Found this in the factory scoop Section of JB
Also available in Pink/Small for the same price…
Found this in the factory scoop Section of JB
Also available in Pink/Small for the same price…
DAMN.. so tempting!
edit 1… pulled the trigger :D
edit 2. and bought a small pink for the mrs! Thanks OP
I didn't see the black and ordered the blue :(
Same but ordered black as well now, will keep the blue for gift or sell on eBay for handy profit :)
Confirmed. Billy Bob is Broden's brother
missed the deal and it would have been a nice gift for my teenage sister. would you resell it to me then ?
Black and pink out of stock
Very nice price. Black, blue and purple available
that purple is pink
Thank you for clarifying
bought the Blue one for a change since everyone wearing black
Great watch at this price.
I've got one myself, and it's definitely worth it for $53.95 (and definitely NOT worth buying when it was around $200!). I ordered one for my son's birthday - perfect timing. Thanks OP!
btw on one of the pages it said there is a limit of 1 per customer… but I don't know if that's for any colour or just 1 per colour.
I quickly set up a new account with delivery to my wife just incase
how long does the battery last?
For me with GPS on and WiFi off, it has about 25-40% left at end of the second day after charging.
oh good, i assume I can load music on it, & play it on bluetooth headphones? that's really what I want it for
I haven't done it so don't know the effect on battery life. Poimandres said that feature works well - see below.
been using mine for the past almost 2 years, highly recommend for both andriod and ios
2gb avail memory. can you add an micro sd card?
No, but still holds a decent amount of MP3's. Pair one with some Bluetooth headphones, and it's actually one of the best features imo.
Specs on Samsung's site say 4GB storage..
JB says 4GB internal memory (2GB available memory)
anyway all gone
Half is gone for OS and app storage.
Works on iphone?
according to…
yes, it works on iOS 9 and above.
Thanks OP, bought a black one!
Amazing deal. Pity black is only in large, so will need to find a small black wristband somewhere for it.
Just drill some extra holes in the band - fixed ;)
Or buy one of the replacement bands off eBay - standard band is known to come off quite easily if bumped.
So can you just buy a large and then buy a small band and it's as if you bought a small in the first place?
how big is large ?
@Paligu: Google says: This Gear Fit2 is black and features a large band that fits wrist sizes between 6.1 and 8.2 inches
Screamer of a deal. Grabbed one. Many thanks.
will this work with a samsung s5 phone?
Should be fine
thanks just bought one
just wondering is the steps, calorie burnt and sleep tracking is it accurate?
also what is "Factory scoop"?
Thank you. I got birthday presents all sorted:)
Thanks OP, great bargain!
Awesome for this price! there are a lot of flaws with this fitness tracker. I got one through the G7 edge promotion. The GPS took ages on it to start tracking. Had to go through the entire rigmarole of disconnecting it from the phone , restarting it a couple of times just to get the GPS to lock on!The battery couldn't survive a 45 min run with BT on for music. Watchfaces were also a big battery drain and I misplaced the device because it didn't clip on properly(an issue which they have fixed now I believe). The heart rate monitor also showed ridiculous readings like 185 and sometimes 200 bpm on a leisurely jog!
I would highly recommend buying a replacement strap like this one on ebay
Having said all this, its a no brainer at this price!
Edit: is this refurbished?
Thanks. bought 2 for the parents and saved a dollar or two with express shipping for some odd reason. standard shipping = 9.9 and express is less than 7
How much was the express shipping ?
$6.95, it's cheaper to use express shipping than standard shipping if you buy two
Yeah it seems like that, i got express shipping for 4.99 and the standard one for 4.95 its just 4 cents i thought it was a price mistake
This is a bargain! Thank you!
Bought one for no reason…
Didn't need it but brought it anyway, thanks OP :)
Hope this is not another stupid price mistake, i looked in ebay and everywhere its worth more than $200+
$167 cheapest online. let see what happens
Holy damn crap! That's cheap. Sold my Gear fit 2 and gear fit 2 pro and went for Apple watch. But still, such a good device at this price, just wow
Does it work with non-samsung phone?
Note not the same as the gear fit 2 pro which was the most recently released!
Thanks OP….really didn't need this….but I do :-)
About damn time a real bargain was posted on OzBargain.
Thanks OP! Have been looking for something like this for my parents :)
Thanks grabbed one to try out
Had a $30 gift card which I wanted to use for ages. it was an easy decision with this deal. Thanks, OP!
Black and pink gone
Was this a glitch/bug? Every time I add one to the cart - when I go to checkout they're not longer available and you cant search for them…
black one is out of stock
I think they all are, every time I get blue and go to checkout it comes up with 'error this item is no longer available' but the page is still there saying about 50% stock…
Would buy but I'm already bankrupt!!!
username doesn't check out :P
Screw you Ozbargain. I dont need one, have an apple watch, but now I feel like ive missed out…
I've got apple watch from last year JB deal, and Huawei watch from Telstra deal, now another Samsung watch
Damn. Snoozed and lost. Blue and Black seem to be out of stock now. :(
I might have got the last blue one.
I was on my way to the payment stage when it went out of stock. Ahh well. Next time!
All sold out :(
All gone :(
got 1 before all OOS. Thanks OP!
Gone. No Stock left.
Go Blue
do you think it is better than this? i know it is a chinese brand,…
Why would you bother testing something when you have proven facts for few less dollars
orderd black one got the confirmation email from jb hi fi then ordered blue one haven't received confirmation email. Anyone having same?
good pick up ;)
nice work OSA
Ahahhahahahha broadened suckers!!!
All sold out, including blue….bugger
sold out
This item is no longer available.
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Wonder if this is better than Xiaomi Mi Band 2? Battery life seems much worse but not sure if Xiaomi has GPS inbuilt?
Xiao mi has no GPS. Yes battery life is longer, last me for 3 weeks but if I turn on periodic syncing it goes down to 1 week.
This one has alot more features so battery really doesn't last long.
Also this has internal memory for saving music, Xiaomi does not. I think I prefer this one. Glad I got one.
Way more features and stuff compared to xiaomi mi band 2.
sold out whilst you were wondering
Nah, I managed to get a black and a blue. Buy first, think later is the OzBargain way ;)
no, it's very basic, accelerometer and optical sensor (pulse)…
How does three differente colours sell out in less than half hour, don’t you ppl have jobs??? Sit on ozbargain all day hitting refresh (yes I’m mad)
Says the guy who's on in office hours..
Hot damn this is an awesome deal!