How Often Do You Shower?

Was chatting at work, and apparently some shower once every two days, some every day, some twice a day. One young bloke longest streak was 6 days he said, he realised it was too long when he got pimples on his back.

I'm interested in your longest streak, but more interested in ozbargainers habit.

Perhaps interesting to note that Steve Jobs used to shower only once a day. He was so stinky that nobody wants to work with him, so he works at night.

Poll Options

  • 969
    Once a day
  • 337
    Twice a day
  • 84
    Once every two days
  • 15
    Twice a week
  • 24
    Once a week
  • 22
    Depends (chat below)


        • +1

          The amount of crud I put in my hair as a girl to keep it in place and healthy entirely warrants shampoo tbh. I don’t know many guys who use product as regularly as the women in my life.

        • @athk:

          Not really. I often use hairspray and wax/pomade. Sometimes I only use hairspray and it's much less dirty/sticky than gel. You'd have to use a large amount to even come close to the same amount of gunk buildup as a moderate amount of gel/wax.

  • +12

    Daily, in the morning to wake me up before work on week days.
    On the weekends, if I know I will be in the garden or whatever and not going out beforehand, I don't bother in the morning and have a shower later.
    If the weather is hot, I might also have a cool shower before going to bed.

    • +1

      Exactly this. Particularly in the evening if I've been wearing sunscreen / dirt combo.

  • +17

    Always immediately on getting up in the morning.

    Usually another one of an evening if going out.

    Always another one after exercise, outdoor work, swimming, etc.

    Occasionally an extra one of an evening if it's been a particularly warm day.

  • +18

    In these modern times, you just have to identify as smelling like roses to smell like roses. Mind over matter. I'm thinking myself shea butter and sandalwood right now.

    • +1

      Underrated comment right here

    • Anyone else think this guy could be related to President Snow?

    • Mmm, lemony fresh.

    • A frustrating truth :< I live with some smelly fat entitled pieces of human garbage.
      Apparently it's just my problem since no-one else has said anything.

  • +10

    I wish to know who showers before sleep and who showers after waking up? I've met people who doesn't shower after a long day of work and waits until the morning. I bet their bedroom smells like shit

    • +6

      It’s so you get more space in the bed

      • +1

        I think you'll get all the bed, the bedroom, the house..

        • @boohooimissout: He's weird AF but he's rich AF too

        • +2


          So you don't shower after coming back home from work? You must smell like shit at home.

        • @ronnknee: But the home already smell like shit :)

        • +10


          that Steve Jobs showers once a week

          Not any more.

        • +14

          @boohooimissout: He smells worse now…

        • +6

          @Oz8argain: He's also dead AF

        • +4

          It was the lack of showering that got him.

          The more you know

        • +1

          I am very insecure because I think I smell since I shower at night. I don't ever touch my bed until I've showered and I'm bad at mornings so I cant time a shower into my routine. I always have fragrances for my room so it can permeate my skin while I sleep and I wear some perfume but I'm too scared to use too much in case its too strong. I'm also always worried I might have bad breath so I try to position myself as far away as I can from people and chew gum and brush my teeth during the day. Because of this I stay away from society whenever I can conveniently do so and feel really bad for the people at my work in case I might be smelly and they are just being polite in front of me.

          Not sure if its better off to be one of the happy-smelly people from the other posts here who all managed to find peace with themselves.

        • +1

          don't worry about it. If you did smell bad someone would have said something. relax.

        • +1

          @secondstory: You can always change your habit, try for 2 weeks how you feel with showering twice a day.
          When you shower rarely, each time you shower, perhaps you would spend longer time than if you shower more often.

        • @boohooimissout: I'm sure he changed those habits later in life.

        • +1

          @secondstory: Brushing your teeth regularly is a good habit, but chewing gum whilst talking to someone is particularly rude in my opinion.

        • -1

          @boohooimissout: Now, how in the hell would you know that they shower before bed but not before work. Unless you spy on them you'd have to ask them, which means you're relying on their honesty. If you ask someone "whens the last time you had a shower?" they would likely get defensive and say "last night". Because why else would someone ask anyone their showering habits if not for smell. That same person could very well not be wearing deoderant, or ran to catch a bus/train, or simply not showered the night before. If a normal human showers before bed, then gets into a clean bed, what process in your "expert" opinion do you think takes place in the night to make someone smell like shit?

          I like your interesting "fact" about Steve Jobs which I doubt is a fact. Even if the dead man himself came back and told me he showered once a week it doesn't make it a fact. Though I don't doubt that he now smells really bad and few people would want to work next to his corpse.

