• expired

Wilson Parking $50 Parking Credit (No Bonus Velocity Points this time) When You Sign up to to Wilson One (Free)


Sign up to Wilson One before January 31 and get $50 free parking credit!

Wilson One gives you access to over 120 car parks across Australia with one cashless, convenient card. Skip the queues and get around effortlessly knowing that your parking charges will be invoiced back to one handy account.

Terms and Conditions

  • Offer available from 11th to 31st January 2018 to new, individual customers who have not held a Wilson Parking account in the past 6 months.
  • Must sign up online at www.wilsonone.com.au using the promo code FIFTY.
  • Parking credit will be allocated to the customer account and can be used for casual parking at Wilson One car parks as shown at www.wilsonparking.com.au.
  • Any parking credit remaining after 30th June 2018 will expire and will not be exchanged for cash or other services.
  • $50 parking credit offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
  • Open to Australian residents only.


  • Similar to previous deal posted by Schumi5 in April 2017 but without 1000 bonus Velocity Points
  • You might need to wait up to 24hrs before you can login back (to fill up further pesonal details including CC/Bank Account).
    If receive nothing then follow the step on the page where it says
    If you are unsure how you ended up here and you require assistance, please contact our Customer Care team on 1800 727 546 or send us an email at [email protected].

Edit 17/1 1pm - To complete the application:

Thanks to 50centscheaper and Spasian:

Go to wilsonparking.com.au (not wilsonone.com.au) and click on the "wilson one" symbol on the left hand side of the screen.
Then click "Apply Now" through there and it will bring you to the application screen.

Alternative explanation:

To complete the application, please visit our website https://www.wilsonparking.com.au/platinum-parking and click the ‘Apply Now’ button. Under the ‘Sign in with your existing account’ section, include your email address, previously chosen password and then click ‘Sign In’. Once you have signed in, this section will allow you to complete your application process.

Referral Links

Referral: random (172)

Referee gets 50% once-off discount on first booking of a single-day park, Referee gets 50% discount applied on their next booking of a single-day parking. Discount valid for 60 days from date of issue.

Related Stores

Wilson Parking
Wilson Parking

closed Comments

  • thanks for sharing

  • Does this require a credit check or anything? Just something to keep in mind.

    • Curious about that as well.

      • +2

        Yes, there will be a credit card check

        • Really last time I signed up there wasn't.

    • +2

      Credit card as in debiting 1 cent out of a credit card? If so, yes, there was one. But if you are talking about credit check as in going through your credit file like finance process, I doubt it.

  • +3

    Where do you put the code?

    • Agreed nowhere to put the code!

    • It's on the next page (after email verification) under number of parkers

  • Does this work with

    a) Book a Bay
    b) Early bird rates (including current promo)


    • You can't pay Book a Bay (or any other online promos) with your Wilson One card. You can use the card to enter the carpark though. Wilson One only works as payment when you swipe at the gate.

    • It says to be used for casual parking so probably not unfortunately

    • +3

      Yes it will work on early bird parking. Just make sure to follow the rules like you would for ticketed parking e.g enter and exit times, get validation ticket from attendant etc.

    • Doesn't work with online bookings but it does work with early bird parking. The instructions I received from Wilson are as follows (note that this applies to the carpark I use near my office):

      The process is you need to enter between 6am and 10am and exit between 2pm and midnight and when you enter you need to take a ticket from the boom gate. You then proceed to level 6 or higher and park in an available unreserved bay. Once you have done that you will see there is an attendant there who will give you a validation ticket, this will help you to bring down the price of your parking when you leave. Then when you are leaving at night, you just drive up to the boom gate insert you ticket followed by the validation ticket into the ticket slot and use your Wilson One card on the credit reader, the boom gate will then open and you can drive out.

  • +9

    I tried to sign up and got the following error:

    Oops! It looks like your account has not been set up just yet.

    If you are new to Wilson Parking, please sit tight whilst we finish processing your agreement. Sign Out and we'll be in touch once you're up and running.

    • +3

      Same and could not enter code anywhere!

    • same error message.

    • Try signing up again that worked for me and you enter the coupon code in the next page (after you finish verifying email/password)

    • I have same error twice

    • Signed up 17/1 previous post… same error message as above… so 14 days later, still no contact from Wilson! What's going on?

  • I got one last time forgot all about it. I hope there are no ongoing charges. Never used the card. Don't know where it is.

  • +3

    I remember getting error messages last time and couldn't follow up.

    • yep same case this time mate. gave a shot didnt work. Time to knock off… :(

  • Yep got the error msg :/

  • Hey guys,

    To all that have received the error!

    Just logout and log back in!

