Very, very impressive deal for flights to Ho Chi Minh City with a full service airline.
Prices can be booked for $390 (price ex MEL) direct on only. Travel agents/search engines will have a more expensive price or another stopover, therefore increasing your stopover time by at least 15 hours.
Included is a link to an example flight on Google Flights, it is already locked into Xiamen Air, so change the dates as you wish.
Scattered dates throughout 2018, blackout dates mainly during school holidays
Cheapest flights
departing MEL: $391 with stop over in Xiamen (1h 35), return flight 9h 25 min. Some dates with 25h stopovers.
SYD: $590 with stopover in Xiamen overnight (25hours), return flight has a 9h 55 min stopover.
All in all, a super deal and the Melbourne flight is much cheaper than budget airlines such as AirAsia X and Jetstar.
Thanks for sharing. Great prices!