    • +11

      I shower before bed, I can't sleep if I feel all gritty and gross, it's distracting

      • +4

        Yes, that is how I feel.

        Going to bed with the build up of a day at work or doing whatever (housework) makes no sense to me.

        I am also pretty good at getting food on myself lately when eating, baking etc. no way i would wait until the morning to get rid of that.

        I tried the morning shower and it just didn’t work. I felt awful going to bed without one too.

        Additionally, when i was nursing clinically, then you would be silly to shower and go to work dealing with other’s body fluids of all sorts and people with varyim* illness - some contagious. Your shoes (thus feet) really copped it. You shower after the shift.

        I used to think my son odd. He would shower then go to the gym, play sport or whatever his physical activity was and then shower again.

      • +2

        You are a cat, of course not ;)

      • You've been pretty vocal in this thread so far, so here's a question for you quantum - how often do you change your bedding?

        • +2

          About every two weeks to once a month

    • I do both on most days. Quick shower around 8pm ish or at half time during a sporting event on tv and decent shower / wash hair / shave in the morning before heading to work or after breakfast on weekends.

  • +9

    shower only when going out with new date for the first time.

    • +36

      So never? 😂😂

      • +9

        He's gonna need an icy cold shower for this burn.

      • Savage.

  • +19

    Only when my Xiaomi toilet seat malfunctions

    • +7

      Did you overclock it?

      • +8

        Yes, built in "water" cooling, too.

  • +2

    Every Saturday whether I need it or not.

    • +3

      Which Saturday of the month?

  • +6

    In summer I shower twice a day at least because I wake up after a hot restless night feeling like sht and again before going to bed. The shower provides about ten minutes of not feeling like sht in 60% humidity. Did I mention that I loathe summer? Aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi- and February is the worst.

    • Cold shower?

      • +1

        Yes cold, although I read somewhere that a cold shower is less refreshing than a warm shower in hot weather. Some mad scientist somewhere came up with that one. Nevertheless I will continue with cold on hot days because the baffling and mysterious hot water system I have takes 16 litres and nearly 2 minutes before the hot water starts running and I'm finished by then.

        • Have you tried contrasting shower? It's showering with warm water for a few mins, then cold for shorter period, then repeat.

        • +1

          @boohooimissout: That sounds like absolute torture.

        • +2

          @Cal13x: Lol, it is, but after the second and third repeat it feels damn good. Like a massage.
          It feels better in winter when the cold water is very cold.

          If you think about it, the ice bath that athletes take is an absolute torture.

        • @boohooimissout:

          I do this to mollify restless leg symptoms, albeit over a much shorter time frame and targeting the offending leg. However, cold water by itself seems to be just as effective.

        • @boohooimissout: I do contrast shower and love it!! Didn't know it was a thing.

        • @boohooimissout: it’s recommended for improving circulation. Good for dementia.

    • +11

      Weather in these months can be awful. Anyone in Australia who says they look forward to the summer weather has an untreated mental illness.

      • -1

        Best mental illness ever!

      • +2

        Tassie summers are awesome. Never sweat unlesdls 'working out'. Always get a great sleep. No AC ever! Winter same but need a heater in the day.

        • Jealous. If I could get a good job in my profession (legal) there and didn't need to stay in Victoria for family reasons I would certainly make the move.

        • I visit qld regularly and never feel fresh and clean unless it's 10 minutes after my shower.

        • I've noticed a lot of hot days in Tasmania this summer too.

    • Sounds like you're sweaty like me; living somewhere with proper ducted air conditioning will change your life.

  • +3

    I feel really uncomfortable in bed and can't sleep if I haven't had a shower at night.

    I like to have a quick shower in the morning as well to wake up, but often don't. I don't feel I need to shower in the morning unless I have got up early to run or ride, in which case i will still always shower at night as well

  • +6

    I thought this was another post from mr Merc A200 AMG…..

    thankfully it’s not

    • +1

      Still… Does that make the post less stupid?

      • It’s still rather dumb, I don’t think I’ve ever discussed with my work colleagues how much I shower.
        Generally I thought personal hygiene had to be high to be working in an office.

      • It does. Although stupidity is air borne, it is also internet borne and typical mode of transmission in the past 15 years have been via internet.

        Like a sneeze, some silly contents are not contagious and is not a sign of infection. You have to take into account the source. If the nose is drippy and voice is hoarse, the sneeze is much more likely to be contagious.

    • +2

      But seriously, should he shower before driving his AMG?

  • Once a day…morning.

