a movie ticket and so on…


Not sure what happened with Cashrewards eGiftcards but I just received an email from Pokitpal. Discounted eGiftCards are now for everyone! (No need for the PokitPal Money MC). Note: There is a small service fee of $0.80-2.99.

Store Discount Amount Discounted Price Service Fee Total Actual Savings
Coles, WW*, Big W*, BWS*, Dan Murphy's* 5% $ 5.00 $ 4.75 $ 0.99 $ 5.74 -14.8%
*Better deal through Cashrewards 5% $ 25.00 $ 23.75 $ 0.99 $ 24.74 1.0%
$ 50.00 $ 47.50 $ 0.80 $ 48.30 3.4%
$ 100.00 $ 95.00 $ 0.99 $ 95.99 4.0%
$ 500.00 $ 475.00 $ 2.99 $ 477.99 4.4%
Kmart 5% $ 50.00 $ 47.50 $ 0.80 $ 48.30 3.4%
$ 100.00 $ 95.00 $ 0.99 $ 95.99 4.0%
$ 500.00 $ 475.00 $ 2.99 $ 477.99 4.4%
Hoyts * (Movie Voucher, not GiftCard) 30% $ 17.00 $ 11.90 $ 0.99 $ 12.89 24.2%
$ 22.00 $ 15.40 $ 0.99 $ 16.39 25.5%
EB Games, Super Cheap Auto 9% $ 50.00 $ 45.50 $ 0.80 $ 46.30 7.4%
$ 100.00 $ 91.00 $ 0.99 $ 91.99 8.0%
$ 500.00 $ 455.00 $ 2.99 $ 457.99 8.4%
Myer, JB HI FI 6% $ 50.00 $ 47.00 $ 0.80 $ 47.80 4.4%
$ 100.00 94 $ 0.99 $ 94.99 5.0%
$ 500.00 470 $ 2.99 $ 472.99 5.4%
Rebel Sport 7% $ 50.00 $ 46.50 $ 0.80 $ 47.30 5.4%
$ 100.00 $ 93.00 $ 0.99 $ 93.99 6.0%
$ 500.00 $ 465.00 $ 2.99 $ 467.99 6.4%
David Jones 8% $ 50.00 $ 46.00 $ 0.80 $ 46.80 6.4%
$ 100.00 $ 92.00 $ 0.99 $ 92.99 7.0%
Bonds, Freedom 10% $ 50.00 $ 45.00 $ 0.80 $ 45.80 8.4%
$ 100.00 $ 90.00 $ 0.99 $ 90.99 9.0%
Event Cinemas, Birch Carrol & Coyle 30 $ 16.00 $ 11.20 $ 0.99 $ 12.19 23.8%
$ 22.00 $ 15.40 $ 0.99 $ 16.39 25.5%
Priceline Pharmacy 6% $ 50.00 $ 47.00 $ 0.80 $ 47.80 4.4%
$ 100.00 $ 94.00 $ 0.99 $ 94.99 5.0%

5% Off
Coles, Big W, Kmart, Woolworths, BWS, Dan Murphy's

6% off
Myer, JBHIFI, Priceline Pharmacy

8% off
David Jones

EB Games, Super Cheap Auto

Bonds, Freedom

30% off
Hoyts, Event Cinemas, Birch Carroll & Coyle

Prices correct at the time of revision.

Referral Links

Referral: random (13)

$10 for referee. $10 for referrer, after referee makes first purchase.

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closed Comments

  • -6

    Not sure what happened with Cashrewards eGiftcards

    Apparently you need to be able to meet an annual target to be able to sell gift cards from the parent company

  • +3

    Boost Juice 6%, Target and iTunes 7% were also shown in the email but are currently not available to purchase.

  • +5
  • Um, I just bought some wish gift cards from cashrewards like 5 seconds ago…. what do you mean what happened to cashrewards eGiftcards?

    • +2

      Referring to these. (I didn't neg you btw).

      • Thanks for clarifying; I'm not sure how I missed that post.

  • +9

    Now everyone can buy discounted Coles gift cards.

  • Cashrewards still sells Woolworths cards, and its 5% off without any service fee, so for those cards why would you bother with this company

    • +2

      Agreed… Woolworths from Cash Rewards and Coles from here (unless of course if you have another way to score further discounted Coles egift cards)

      edit : Just an FYI, you can find WoolWorths egift card offer from Cash Rewards here https://www.cashrewards.com.au/woolworths-gift-cards

    • +2

      Seems like common sense to me for Woolworths… strange people would disagree with you.

  • For those of us with the Amex platinum edge will the purchase of these giftcards count as supermarket spending like they do with cashrewards egiftcards?

    • +3

      They don't accept AMEX so doesn't even work.

      • Thanks

  • +3

    !! Don't Buy the Hoyts egiftcard, it's not a gift card.
    The $22 one is just an Adult voucher (not valid after 2pm Saturday/Sunday)

    • +1

      I guess it would be the same with Event Cinemas “gift card”.

  • +1

    Does this expire or is it always available and the core business? JB specifically?

  • +1

    Not sure I understand why you would buy a Coles gift card from here and pay more than face value…
    Pay $5.74 to get $5 worth of Coles credit..
    I can see higher value gives you a little better, but why offer the $5 one…

  • +2


    Due to High Volume of transactions, all giftcards are sold out! We are in the process of replenishing stock and will be available soon.

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