    Then you will see a Apply Online - Contact Details where you can fill in your details, and there is a field for 'Promo Code'

    Cheers :)

    • +1

      Nope, just keep gettng same error message :(

      • +1

        Same here,

  • +3

    Requires drivers licence? :/

    • Also curious about this- what do they use this for?

    • +1

      yes why would they need this info? does our drivers licence info cost $50, if so it's really not a freebie..

  • +9

    "If you are unsure how you ended up here, please contact our Customer Care team on 1800 727 546 or send us an email at [email protected]"

    Wish more sites had something like this. Lost count of the number of times I was unsure how I ended up on a website.

  • +4

    All of these problems happened last time too.

    My points took 3 months to credit after they promised to look into it.

    Good deal if it works

  • +5

    Oops! It looks like your account has not been set up just yet.

    If you are new to Wilson Parking, please sit tight whilst we finish processing your agreement. Sign Out and we'll be in touch once you're up and running.

    If you are unsure how you ended up here and you require assistance, please contact our Customer Care team on 1800 727 546 or send us an email at [email protected].

    • I registered for the similar deal last year and had the same message. It just takes them a few days for them to process the order and it should get processed eventually. I still have my $50 credit from the previous deal, which was meant to have expired after the 6 months but it hasn't yet.

      • How do you know you still have the credit?

        • I get invoices and it shows how much credit I have on the account.

        • Ah right, I can see it there too. Was hoping it could be found somewhere online to keep track in real time.

    • I registered on 17/01. And today, after 8 days, still got that same message.

  • +4

    Getting the same error message. Logged out, logged in, but getting the same message again.

    • Wilson playing "round the mulberry bush" what a joke!!!

  • +3

    Might Park this deal until the site is working again. Spent far too much time idling, waiting for confirmation emails to zoom in when setting up my account last time, only to crash each time I gained momentum.

  • +7

    $50 probably gets you around 2 hours of parking in Sydney

  • Same error !!

  • +2

    Got the error code too - cant believe they still have the same errors from last year

  • +1

    Oops! It looks like your account has not been set up just yet.

    If you are new to Wilson Parking, please sit tight whilst we finish processing your agreement. Sign Out and we'll be in touch once you're up and running.

    If you are unsure how you ended up here and you require assistance, please contact our Customer Care team on 1800 727 546 or send us an email at [email protected].

  • +2

    Got the error message. Signed out. Tried to sign back in but looks like the account never was set up successfully. Had the issue last time. Pretty poor user experience.

  • +3

    Used my existing Wilson Parking account - error message.

    Tried to sign up with a new email address - error message.

    Tried logging out and in - error message.

  • +1

    Got the same error as everyone else.

  • +3

    Oops! It looks like your account has not been set up just yet.

    If you are new to Wilson Parking, please sit tight whilst we finish processing your agreement. Sign Out and we'll be in touch once you're up and running.

    If you are unsure how you ended up here and you require assistance, please contact our Customer Care team on 1800 727 546 or send us an email at [email protected]

    • Even I get the same error. I am not sure if I will be able to avail this offer it gets resolved. Just dropped a mail to their [email protected] mail id.

  • What a friggen abortion of a website. Errorrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


  • +6

    How does this have 83 upvotes when it doesn't even work?

    • Because APPRENTLY according to some people around here, as soon as someone posts a great deal you need to upvote it, regardless of whether it works or not or the outcome. And then you get negged if you don't, despite thanking the OP for bringing the deal to us /rolleyes

      Example: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/352509#comment-5466698

      • -3

        Yep, here come the faceless neggers! More please! More negs! Rofl

      • +1

        Thanks for your contribution!

        Member Since

        Last Login
        1 hour 25 min ago
        0 posts / 1037 comments

        • -2

          You're most welcome, thank you!

        • +2
  • Do you have to provide your address and phone number?
    'Fines' in Wilson carparks aren't usually enforceable because they don't have those details - will this provide them with those?

    • Why else would they want to set this system up?

    • Good point. I have just cancelled my wilson one now.

  • +1

    cant even sign up.. the verification code is not coming through.

  • +2

    error after signup :(

  • When this deal was posted last time it took days before the site functioned enough for most people to register.

    That said, I eventually got through, and eventually received a card, and finally I used it 3 times for early bird parking and it was all free.

    • same, it works , just need a bit of patience

  • +1

    same error

  • Got an error page loop when verifying email code. Clearly a microsoft site, think I missed the option for the coupon code… Annoying

  • This is like getting a lollipop from the devil.