    However, if I exert myself and work up a sweat then I'll rinse off during the day.

    I might skip first thing Saturday morning but I'll shower before going out.

  • Every weekday morning, week nights depends on if my girlfriend is over or not.
    Weekends, depends on what I do. This weekend I was chilling in aircon all day so I only showered Sat and Sunday evenings.

    • If she’s over do you both shower together?

      • Hands out of your pants, tuzii

      • It's not worth it tuzii. Really overrated and not that fun. Dropped the soap once and slipped. Ouchy.

        • +4

          you talking about when you were in jail again?

        • +1

          @tuzii: Gaol*

        • +2

          @Clear: lol more like gayol by the sound of that…

        • @Slippery Fish: Sounds like my typical Saturday evening.

        • @Clear: I don't understand… Could you make it more.. um, ya know… Clear lol

        • And you aren't allowed to have the water hot enough.

  • +6

    every day before and after work.. cannot go without a shower to work and also go to sleep without a shower..

    • It's the best way.

  • +1

    A French guy I worked with used to shower… err… maybe…. but it was pretty doubtful by not only the dusty aura, aroma and the crusty yellow armpits on his shirts, when he sat back with his hands behind his head, showing his missing deoderant gaps… shirts which he wore for… saaaayyyy…. a month or so. Similar with his jumpers…. in Winter… How the hell you get stains like that on jumper/pullovers was to applauded, no one else I've ever known has achieved that, not even the 2 dedicated 1%er type bikies I knew.

    Even Pig-Pen had a better image, cos you couldn't smell a cartoon character.…

    When he did change clothes, the 'fresh' shirt still had the… crusty gags yellow… collections… that the one gags he took off had. Maybe occasionally he undressed for an arse-airing and put on the 1st thing on the floordrobe that he could pick up. runs off to chunder

  • +1

    Once per day. Simples.

  • When I was a pre-teen I bathed once a week and washed my hair in the tub. ( I had seen a movie where someone put a snake in the shower - it too years for me to over come this fear). A peer once told my my hair looked greasy and that they felt it proper to shower every day. Thus started my daily shower. She was right when I got my school pictures for that year it was greasy. I had to keep a cloth in the shower to wipe my eyes so I could watch for that elusive snake.

    When I worked every day and I lived in a more mild climate (not so hot all the time) I showered every morning - I did not do much physically at work so never felt the need for an evening shower.

    But once I retired I did not feel the need to waste water every day for a shower so now I shower about every 2nd or 3rd day and wash my hair once or twice a week.

    • +1

      We have an old man like this that comes into work, you can smell him at the door 3 days a week lol.

  • 3 times a day, morning before work, lunch after gym and before bed. Utilities rent is a flat rate so not incentive not to.

  • +2

    Would be interesting to equate shower frequency to bed time activity, I'm guessing all you shower every 2 days type (or even the once per day before work type) aren't getting much action.

    • +1

      And if you shower 3 times a day?

      • +1

        Its called "Living the dream"

        • Theoretically you could reach the point where you're getting so much action that you don't have time to shower. So there's more to it than the initial analysis suggests

  • +1
  • When in QLD in summer, twice a day, sometimes 3.

  • +1

    Shower with shower gel once a day, normally when I'm at home in the afternoon/evening (not doing anything else i.e. finish work/gym).

    Shower without shower gel (just with cold water) 1-3 per day, usually once in the morning because I'm still considerably clean from the evening shower. Also, before and/or after the gym.

  • +2

    I shower on the beach to save on water bills.

  • depends upon what stage water restrictions are enforced in the state otherwise generally once a day

  • +3

    Apparently, according to this article, if we still have the right ammonia-oxidizing bacteria residing on our skin then we never have to shower, ever.…

    • I agree with this. Some people are definately smellier than others.

  • Pretty much a minimum of once a day. In the summer time in NSW, the max showers I had in one day was 4 - half of the time without even turning on the hot water. I totally cannot stand being hot and sticky. Thankfully, my showers, on average, are just 3-4 minutes long. I very very rarely go over the little sand timer council once gave out.

  • Shower before jumping into bed naked

  • I shower once in the morning, but I wash my face, arms and legs before bed to get sunscreen off.

  • -1

    Do you shower after you got laid?

  • I try to shower once a day but it usually end up being a week or two. Bit lazy. Surprisingly, I've only been told my hair stinks. Maybe I'll just wash my hair everyday

  • at least one a day, but will shower again after exercise, number 2 or sex.

    • I would hope you shower before sex. Your partner would hope more than I.

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