This was posted 7 years 1 month 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Rent a Campervan with Imoova for €/$/£/AU$/C$/NZ$1 Per Day (Booking Fee $25), Free Fuel Included. Europe, USA, NZ or Australia


Car relocation promotion allows you to book a campervan popular tourist destinations. You can get a top of the range motorhome for just €1/$1 per day. In some cases, you even get up to €240/$300 free fuel against receipts and €80/$100 spending money. Before you book, carefully read all conditions regarding the deposit and maximum number of days.

These campers have previously been leased to other people and now the rental company needs to move the vehicles from one rental office to another, one way. Thanks to this deal, you can drive around North America, Europe, New Zealand or Australia and save on hotel costs. You can choose the perfect motorhome for your needs. Insurance and tolls are not included. An average of €25/$31 administration costs is added per booking. A credit card authorization is required at pickup (refunded upon safe return of the vehicle).

Travel dates:
January – April 2018

Sample routing:

Faro – Amsterdam
Faro – London
Barcelona – London

Elkhart – Las Vegas
Elkhart – Los Angeles
Elkhart – San Francisco
Los Angeles – San Francisco

Auckland – Christchurch ($100 free fuel)
Christchurch – Auckland ($100 free fuel)
Queenstown – Christchurch
Wellington – Auckland
Wellington – Hamilton

Adelaide – Alice Springs
Adelaide – Melbourne ($100 free fuel)
Alice Springs – Brisbane ($250 free fuel)
Alice Springs – Cairns (all fuel refunded + $100 spending money)
Brisbane – Melbourne ($150 free fuel)
Brisbane – Sydney
Brisbane – Gold Coast ($20 free fuel)
Cairns – Alice Springs ($250 free fuel)
Cairns – Sydney ($300 free fuel)
Cairns – Brisbane ($200 free fuel)
Cairns – Melbourne ($250 free fuel)
Melbourne – Perth ($250 free fuel)
Sydney – Brisbane ($100 free fuel)
Townsville – Cairns ($50 free fuel)
…and many more

Credit to fly4free

Related Stores

closed Comments

  • Brisbane - Sydney - Brisbane is a round trip, awesome free run ~~~ Oops, Brisbane to Sydney no free fuel….

  • +1

    SO can I ask why are they moving van from one destination & move another can to that same destination?

    Alice Springs – Cairns
    Cairns – Alice Springs

    and surely you'd move the Adelaide -> Perth, rather then Adelaide -> Melbourne & Melbourne -> Perth?

    • +9

      They're moving different types of vehicles - some sleep 2 people, some sleep 5.

      • +4

        They are also advertising moves for different companys..

        • Ah that makes sense. Thanks

  • +6

    I used them for a one way relocation from Los Angeles to San Francisco a few years back and can confirm everything is above board. Our rental even included a couple of hundred dollars of free fuel. It was an excellent deal.

  • +13

    An average of €25/$31 administration costs is added per booking.

    not really $1 Per Day then…

    • +1

      True!! I checked and it's always 25 (currency of country), Updated the title. Thx.

  • +12

    €1/ $1

    Do you guys exchange currency?

    • lol I am interested as well if they do

  • +3

    These are great until you fly somewhere one way and on landing get a call to saybtje campers been re-allocated .. happened to me.

    • So what happened?

      • +8

        Landed in Adelaide with family in tow .. had a message on phone to say camper not available and nothing they could do it rarely happens but they found a paying customer .

        Travel agent offered a replacement car for $5 A day to drive back to melb .. had to change all.campsite bookings .. the car ..

        Nissan micra

        • +9

          Haha mate that really makes me steer clear of this now.

          Reading the T&Cs you're basically treated like a second class citizen, they can cancel without liability but if you cancel you pay $$$.

        • Haha guessing the family weren't too impressed

  • +8

    Just googled for those like me who didn’t know:
    Faro is on the Portuguese Algarve
    Elkhart is in Indiana, near Chicago.

