This is a branded Bike Light for less than $15 AUD. It has four modes and has very sleek and modern design. There's a lot of talk on various websites advising this is a German product. I'm very sceptical of the country of origin however the design is very good with ultra wide 180 degrees reflection. The best part however is the smart feature which by using the shock sensor turns on the bike light automatically & turns off after 3 minutes. Here are the specs:
Brand: Machfally
Color: Black
Mode: 4 modes
Charging time: 1.5-2.5 hours
Battery: 1200mAh sony lithium polymer battery
Size: 823033mm
Max Lumens: 360 LM
What is the motion sensor in a bike light for? It should be either on all the time when the bike is in motion or off when not in motion.