Breville smart grinder on Binglee ebay for $159.20 with 20% off coupon
Original 20% off Selected Back to School Tech Items eBay deal
Breville smart grinder on Binglee ebay for $159.20 with 20% off coupon
Original 20% off Selected Back to School Tech Items eBay deal
Email straight back from Bing Lee, can be collected this afternoon. Happy days!
Wonderful grinder, sipping a coffee currently that used this machine n the process :-)
Excellent addition to any child's school desk.
If your willing to pay $76 dollars more this deal is back on :
Bought it last week, absolute bargain for a expresso machine and grinder.
Agreed - bought this pack previously - awesome value.
At the risk of getting slammed.. How do these compare to Nespresso machines?
The benefit of having a grinder is that your coffee will be much fresher - I definitely taste the difference with freshly ground coffee. In my experience, ground coffee can change flavour and can go a little 'stale' after even a few hours. The disadvantage is that you have a little more work to do when making coffee. The Nespresso machines are more automatic of course, but the coffee in the pods has been ground weeks ago, and so isn't as fresh.
Nice one. It would be nice to sample so i can compare, in a perfect world
Ground coffee has a 15min used by. Easy to experiment with this when you have a grinder. After 15mins the aromoa is significantly decreased and the pour will be terrible.
Plus you aren't actively contributing to global landfill with single-use plastic pods
@phosphoresce: can't agree with this enough. Making a coffee with fresh beans may take a little longer but it's def with the effort.
@phosphoresce: +1! I recycle my pods. But def agree the DIY method would be better for the environment.
Pods are fresh ground and then sealed shut so they remain fresh with oxygen eating gas. So pods taste awesome and this is from someone that will pay $3-9 for a mug if out.
The problem with fresh ground is its always best ground fresh immediately after roasting. The freshness does not last long as I can attest. Yes its still nice coffee but its far from the best coffee!
So this Barista pack will do the work if you do the other half, roast and grind fresh. Now roasting fresh enough for a week is ok. But you need to keep it sealed and air/oxygen removed. Refrigeration helps as its a natural dehumidifier, so it will be dry but freshness does not last. So dont leave it more than a week, max.
Pods dont have this problem. You do have some waste but its easy disposal and clean. Best for the lazy, time pressed or anyone with a lack of bench space.
I have a swiss Jura, it grinds, tamps and pours as well as steam mix my milk. But Im always impressed with pod coffee! Its often as good as the $3-9 stuff i buy when out and as good as my Jura makes after I stoped being a coffee snob and decided to share the truth with newbies like YOU
So many questions.
$9 for a coffee? I've never paid more than $5 at the most snobby places for single origin wankery. Are you ordering super milky coffee in the largest sizes or something?
Pod coffee with less than half milk is vile, end of story. I think your Jura must need a service if you can't tell the difference between a multiple thousand dollar machine and a $99 pod one.
If you're lazy then you should outsource your coffee making to professionals and get a decent one made instead of compromising with a pod machine. Look at the size of a pod compared with the amount of coffee that goes in to an espresso shot basket. It's about 1/8 of the amount. I honestly think that pod coffee is for people who don't really like coffee.
Pod coffee has its place. I still have a nespresso for when I have a minute to throw down as short mac and run out the door but fresh ground with recently roasted beans knocks them for six - even with an aeropress which is also pretty quick and clean to use.
I never feel the caffeine from pods (and most cafes) but when I grind my own at home I certainly feel the difference! And flavour is wonderful too.
@Nomadesque: Maybe it's a $9 Kopi Luwak every day :P. Which I think tastes pretty shit - and not just in the pun way.
Does it have a normal 51mm group handle or is it a Delonghi proprietary one?
Yes 51mm
Awesome!! Just signed up to say thanks for this - I had just bought this the other day from Amazon (with no grinder) for 239. Cancelled that and ordered with grinder from delonghi for 236! Absolute bargain indeed :)
How long does it take from start->finish to make a cup inc cleaning?
It's not really possible to answer your question, as grinding the beans is only 1 part of the process. For me, I press the Start button and it automatically stops 9.6 seconds later with precisely the right amount (which you can calibrate) for 1 cup of coffee to put into the next device. No cleaning necessary. No reaching for pods, no need to dispose of pods.
The comment is in reply to the espresso machine + grinder package. My experience of most is they take a good 5 mins from start to finish which is a bit painful over time.
@rochow: Any grinder/espresso combo, disregarding warmup time which can vary a lot, should be 30s of grinding, 20s to tamp and then 15s-45s for the pull (depending on what coffee you're after). And 5 minutes would be a small price to pay for decent coffee in the morning.
thanks postie.. I am starting from scratch so that deal looks a bit better for me. I like the slim design on the machine.
Damn - out of stock!
I don't see this available. Am I missing something or is it out of stock?
seems like it's out of stock?
Second deal I've missed today T_T
Just went to get one but they're all gone.
Is it actually back on?, product page just says "This product is now discontinued" for me.
Yes it does this product is discontinued, but if it is still allowing you to put it in the cart you should be fine.Work for me last week with the same information
I'm working to add more stock to this deal, should be updated today, for some reason it went off :( Also if you are looking for a grinder we will offer the grinder by its self for $149.00, look out for a post later today from Delonghi directly :)
I'm working to add more stock to this deal, should be updated today, for some reason it went off :( Also if you are looking for a grinder we will offer the grinder by its self for $149.00, look out for a post later today from Delonghi directly :)
Awww… sooo tempted to buy this when it comes back in stock but I really shouldn't. I already have a Breville Coffee machine. This looks shiny and smaller with a grinder!!! I don't have a grinder yet… Sadness. Such a good deal!
Good grinder, good price!
Great grinder. Picked one up in the last Myer deal around $160. Top piece of kit at this price.
Ahh every time this comes up I can't make up my mind. I have a sunbeam em6910 that came with a grinder. I mean it's not as bad as people make it out to be, but this thing looks like it'll grind so much quicker.
Hmmmm. Tempting.
Do it and sell your old one.
I assume you have an EM0480. I have both.
They will take a similar time to grind.
The breville is superior. Timed grinding and much less mess.
I had the same setup but I sold my em0480 for 80 bucks on gumtree and got one of these brevilles used for 100. So much cleaner (almost no static buildup) and quieter. Do it.
The grind consistency on the 0480 is equivalent to that of the 820 imo. My view is that until you go to proper higher spec grinders you're fine where you are
Got one of these grinders on the strength of Ozbargain. Nothing but praise for it, well worth the $160 imho
is this still working?
I click on buy it now or add to cart and nothing happens.
eBay wants me to enter quantity thats less than 1 and greater than 0
Thanks, works!
Yep works for me too!
Contemplating buying but probably not worth it considering baileys goes into my coffee every day.
If you have a rocket or E61 grinder, don't buy this. It's not that good. Grind is not fine and consistent enough.
Agree, would not be able to follow the recipe.
I bought the grinder. Just waiting for a deal on BES920.
I am hearing a lot of reviews of this grinder breaking down not long after warranty. I am tempted though.
I've had mine for 4 years and probably put just over a 100kg of beans through it. It owes me nothing. The burr probably is not as sharp as day 1 but consitency is still great, just each grind takes a few more seconds.
thanks, I guess some people are just unlucky or are super fussy. I suppose I am fussy with my coffee also but I use a medium grind for a manual pour over method so a super fine espresso grind is not so important for me.
I ended up buying it and picked it up for Bing Lee today. It sure beats my manual grinder!
thanks op
Thanks. Needed one of these!