  • +1

    Look, it's a good deal, but I think some of the day restriction would make it less enjoyable than it could be. Brisbane - Melbourne, for example, 4 days means that while there will be a bit of spare time, for the most part, you'll just be driving.

    • +3

      True, but I guess for people with time but not much money this could be good.

    • They often allow you to purchase an additional day at full rate. Still ends up a lot cheaper.

      As mentioned above - be aware as they can cancel the booking last minute if the find a lying customer.

      • +1

        And what of honest customers?

        • That was auto correct. :)
          It was meant to say paying customer but I can't find how to edit my comment on the iPhone.

  • Interesting. Not a bad deal if dates/cities work for you!

  • +17

    .Avoid Imoovas administration fees by dealing direct with the hire company….Never relocate a 4wd all companys ban relocations from going on dirt roads so you will be using extra fuel for nothing….When listing says 3days it only includes 2 nights….Get travel insurance elsewhere to cover insurance excess….Any part of vehicle above windscreen height is not insured by any of their insurances…. most allowed klms are restrictive if extra days are allowed it could be worth getting one to increase your allowed klms….Having said this i am thinking about doing a couple of relocations to try out campers before i commit to buy one.

    • +5

      Also take photos of the speedo/dashboard/kilometres before you start driving. And check if the kilometers on the paperwork match what's on the car display.

      Our company forgot to write down the kilometres at departure, and tried to charge us extra kilometres from the previous driver. Would have cost us a few hundred (!) bucks in extra kilometres.

    • +1

      Also I think under body damage isn't covered either.

    • +2

      How do we find out who the hire company is?

      • +1

        If you click on More Info that will take you to Trip information, at the bottom of this click on More Details,which will take you to terms and conditions where the hire company will be mentioned somewhere in the text.

  • +1

    Gotta love car relocations. Came here as a backpacker in 2006 and traveled from Darwin to Adelaide with a relocation campervan. I think it cost us $25 in total, they paid for fuel.

    Only downside: there is usually a really strict timeframe, we had to squeeze in Uluru and drive in the dark to get there.

    • Nice, still in the country mate?

  • +9

    Not a deal, these have been running for many years. I have done quite a few and over time they are giving you less flexibility like much shorter times and not covering fuel. When they do have "fuel included its usually below %50 of real fuel cost. Dont get me wrong I will still do some when it works out well but not better than any other time deal.

  • +4

    Check the T&Cs, I checked one and there was also a $70 fee for "cooking, linen and living equipment + toll pass".

    So a two day $2 trip from Brisbane to Gold Coast becomes $97…

    Not to mention the $100 holding deposit. So basically if you need to cancel, it costs you $125.

    Still can be a good deal, but not as good as you might imagine.

    • +1

      Yep thats a good point, some companies are better than others with this side of things

      • +2

        Just figured out that you may as well find a suitable hire on imoova, read the T&Cs to find out which company is doing the renting, and go direct to that website to avoid the $25 booking fee that imoova charges. Won't always work but worth a shot.

  • +3

    Ps check the many other sites like "drive now" ect and also many companies such as Juicy will list on their own website and if no interest may end up on one of these 3rd party sites then. So pays to go to some sites directly if looking for specific dates.

  • I did one of these in a giant camper from Brisbane to Sydney. On the outset it was $1 a day, I then paid for insurance, fuel wasn't included and I was forced to pre-pay for tolls. It was a few years ago so I can't remember the finer details, but I ended up out of pocket a lot more than first expected. Be wary.

  • +1

    I think its good if you travel not in planned. I tried to book few times, closer to the date, the booking is cancelled because they don't need it anymore. I need to leave the city that day so I have to rent another car and its getting more expensive or book out. MOre suitable with someone don't have fix plan.

  • +23

    This isn't a deal it's just an advert. The $1 return vehicle scheme has existed for forever with different companies. Plus your timeframes to do it are ridiculous.

    Can only assume so many upvotes from ppl who've not researched campervan hire before?

    • well, obviously many have not, and you have :) so, what's the best way to find these campervan relocation for nickels? I am interested to know!