  • Looks like the link in the OP might be wrong? If you click go to deal then sign up it works, and that button is linked to a slightly different url: https://www.wilsonone.com.au/index.html#/applyOnline

  • Signed up and got last deal but since you couldn't use credit for online bookings i was always to afraid to try and use it with going in and parking so never used it. Most likely lapsed now.

  • +1

    error after signup, hmm microsoft.

  • -1

    I got error when signup last time, have contact wilson, they don't know why, never fixup

  • Error after sign up for me as well, looks like the site has been overloaded.

  • -1

    errrrrrrrrrrrror no good!

  • +1


    Oops! It looks like your account has not been set up just yet.

  • +2

    Cut throat pricing due to not being able to prebook. Used it once in melbourne CBD. $50 for 2 hours, went over by 2 minutes, got charged a total of $70.

    • So this offer looks like baiting?

  • Took a few attempts to make an account, and then a few more attempts to fill out my info. The account finally seems to be running but the $50 doesn't seem to be in the account - just gonna wait and see if it shows up…

  • Error just like everyone else. Honestly don't give a damn anyway

  • +7

    I got the same error and when I logged out and back in I still got the same error message.

    Managed to get onto customer service team after 15 mins on hold.

    They instructed me to go to wilsonparking.com.au (not wilsonone.com.au) and click on the "wilson one" symbol on the left hand side of the screen.
    Then click "Apply Now" through there and it will bring you to the application screen.

    Worked for me!

    • What happens after you add bank or CC details ? I filled up the form and $0.01 got debited from CC and after that I have the same error when I login…

  • +4

    Hi Guys,

    For everyone who got the error , please see below reply from one of their representatives

    We’ve checked our system and it appears you have not completed the Wilson One application, however, our records indicate you have signed up to our online portal, the Members Service Centre.

    To complete the application, please visit our website https://www.wilsonparking.com.au/platinum-parking and click the ‘Apply Now’ button.
    Under the ‘Sign in with your existing account’ section, include your email address, previously chosen password and then click ‘Sign In’. Once you have signed in, this section will allow you to complete your application process.

    If you have any further enquiries please don’t hesitate to email back.

    • Success: Your request has been submitted and pending processing.

      I got this message.

      • Where do you see pending processing ? When I login again, it gives me above error

      • Yes I got this message as well I assume its done?

        • Filled the form —> Added CC Details —> $0.01 debited —> Nothing After this.
          No emails and when I login back, I get this :

          Oops! It looks like your account has not been set up just yet.

          If you are new to Wilson Parking, please sit tight whilst we finish processing your agreement. Sign Out and we'll be in touch once you're up and running.

          If you are unsure how you ended up here and you require assistance, please contact our Customer Care team on 1800 727 546 or send us an email at [email protected].

        • @b0nd: I didn't have any issue after I signed up.

          https://www.wilsonparking.com.au/wilsonone -> click Wilson One on the left menu -> click the "sign in" below the "apply now" button-> input your details

        • @50centscheaper: already did that !!
          Filled form, next page was adding CC details, after that nothing !! Not able to login and getting the above error…

          What do you have when you login again ?

          PS - $0.01 has been debited from CC so I’m sure that payment has been validated.

    • This makes no sense. Click Apply Now, but then sign in with your existing account?!

      • I think it involves two steps to complete the Wilson One application. Firstly you register as a member, then you register for the Wilson one application

        • +1

          And then? When I did that it said it was 'pending'. Can't login to my account still. This is an insanely atrocious process.

        • @ensanguined: I didn't have any issue after I signed up.

          https://www.wilsonparking.com.au/wilsonone -> click Wilson One on the left menu -> click the "sign in" below the "apply now" button-> input your details

    • -1

      Worked, thank you

      • -1

        What happens when u login back ?

    • Thanks, great help

  • +3

    After registering, I’m still getting the error !!

    Got $0.01 debited and then the error..

    • I got the same issue.

  • +2

    I have now managed to complete the sign up but it caused an error after I put in my credit card details. I logged out and logged back in and now I have 2 accounts under my name

    I tried calling up their support line but it keeps disconnecting me just after it says I have been placed in their call queue. I sent them an email now, waiting to see what happens next.

  • Do I need a Wilson one handy card?
    what is that "Number of Parkers"?…When I am filling in the form.

  • I got an email with a code but no instructions how to use it! anyone any idea?

  • +2

    The Wilson One card has a range of problem when using it at certain car parks. When entering a car park that has a tap feature, I haven't had any issue yet with using it. But when you enter a car park that only has the option to insert the card to enter, you will have trouble exiting the car park.

    I parked at the Jam Factory car park the other week and spent nearly 30 minutes on the intercom at the exit gate to get out and was getting a card error when inserting it.

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