For the Xiaomi smart home users out there who missed out on Gearbest's deal. Coupon limited to 100pcs so get in quick!
Edit: Additional 100pcs added with new coupon!
AU$ based on current exchange rate.
For the Xiaomi smart home users out there who missed out on Gearbest's deal. Coupon limited to 100pcs so get in quick!
Edit: Additional 100pcs added with new coupon!
AU$ based on current exchange rate.
Round ones are by Xiaomi and flat ones are by Aqara.
1- I didn't know they were 2 or more different companies but I noticed some of my devices drop out while some others are 100% reliable!
Anything Mijia branded is Xiaomi - everything else is normally a different company. They either own or have invested in over 70 companies.
Thanks Ron!
Do you know if they have a battery operated WiFi switch?
Something to be hooked up to a system to work as an On/Off switch?
@pal: Xiaomi Smart Wireless Switch or the better Aqara Smart Wireless Switch. Or even this for a wall.
@Clear: Thank you, but it should be a physical Switch. Like a Wifi relay but battery operated.
The problem with these switches is that they are not switches but signal emitters that control Xiaomi devices. The only switch that Xiaomi has are the smart plugs and smart wired wall switches(240v operated). I want the switch to turn something else on. Imagine I want to cut off/on my landline with a switch when I am not home.
@pal: will this accomplish what you want?…
Most routers can only handle up to 16 devices once you get over this, some will disconnect to let others on. Once i upgraded to the Unifi Pro havent had any issues with disconnections
@asa79: I believe a Wifi router should theoretically support 255 devices at a time. To reduce traffic congestions I have used repeaters. The maximum smart devices on that Access point are still less than 16 but I have constant disconnections or low speed network.
@pal: I’d assume adding repeaters will increase congestion, not reduce it. You’re adding additional transmitting devices to the house.
A repeater will extend the range or strength of the network but it’s not there to reduce traffic over the air. It’ll add to it. The increased traffic may also reduce the speed depending on the hardware and what channels it sends/receives in.
I’d consider checking what your devices are connecting to. We ran two access points for a while, Ubiquiti AP one end of the house and an Apple Time Capsule at the other. I reverted to just the Ubiquiti when I had multiple devices dropping out and found it was because they were connecting to the Time Capsule at the other end of the house despite the Ubiquiti being about 2m away with line of sight and a much better signal.
It’s possible your smart devices aren’t connecting to an ideal access point if you have a bunch of repeaters and thus they drop out if they don’t move to a better connection. I’m assuming the repeater is re-broadcasting the same network here.
I’d test with a single AP, ideally putting the clients close to it to make sure they work in more optimal locations and then move them away to where you want with time. Ultimately but you may be better off with one good router than multiple repeaters. That or something like the Ubiquiti which will connect wirelessly to the router, although that’s more effort to set up and maybe a Mesh device designed to distribute a network makes more sense if you need multiple APs.
Thanks, this is the same as Xiaomi smart wired wall switch, it uses the input power to run the relay system and pass it through to its output switch and operates on 240v. I have a couple of these. It does not operate in the example given.
I need a battery operated WiFi switch that can act as an independent switch.
The power should be supplied separately (battery or power point) from the switch function. And I don't want to run separate cables around through a power point if I don't have to.
Hopefully people and companies feel the need and start producing them.
One example are the Modules using ESP8266 but they are too much pain to program the controller chip and introduce them to the wifi network and the app. Another option is to set up a Raspberry or Adriano server but controlling them remotely is another pain, I could use an old Android phone as the server but I'd rather use a simple alternative like the way Xiaomi smart plug works and uses the cloud/getaway as ready to serve server, hassle free and somehow reliable.
@Smigit: Thank you. The repeaters are installed as separate APs with different SSID/password and devices have no access to the main router. (not that many devices)
I have tried 3 different modem/routers and 2 repeaters in different shape and style. I thought the drop outs might be related to the smart devices or cameras as people suggested having issues and needed to power cycle their devices. I was interested to know if people have the same problem.
@pal: I have a billion 8800ac router, and once i hit 16 connections i was getting issues with lights stopping working losing network. I now have 23 devices running on the Unifi with no issues.
I have a whole lot of Aqara ones, are these same size?
Cheers grabbed one
Free shipping not working for NZ.
Asked the rep. He'll add it in a sec.
lol i need note this in my 'have to do list every day'. so i won't forget this time to time
done, reflash it again
My rm mini 3 arrived in a week. Well done guys.
Clear you complete me.
I'd be completed with some Zigbee smart wifi sockets.
thanks, purchased.
Thanks OP for one
It's nearing Spring festival so Xiaomi factories aren't pumping out products resulting in increased prices at suppliers. Thankfully the AU rate has improved.
But what are they going to do for chinese new year sales then?
Sales? Existing stock they have from suppliers purchased prior to the price rise can be discounted further. Many LITB and Gearbest sales here on Xiaomi products are loss leader.
@Clear: Hopefully they have some warehouses full of this stuff still then :).
Totally agree many are loss leading. Especially with the codes that are X% or $X off - when they drop their base price and we apply the codes, its clearly lower than their buy price.
@MorriJ: Let's hope so.
There are normally so many websites under one company they make up their losses elsewhere. Good for us I suppose.
@Clear: It's not even a financial consideration most of the time I wouldnt imagine.
LITB is public listed entity. Their base operations mean sh~~t to investors at the end of the day. If they can say we have x users (and 30% of them are dupe accounts) they don't care.
It's big figure trading, so being able to put to paper we have x customers trading @ y volume, it doesnt matter. The loss leading is just customer aquisition and for a publicly listed company, thats worth more than the loss on the postage and base loss.
@MorriJ: Same applies to Gearbest's parent company who are also a listed entity. iirc their 2016/17 profit was $3 billion US.
Did the deal crash the server?
I can place the order ok but get a "Bad gateway" when it redirects to Paypal.
EDIT: Fixed it by proceeding to pay by credit card and then returning back to change method to Paypal.
Can I broden this?
God damn. Every time, I seem to miss out. Even with an alert set! Oh well…
Still not much of a deal tbh, they've been cheaper in the past.
Like Coles BBQ chickens on Australia Day
Yes sir
Showing as coupon exceeded max usage
Wasn't me! Only 100 uses of the coupon but don't worry it wasn't much of a deal either way.
I only need 7 of the little buggers! Just seem to miss out on a deal each time, but always seem to know there was a deal. It hurts! 😀
Set up a Search Alert on you ozb account for terms like xiaomi door sensor under My Account -> Subscriptions -> Events. This way you'll get an email when a deal is posted so can be in like Flynn.
Gonna see if I can get more stock for those who missed out.
Back in stock with a new coupon, XIAOMISENSOR1
Thanks Clear, bought 1
thanks got one!
Thanks OP, just bought one 😊
love these xiaomi gateway deals :)
why don't they are least allow 2 per account and make life easier for people …. who has one door or window to monitor unless you live in hi-rise student accommodation where there is only an entry door and the rest *(windows and balcony) are too high for intruders …. or the fire brigade if the cladding catches fire … hmm might need coupon for some smoke or temp sensors for the balcony…..
Depends what you want them for. I have no interest in monitoring every door or window. I grab them to automate things with lights etc for select doors. I can see why some may only need the one.
Would be nice to allow multiple units but they'd need to offer more than 100 units.
Thanks clear. Bought one 👍🏻
All gone
GONE again….:(
I give the f##k up …. Sigh : /
are these smaller or larger then the flat type