      • +4

        see OzApp's comment below. Or just do a google search for "campervan transfers $1" etc

        The transfers are about moving the vehicles back to where they need to be after 1 way trips. They are not intended to be enjoyable trips. You get ridiculous timeframes so that you only get time to drive. Not enjoy. Again the purpose is to relocate the vehicle. Not let you have a cheap holiday.

        You can usually add a few extra days at full hire cost if you like. But as often as me and my mate used to research these when we were younger, we never did it because even as broke 24 yos we realised they were just rubbish… and you're limited to their availability as well.

        If you're a backpacker here on a 1 year working holiday and have months of spare time, you may be willing to sacrifice 4 days of non-stop painful driving to get from Cairns to Sydney for cheap. But that's not a roadtrip. That's getting A to B for cheap when you have plenty of time to kill.


        • thank you, that's what I thought :) well, if it's a way to get a couple of days for free, and pay for a couple of additional days to make the experience enjoyable, I'm willing to research further.

  • +1

    2 days Brisbane to Sydney.. Or 5 from cairns to Sydney. And you will usually end up paying a decent amount in fuel, plus the risk of a 4k excess if damaged.
    Just fly if you are going to have to rush between cities.

  • insurance

  • +3

    NIGHT DRIVING is not permitted, full costs will be charged for any damage caused whilst driving at night (after sunset and before sunrise), except in cities and towns where street lighting is present.

    • That's a pity, I do my best driving at night. From Sydney to Brisbane non-stop.

    • +1

      Be interested to know how they would prove you damaged it at night?

  • +1

    SECURITY DEPOSIT: $1000 payable by CREDIT CARD ONLY (Visa or MasterCard only). The $1000 security deposit will be processed and credited back at the end of the rental providing the vehicle is returned on time, undamaged and with the fuel tank and gas bottle full. A 2% surcharge applies on all Credit Card payments. This surcharge will be refunded if and when the security deposit is refunded. A $250 cleaning fee will be charged if the vehicle is returned in a dirty condition and will also be charged if the toilet and wastewater tank (if applicable) have not been emptied.

    • +1

      You think that is a huge deposit?

      I have hired wheelchair vans in NZ several times and $1000 is much less! Also, huge excess if an accident.

      Our credit card covered both the loss of deposit and the excess, so it was OK.

      At least though. They did not worry too much about damage - they weren’t Like the big companies. This was a specislist disability outfit.

    • And it would cost us to empty waste tank I guess. I think they have free waste dump things at paid caravan parks, but then you're paying like $40 night for a piece of grass, electricity, and waste disposal.

  • +2

    These can be good but can be cancelled last minute

    I always book a rental car for a day after with vroom website as backup. it has a no cancellation penalty.

    I might do the Indiana to Las vegas one

  • +1

    This is not a deal since it has always been a thing. And their timeframes to do it are unreasonable. Its more like driving for them for free rather than taking the camper for an enjoyable trip.

  • +1

    Did a move with imoova from Sydney to Hobart last month. They promised free petrol. I had it written in their business card as I saw it in their office booking system.
    No petrol reimbursement. And no, I didn't have any accident and the Campervan was returned clean inside out.
    Does not reply with emails.

  • +3

    Not a deal. Just an advert. Most of their relocations don't even include any free fuel. Plenty other services offering similar "deals", including free fuel for the expected usage.

  • +2

    Bond: $2000 Payment: pre authorized cards
    Insurance Liability: $2000 AUD

    No thanks

  • +3

    Every time I've looked into one of those relocation schemes, I've never found an itinerary that was even remotely practical or as cheap as advertised.

    I'm sure there's the odd deal or two to be had, but it's probably pretty tough to find.

  • Like people have pointed out - there is a lot of risk this these.

    We turned up and the campervan front window was smashed. We then had to catch a flight home as there was no other vehicles available


  • The timelines for completing these trips are ridiculous…it would be a great business model if they just let you have some extra time to make the trip…the person with the van is charged anyways for the relocation…so win win…not sure what the companies gain by having a tight deadline for the relocation

  • +2

    Not a deal, there are several websites including this one that have offered this for years. Move to forums.

    For the record, I have driven a camper for transfercar in the past and it was a great experience, would highly recommend.

  • +3

    We did this for a cheap family trip from Brisbane to Sydney a year or so ago. $1/day for a 4-berth campervan. Allowable time was three days/2 nights.

    We basically beach-hopped our way down the coastline. Swam at a different beach/town every morning and afternoon. Camped for free in small towns (they had free camping in their showgrounds).

    Was a fantastic trip, totally loved it. Would do it again in a flash.

  • +2

    It's a good, old, idea.

    16-25L/100km … Save the rental companies $500-$1000 in caravan moving fees, only give me $100 for fuel ADL to MEL… No thanks

    Might not be able to drive at night and still be covered under insurance
    . No thanks

    Better off just renting from private owners. Get to pick your date, rates are fair and most have more liberal insurance

    • Excuse my ignorance, how do you rent from private owners? How does insurance work?

      • There are a couple of sites. Basically same type as AirBnB but for caravans. One of the most famous is:
        Some of these sites have insurance built into the service fee and extra $ to reduce excess.

        The scale of this is way bigger in NZ. Shame not more caravan owners taking this up

  • +1

    Well I used that website over 8 years ago - happy to know that it still exists

    Their service was OK for travelers who had really limited time - I drove from Alice Springs to Adelaide (via Uluru) in 3 days. It was really a bit rush but still fun! Thanks OP for bring my memory back to me :)

  • So are we just posting existing or old offers as bargains now?

    Why wouldn't something new and discounted be in its place? (seen it's a top ranking bargain)

    A waste of realestate if you ask me

  • isn't this the normal advertised price? nothing special as far as I can see, more suited for the forum imho, no offense op!

  • This is definitely not the normal price! Also there are lots of reasonable duration trips for e.g 25 a day. Still super cheap. Definitely a bargain.

  • For anyone worried about being cancelled - Australian consumer law would deem the cancellation clause in this contract an unfair contract term. It would be voided. As such, to not supply would be a breach of contract and damages would be payable. They would try to hide behind it but it would fail at law.

    • True but how would you go about getting it enforced when the minimum wage clerk is jus following company policy?

      • Youd have to be able to talk law at them… Convince them its in their best interests to comply - else you would just need to keep your receipts and write a letter of demand / go to state consumer affairs / small claims court.

  • This is not a bargain or special. It's basically advertising a usual offer. Also consider yourself a delivery driver on a job with high risk if you damage the vehicle.

  • +1

    I have done heaps of relocations over the years here is my advice:
    Campervans are thirty on fuel consumption is arond 14l/Per 100km (6 Berth will get better economy than 4 berth)
    I have found best economy at 95Km Hour.
    Apollo Camper is the easiest to book but gives 1 less day than most of their competitors and with the deposit of $1000 you get charged 2% ($20) non refundable fee.
    You need to wash the campervan once you get to the destination which if u are in a larger vehicle it can be a hassle to find a car wash which will fit the campervan and expect to pay on average $20 to wash the vehicle if u are reasonably fast.
    My List of Campervan Relocations:
    Apollo Campers:
    Part of Apollo Camper:
    Part of Apollo Camper:
    Boomering Camopers:
    Britz:(Listed on drive now site)…
    Juicy: (Smaller Vehicles) You talk to them by phone and more reasonable transfer days.… Mainly old station wagons
    Most Relocations can not be driven after dark so means you may be getting up early particularly in the winter months.
    You may be able to get extra days generally at $75 extra day, which also may increase your KM allowance.
    Final tip only book a campervan in the city you are in, i dont recommended to fly to another destination to pick up a campervan although cancellations are not that ofen they can happen, always have a back up plan.

  • I've seen some horrible stories over the years about rental companies making up damage to raid the security deposit as part of the business model. Hope that doesn't happen anymore but I'd be wary.

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